Originally Posted by B Town Legend

Lee's contract is really bad but he's been exactly as advertised (which makes his deal even more strange in hindsight)

I disagree that he's not a difference maker. Just look at our record this time last season when he was out with that elbow infection, arguably our ugliest stretch.
Coaching and depth can be attributed to that, too.

Look, for every rebound he gets, his man scores 2 on him though, that's one of my biggest issues.

I'll happily eat crow (again, like the 9ers record) if by some Tim Tebow like miracle Mark Jackson can turn him (and more importantly, this team) into a good defender.  

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Franchise- how u like working for KNBR?
It's cool. It's pretty relaxed. I write about once or twice a week, sometimes more sometimes less, so it isn't very demanding. And I get a media credential to sporting events (Giants, 49ers, Warriors, etc) whenever I request them.
Off topic, but does anybody here have Sprint or know someone that has Sprint? I want to leave AT&T for Sprint because AT&T is being ******ed right now. I just renewed my contract and got the 4s less than a month ago. To my understanding, I can leave them within 30 days of my renewal since it's a "trial period" or whatever. Anyway, how is the reception, data speeds, reliability, and anything else that I might want to know for Sprint in the bay area? I'm in Daly City if that matters.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

And you can help us get Bob Fitzgerald fired! Talk about a fringe benefit!

You bite your f****** tongue!
What, I figured you of all people would be on board.  I thought you missed Bill King since you probably grew up listening to him during your childhood, old man.

Off topic, but does anybody here have Sprint or know someone that has Sprint? I want to leave AT&T for Sprint because AT&T is being ******ed right now. I just renewed my contract and got the 4s less than a month ago. To my understanding, I can leave them within 30 days of my renewal since it's a "trial period" or whatever. Anyway, how is the reception, data speeds, reliability, and anything else that I might want to know for Sprint in the bay area? I'm in Daly City if that matters.
I used to have Sprint a couple of years ago, so I can't speak on current speeds.  Overall, the CDMA in the Bay Area was more reliable and steady.  Phone call quality was better than ATT (who I have now).  Mind you, I was on a TREO650 or something, too.  I gave up SERO for the damn iPhone and its family plan.
*Updated List*

5th Annual NT Warriors Fantasy Basketball League

[table][tr][th=""]Team Name
[/th] [th=""]Yes[/th] [th=""]No[/th] [/tr][tr][td]Paul Is On Tilt
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]NothingToL0se
[/td] [td]KlayMaker[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]GSDOUBLEU
[/td] [td]im in[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]FRANCHISE 55
[/td] [td]XXX 
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]daprescription
[/td] [td]I'm in.[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]acidicality
[/td] [td]X
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]offbad
[/td] [td]yes
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]dland12
[/td] [td]X
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]dont be a menace
[/td] [td]i'm in
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Andrew630
[/td] [td]I'm in.
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]What up
[/td] [td]
Someone put "boobs" or something under my name in the chart.   It's not showing up on my !#@*%!% mac.
[/td] [td]-
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Luong1209
[/td] [td]You already know
[/td] [td]-

Cool. Looks like we're all back. I'll make the league and send out the invites in a little bit.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Off topic, but does anybody here have Sprint or know someone that has Sprint? I want to leave AT&T for Sprint because AT&T is being ******ed right now. I just renewed my contract and got the 4s less than a month ago. To my understanding, I can leave them within 30 days of my renewal since it's a "trial period" or whatever. Anyway, how is the reception, data speeds, reliability, and anything else that I might want to know for Sprint in the bay area? I'm in Daly City if that matters.
2 of my better friends converted to Sprint from AT&T and they like it tons better than what they had on AT&T. Sprint's WiMAX is not as fast as Verizon's LTE, but it is fairly comparable. Sprint also have a nice selection of phones. But I guess if you're using the iP4s, only AT&T has that HSPA+ speed. Oh and of course the whole data/voice simultaneous thing. If you're getting the GSII however...

I'm on VZW if it matters.
When I woke up the day after Thanksgiving and saw the news it was like Christmas came early. Anyone know when the schedule will be made available?
Don't forget Lee had the injury to his elbow. He was doing well until that incident. I think we will be alright with the new rookies and Lin's second year
(don't flame me
). Just need a back up big man.
But the Warriors are in the market for a veteran guard, likely at shooting guard. And a couple team sources let me know that if Brandon Roy is indeed Portland’s amnesty choice, as the Oregonian reported, the Warriors are definitely interested. .... I’m told the Seattle native he would prefer to stay on the West Coast, and he would like to play for the Warriors. It needs to be pointed out that Roy’s former agent, Bob Myers, is now the assistant GM for the Warriors.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

But the Warriors are in the market for a veteran guard, likely at shooting guard. And a couple team sources let me know that if Brandon Roy is indeed Portland’s amnesty choice, as the Oregonian reported, the Warriors are definitely interested. .... I’m told the Seattle native he would prefer to stay on the West Coast, and he would like to play for the Warriors. It needs to be pointed out that Roy’s former agent, Bob Myers, is now the assistant GM for the Warriors.

Should be very interesting. Roy can handle the ball pretty well too...
I hate to tell you guys this, but this season must be an investment phase for us. I totally hate that marcus williams trade and its making me mad just to think wed lose our 1st round pick next year. Should we tank? dont think so, but i would like for us to shed some contracts like david lee's or beans or bell's. I dont think Monta should go, but if its for a good big man i dont see why not. But seriously, with this team, we would be lucky to sniff the 9th place every year.

I am stoked about this year no doubt, and would love to have JRich back
Chicago needs to sign and trade JRich + filler for Monta
Brandon Roy would be great. I dont know how much cap space other teams with higher waiver priority than us have. But if he was there for us, you HAVE to make that move.
No offense, Hoopervilla, but none of your situations/thoughts make a whole lot of sense.
Not sure what their contracts look like but Al Jefferson and Millsap are "available"

Although, I don't recall how well Jefferson played post ACL reconstruction.
I wouldn't mind having Jefferson or Millsap. They give you double-doubles on a nightly basis.
I'd stay as far away from Jefferson as possible.

The only problem with Milsap is that he can't play 5.
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