I doubt anybody in hear believes that Curry is close to Paul. In my stance, the Warriors would have no shot of re-signing Paul if they were to make a trade for him. Paul, Lee, Biedrins, Ellis, and Wright would be around $52 million alone.
As for the game, it went pretty much how I expected it to.
That CP3 trade offer we had wasn't as good as the Clips' so there wasn't any way the Warriors were going to get him anyway.

That being said, Curry played poorly down the stretch, lots of turnovers, and CP3 kept making the W's pay.
Brandon Rush looks pretty good- from what it looks like, great pick-up especially just for giving up Amundson. Looks like he'll be playing quite a lot.
The offense seemed to stall at the end- the ball movement just seemed very off. Curry also made a lot of poor passes that helped the Clips get the momentum to blow the game open.

But overall, it was just one game. Need to play better versus the Bulls to have a chance, but it will be tough.
Surprised to see Curry play. Brandon Rush looks to be a solid addition after seeing him out there. Biedrins playing like it's a contract year. Game didn't have the vibe that I expected. Only the first game no need to panic just yet.
Taken from the xmas thread:

Originally Posted by acidicality

but I do have faith that Jerry West knows what he's doing =\

I have faith in Jerry too.  However what I dont have faith in, is that Jerry will actually have a real say in what we do as an organization.
at the panic/over-reaction button being hit after 1 game.

Was a fun game to be at until the last 6 min

Defense played SOLID for 3 1/2 qts.

Beidrins looked like the good Beans,

Lee played well. Post game looked good.
Curry/Ellis, off nights. Ellis jumper was real flat, even on FT's. he didnt look comfortable. They announced before the game that his grandfather had died today, not sure tho didnt hear well
I like how Curry went nuclear in the 4th with those TOs.

Offense was stagnant in the first half without Curry in it. Even though Curry didn't score much, the offense was moving through smoother with him in it.

We need shot-blockers...

Felt like a preseason game for us, especially with the rotation. Why take out Beans when he was doing well? Lets limit the rotation to 8-9 guys.
anyone know the name of the song that was playing at the start of the second half?
Originally Posted by Aze201

anyone know the name of the song that was playing at the start of the second half?

I think it was Ellie Goulding - Lights and I remember only because I was embarrassed they'd even play it.  No wonder we got blown out in the 2nd half, everyone's swag was gone (expect Lee, he likes girly songs). Next time play something along the lines of Ride On Our Enemies - Tupac.
Originally Posted by acidicality

That CP3 trade offer we had wasn't as good as the Clips' so there wasn't any way the Warriors were going to get him anyway.
not true. when the curry for paul rumors started the clippers werent even in serious talks. the lakers were about to get chris paul with pau and odom and the clippers did absolutely nothing to stop them.
hornets wanted curry all along and had the warriors offered they probably could have had him. but ofcourse the question was if paul would have stayed which he most definately wouldnt with that core and his man crush with melo and amare...

no sense in crying over spilled milk though...
Monta and Steph both had a pretty poor game.
On top of probably being guilty, Monta's grandma passed away yesterday morning...
I know its only been 3 games overall but Klay looks a bit shook out there.

He really needs a few jumpers to fall so he can feel good out there
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Aze201

anyone know the name of the song that was playing at the start of the second half?
I think it was Ellie Goulding - Lights and I remember only because I was embarrassed they'd even play it.  No wonder we got blown out in the 2nd half, everyone's swag was gone (expect Lee, he likes girly songs). Next time play something along the lines of Ride On Our Enemies - Tupac.
i lolled.

GSW is %@%*@*. new year, same @@%*. expecting another L vs CHI tonight. Rose and Boozer murder the Ws every time.
You guys have a good scrappy team that for the most part is extremely fun to watch(I really like the Rush addition #jealous). Thanks for keeping it interesting until late in the 4th

GL to yall for the remaining 65 games.
Well we did beat the Bulls at home last year and made Rose force 9 turnovers and held him to 14 points.

Miracle again tonight?
Doubt it
i think the warriors can win. They actually were never out of the game last night until late.

this team is not as bad as people think
Yes it's one game with a short camp and a new coach, so I'm not going anywhere near panic mode till late January.

Here are my thoughts:
1) Beans looked better than he has in a long time, but obviously needs to continue playing at that level for a minimum. He definitely is a bad match up for guys like Blake and was trying not to foul, which hurt us.

2) Rush will be a nice defender, but I'd prefer limiting at least the TYPES of shots he takes. I can honestly see him taking some real bad shots and ruining possessions for us.

3) Team defense was actually pretty good for the most part. Less gambles, good box outs for a portion of the game, solid help side.

4) David Lee's shot selections suck.

5) Curry and Monta just didn't look fluid, just looked a step slow and behind.

6) Do we even have an offense? I'm really unimpressed with Jackson, but what are the assistants doing?

That's all I have off the top of my head, I'll post as I remember....
I liked Biedrins last night. It was good to see him play with energy and getting after the ball... and having that lefty hook actually go down.

+%% Smith is not shy about shooting.

Brandon Rush was a solid addition. He can be useful off the bench.

Klay's pressing out there. He needs a few easy layups to get him started.

Curry made bad decisions out there. Mark Jackson has to be using last night as a teaching moment.

I, too, am not hitting the panic button. It's one game. If this continues, then yes, I will.
Anyone hear what Jackson said about offense?

"It's ok to freestyle out there"...I was like, doesn't this guy have any set plays to run? To read or not to read too much into it?

Many times last night, Beans was at the right place at the right time, very satisfied with his performance.
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