Why do the mods allow this to go on?? I mean if they hear about all this backstage stuff going on why allow these ppl 2 advertise there goods here when werealisticly we can't get our hands on them. I can careless what comes out there if there is no chance of me copin' unless I start kissin ppl'skicks. Let them go 2 that other site to advertise. I have 2 much respect for niketalk to sit back and see them get done like this. It feels as if HoH is beinga leach in this situation. And i know I'm new and ppl are gonna flame me for this but whats fair is fair. Crazy we have to pay someone off just to getthem, isn't that extortion??? If we can't get them we don't respect them. DONT LET THEM POST HERE.

Originally Posted by KING RAZ46

Why do the mods allow this to go on?? I mean if they hear about all this backstage stuff going on why allow these ppl 2 advertise there goods here when we realisticly we can't get our hands on them. I can careless what comes out there if there is no chance of me copin' unless I start kissin ppl's kicks. Let them go 2 that other site to advertise. I have 2 much respect for niketalk to sit back and see them get done like this. It feels as if HoH is being a leach in this situation. And i know I'm new and ppl are gonna flame me for this but whats fair is fair. Crazy we have to pay someone off just to get them, isn't that extortion??? If we can't get them we don't respect them. DONT LET THEM POST HERE.


employees go to niketalk to be the hypebeast so they came make money saying the shoes are so limited. What a shame on that store

The funny thing is i called saturday to put my size on the mr basketball on hold and the employee is charging me $30 to hold the shoes
Originally Posted by 200nikesdeep

So a few heads in the store make money.

Big deal What about the greedy mom and pop resellers all in upper harlem and brooklyn and all over nyc.

I got a few dudes that look out for me at HOH.

Let them make money.

They got family's to feed when all where doing is feeding are habit of sneakers and only making nike rich.

I got a child and I know how it is.

Better to resell shoes and hustle at HOH then hustle on the streets of Harlem.


Look I don't mind people that resell here and there, but when 1 person gets a hold of 16 pairs of limited shoes theres a problem. More importantly, whenyou have employees trying to profit from holding shoes, or even suggesting that people should just buy to resell is a mockery of what "real" shoeheads stand for. And of course they have families to feed, thats everyone's excuse when they know they are taking advantage of people. Why not take thatdedication to reselling and apply it to getting an education that will allow you to become financially stable and not have to nickle and dime people forholding shoes. I just can't believe how this great idea of HoH is going to hell. I think its great that people are finally able to get PEs, but whats thepoint if the only people that are notified of a release are the friends of the manager. I'm all for a silent release with no posted release date and havingpeople be pleasantly surprised to find limited sneakers available for purchase when they walk in a store, and if anything I would be for HoH moving to thissystem. Simply drop a limited shoe without telling anyone giving everyone a more or less fair shot at purchasing a pair.
Smh...Im not even going to go through the trouble of writing a long explanation about how I feel about the whole situation, but...seriously man, Nike as wellas other higher ups, have to see some of this stuff, and they CANT be okay with it...

I think the HOH store itself is off the hook...Im not hating on the store or employees, although I see how it could be perceived that way...

Customers calling and asking if their size can be put on hold till they get there...and being told its gonna cost them $30?...and someone above said200?!?!...For the sake of good business how can that be true AND viewed as Ok?...No offense to anyone, but what kind of way is that to run a company?(I saycompany because of HOH is a large representation of FL imo)...

..A legit, flagship store such as this one, which is supposed to provide limited shoes to the general public (obviously with such limited numbers of said shoespeople will end up disappointed regardless, I realize that)..but to freely publicize and support what is almost in-house reselling, I dont know, I guess youcan say it just rubs me the wrong way...I tried to avoid going off on my little tangent but it seems that didnt go too well...sorry guys...
The ignorance in this thread is killing me. It seems that most of the anger stemming from this thread is comming from residents of states other than New Yorkand the tri-state area. There are many opinions from disgruntled fans that never had a chance at the shoes. The reasons why you locals are mad are confusing.Would you rather pay $30 or even $200 above retail for a shoe that you want or pay $600 over retail to the opportunists on ebay? If you really want a shoe dowhat has to be done to get it and avoid whining when your best wasn't good enough.
Originally Posted by KampoutKid

The ignorance in this thread is killing me. It seems that most of the anger stemming from this thread is comming from residents of states other than New York and the tri-state area. There are many opinions from disgruntled fans that never had a chance at the shoes. The reasons why you locals are mad are confusing. Would you rather pay $30 or even $200 above retail for a shoe that you want or pay $600 over retail to the opportunists on ebay? If you really want a shoe do what has to be done to get it and avoid whining when your best wasn't good enough.

Please, these employees are doing nobody a favor. If they feel they are doing whats right by trying to charge $30 or $200 for holding shoes then theyshould have this posted as a store policy.
I can easily shoot over there in 30 mins. The distance is nothing and there is no hate over here. The whole point is you shouldn 't have 2 pay nothingfor the shoes 2 be put 2 the side. These ppl are chaging the game for the HYPEBEASt and thats what they sould be called HoH {HOUSE OF HYPEBEAST}. And again ideff don't have hate because i resell sometimes too, but when you reselling in a straight up footlocker dats crazy
. What if this is just the begining. If we let these ppl get away with itit's going to become a storewide problem. Enough ppl put some kicks too the side for there friends and we have 2 deal with that. I don't wanna call astore 2 pay them $30 so they can put my kicks 2 the side for 10 mins. Stop it where it starts and cut the cancer out. I aint no snitch but i think the higheroffices need 2 get a whiff of this BS. And they will care if they see we care. As for me HoH will be getting none of my money or free advertising by guidingppl to that store until they clean up there act.
our problem is once you accept ebay and reselling as a normal thing especially with these releases at HOH, no normal person will ever get these....
Originally Posted by ChampionHood

our problem is once you accept ebay and reselling as a normal thing especially with these releases at HOH, no normal person will ever get these....
Yeah im tight about it too, but there supposed to be opening up other locations nationwide, so ima just take it with a grain of salt and wait for oneto open up near me.
downboy, king , hood....all agreed...this is a RETAIL store...resellers are part of life, but when the retail stores themselves begin to involve tactics whereyou cant walk out the front door without paying more than retail to own a pair, well, thats not a good sign...
Originally Posted by KING RAZ46

The whole point is you shouldn 't have 2 pay nothing for the shoes 2 be put 2 the side.
i think that is one of the major problems people have with calling the store....i was told that too and refused to pay it....
when i went up there i was still able to get what i was looking for, in order for this to cease people have to stop paying
these guys to hold stuff. they said on the phone that store policy say they cant hold anything customers. if this were any
other store with same policy of not holding stuff,once you found out if your item was in stock you would get down there
as quick as you can. i recommend doing that for hoh. maybe that will help eliminate this particular problem...
Originally Posted by ChampionHood

our problem is once you accept ebay and reselling as a normal thing especially with these releases at HOH, no normal person will ever get these....

what do you exactly do you mean by "normal" person?
Originally Posted by roebee94

Originally Posted by ChampionHood

our problem is once you accept ebay and reselling as a normal thing especially with these releases at HOH, no normal person will ever get these....

what do you exactly do you mean by "normal" person?
Someone who does not reside in the NYC area
Originally Posted by 200nikesdeep

So a few heads in the store make money.

Big deal What about the greedy mom and pop resellers all in upper harlem and brooklyn and all over nyc.

I got a few dudes that look out for me at HOH.

Let them make money.

They got family's to feed when all where doing is feeding are habit of sneakers and only making nike rich.

I got a child and I know how it is.

Better to resell shoes and hustle at HOH then hustle on the streets of Harlem.

Thing is, that store isn't your Mom and Pop shop, its run by FootLocker and Nike, im sure they have policy against accepting money to holdmerchandise.

For those in the know, if there was ever a reason to troll NT, point Big Brother towards this thread.
NTers always find a way to complain..

So they complained WP off the board, who was our direct source of info when the kicks drop. You guys just screwed yourselves over, now only the NTers who livenear HOH can come by and ask them info firsthand and I doubt any of them would want to share with everyone else when hot shoes drop. Only their buddies willknow - i.e. the Retro 8 PE release... people went to HOH everyday asking them to drop the shoes, and when they finally did on a Wednesday morning it was onlythose people and their friends who were already in line.

You NTers don't really expect the HOH employees to hold a pair of limited shoes for you do you? If you guys can't build up any energy to wait in linethen the shoes weren't for you. And about that... never once have I heard of anyone waiting in line for any of these shoes and come out empty handed, andthat never once happened to me. For the Mr basketball release, I woke up to a blizzard at 8:45 and decided to go back to sleep cuz no pair of shoes, except forJordans is worth gettin into an accident over. But I wake up at 11:45 to clearer weather and decided to give it a shot, got there at 1:10 and came out with mylast pair of size 9s.

As for the resellers, I would understand if someone gets 2 pairs, one to keep one to resell to get some money back for the ridiculous prices Nike sets fortheir shoes. It gives people a chance who live anywhere to get a pair for themselves. Its just like when the PS3 first came out in Japan, only the people wholived in that area could get it and the rest of the world would have to wait. Like I said, its not like anyone who actually put in the time and effort to getany of the shoes from HOH came out empty handed.
I see a lot of guys are missing the point. We shouldn't have 2 kiss no ones +@% to get kicks period
{sorry for the profanity but it seems like if you have to be real blunt topenetrate the minds up here}. For a retail store 2 pull this off is not sending a good message to the customers. As for the info too be honest like in my lastpost I can careless about the info if I realistically cant get them. The way it seems like its being run we getting the info late anyways. You don't thinkthe manager calls text email a hundred ppl before he post here
?? Ill put money on that. And let me say again I am deff not a hater. I know inlife you must look for ways to make extra money to live comfortably but do it on your own name not FOOTLOCKERS. If you are an employee you should be limited 2make 1 purchase for a limited kick and not even. For others things that are ran if u are an employee or related to 1 you are excluded from the offer. If i wasthe manager I'll shut that circus down cuz its only giving him bad press. Again YOU WILL NOT GET A DIME FROM ME UNTIL THIS IS AIRED OUT!!

You NTers don't really expect the HOH employees to hold a pair of limited shoes for you do you?
No I don't but for $30 or $200 they will won't they?

Just do them or don't do them.

Why not put up a sign in the window with "No Holds Unless Paying Off An Employee"
Im complaining and I have access to all these kicks and I don't live in New York. Now what?

WP aint #%%. He's basically using NT to boost sales for HoH because they need to make sales in order to not have to put stuff on Clearance.

Not a good look. Just FYI.... HoH's is like a Money Order. The Store is making MAYBE a few bucks off it, but surely not enough to affect the bottom line.More of a service to the Consumer. Its Buzz.

When & IF there are more HoH stores ... there will be money made to make it worth the Business.

So if Footlocker doesnt think it's employees charging additional money to HOLD shoes is a bad look on its store.. something is wrong. For the NYC cats whoare tellin folks who DON"T live in NYC haters because they don't get the releases....

What else are they supposed to be? Supporters? Happy for you? Glad that at LEAST SOMEONE got the shoes in the same place that always does? Come on now.

If NYC were left out of all the releases there would be some SERIOUS salt, as we know NYCers are the best at complainin on this joint right?

All I can say is things will improve on releases I hope, but the HoH staff need to be put in check. I could care less if WP ever came on NT again, cause hecould just as easily pick one of his favorite customers to give info to and post it here.

Just appreciate what you have now fellas.
to all those that dont live in New York City or didnt put in a serious effort to get a pair..why the %!@@ are you mad?..Maybe if you didnt flame WP away,getting your pair would be as easy as sending him a PM stating your size that you want put aside and time of arrival..believe me he can do it..instead you getto piss and moan about the snow and the "greedy" employees.keep typing, maybe you'll feel better shout out to the hoh, niketalk needs you
I don't know most of you guys on this board by screen name, but I'm sure I have met or already know a few of you. I live in Brooklyn and it issometimes hard for me to get to HOH. I work in the Chelsea area of Manhattan and put in some long hours. With that being said, I have been able to get most ofthe shoes that I want from the HOH. I see many people on here getting angry at Will for the way releases are done at the HOH. Will is the GM but if you havebeen to the store you all know that the DM is the one who decides how things are going to be done, come release time. HOH did limit each customer to 1 percustomer. I even asked as a frequent shopper if I could purchase another and was shut down by guess who - the DM. There is always a way around any limitationor policy, all people of this board know this. If you bring 18 people with you then you can buy 18 pairs, its just that simple. I don't have any animositytowards any of you, this is just how I have seen things unfold.
Man if I hear another Fat Joe-esque " Gotta eat on these streets" comment...... smh....

IF you cant afford the kids you make... stop having them

If you're so short on money out here/there/everywhere.... get another job.. or stop buying expensive %+@ shoes......Clearly you shouldnt be in the marketto BUY shoes if you cant provide for your own in the first place.... p-r-i-o-r-i-t-i-e-s...

Do not make excuses for the resell hustle... you wanna make that extra loot... period... end of discussion//
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