OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

LETS GO WE BOUT TO END THIS SERIES....... lets goo.. boston all day.

Pau isnt doing a thing. Fisher, Odom, Artest and especially the bench aint doing anything.

Boston will come out fired up and will win the game.

Boston is gonna blow LA out easily like 08's game 6. When boston has a chance like this RIP lakers.

Lets go get this win Celtics... we out heaaa bostonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

parade yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
wrong thread buddy.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

*hopes for the same result as the last time my team was in a best-of-7 championship series, heading home for the final 2 games, down 2 game to 3*


My team, the home team, splits the first 2 home games, leaving home tied 1-1.

They take the first game on the road, going up 2-1.

Road team takes the next 2 games on their own turf. My team is heading home to fight for their lives, down 2-3.

They win game 6 in DRAMATIC fashion, sparking an EPIC late-in-the-game comeback that made other team's organizers put the champagne away; they had already wheeled it into the locker room.

Gm 7, at home... VICTORY.

And that team was FULL of a bunch of nobodies.

Major difference, though: it was a bunch of nobodies that HUSTLED.
Sounds like the Celtics
this %+@%* putting up that KG gif LOL

If i was a Celtricks fan i would be embarrassed everytime KG did some stupid *!+@ like that with his face.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

this %+@%* putting up that KG gif LOL

If i was a Celtricks fan i would be embarrassed everytime KG did some stupid *!+@ like that with his face.

Really?  At least KG been doing it his whole career, Kobe with his "takeover" face

Sorry to other Lakers fans, game 6 is tomorrow so I'm just trying to get in some finals talk in
It's been a day since I've been able to compose myself, but I'm sick of all these people saying that this series is over.

But, plain and simple, everyone has to come out and play like it's the last game of their lives tomorrow. Play with hustle and heart and play defense for 48 minutes.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

right now they should be banning all hollywood actors, musicians, writers, or famous people from the building. I dont wanna see *%!@*!% leonardo dicaprio, tom cruise, will smith, or any other smug arrogant hollywood person in the building. Take their tickets away. This is not the ballet or opera. It is a *%!@*!% finals nba game. Home court is because of the atmosphere and the love the crowd gives to its home players. The staples center crowd SUCKS. Have all the nosebleed people come up tothe front row.
son goin in on the fans, like that makes anything regarding the finals irrelevant
that Kobe face cost them Game 4 cause he hit it in the 3rd quarter.

Series is over tomorrow. Kobe tried to take over yesterday and all he did was make his team look like fools...In typical Kobe fashion, he will "include" his team mates by not shooting and only passing and try to come back in the 4th but it'll be too little too late and all these ridiculous songs they play on the radio here in L.A. will cease.
Its human nature for L.A. to play their hearts out.......Its an elimination game, homecourt, and fresh off a bad loss.

If the Celtics go into staples and takes this game you just have to give them dudes credit, point blank.

I just dont see the Lakers losing tomorrow, this would be our 3rd loss IN A ROW to the same team!!

Theyre due for a good game.
There was an earthquake just now in LA.... hopefully Rondo is shaking in his bed right now scared and shook.
Lakers will win game 6
Instead of taking jump shots, the Lakers will drive to the basket and get the calls.
I expect the Lakers to come out and play with a lot of energy and we will be +15 on the boards.
Got a feelings one of the Celtics will get dropped and either Perkins or Wallace will pick up a technical.
There will be game 7
i expect a close game...possibly nailbiter. but defense needs to keep the fg of the cs down under 40%.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

LETS GO WE BOUT TO END THIS SERIES....... lets goo.. boston all day.

Pau isnt doing a thing. Fisher, Odom, Artest and especially the bench aint doing anything.

Boston will come out fired up and will win the game.

Boston is gonna blow LA out easily like 08's game 6. When boston has a chance like this RIP lakers.

Lets go get this win Celtics... we out heaaa bostonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

parade yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Where was this non sense through Games 1 to 3??    How convenient.
Even though Kobe will win his 5th ring Thursday night.....

But I've read that Kobe losing multiple times in the NBA finals will be a major hit to Kobes' legacy. Funny because there is ONLY so much Kobe or any single player can do by himself. When people say that, they are basically asking Kobe to single handedly beat the Celtics. These people who make this notion are the exact same people that criticize Kobe for taking so many shots in the 3rd quarter of game 5. You cant have it both ways. If Kobe chooses to pass the ball in the third and his teammates cant convert... the same people will say "see, Kobe quit on his team, he should have taken over."

Kobe has LOST more times in the NBA finals then a majority of these ESPN/TNT "Experts" have ever been (e.g Charles Barkley). Guys like Reggie Miller, SVG, Marc Jackson, Barkley, Jon Barry, CWebber, Doug Collins etc. are certified losers and I hate that we have to sit here and listen to experts talk about a player that is light years ahead of them in both skill and success on the court and basically do everything they can to try to discredit Kobe. Pisses me off.

Also you have to look at each loss individually. The 06' Lakers team lost because of injuries. They lost their starting HOF power forward in Karl Malone right when the series with the Pistons started. Keep in mind they had Horace Grant that year too but he too got injured, as did Kareem Rush - their key bench player (hurt his foot).

Then you look at 08, that Lakers team overachieved. They had only played together for a total of 5 months leading up to the finals. Plus the Celtics of that year were amazing. You three HOF starters all healthy and in search of their first title with home court advantage - not to mention a bench full of great players (PJ brown, Cassell, House, Powe).

This year is especially disappointing though, I cant spin this year if they dont make it. Maybe you can look at Bynums injury, Odoms disappearance, Artests lost shot, Pau's sissyness, or Boston playing rugby and getting away with it... but you cannot blame Kobe. He has played every game this series to the fullest (except game 2 because the refs had money riding on the celtics). I know he's been ghost in 4th quarters but its really easy for the Celtics defense to put all 5 players on him if the other Lakers are allergic to scoring.

Ok I just had to get that off my chest because I just heard Mike Wilbon talk about how Kobe's play in game 5 cost them that game. I guarantee had Kobe not scored 19 straight points, LA would of lost by 20+ and Mike would have talked about Kobe needs to take the initiative and score and will his team like "Michael would have done".

Plus Im sick of the commentators being anti-Lakers these playoffs. First I heard Doug Collins basically talk about what the Suns had to do to win this series the entire game and slurp Suns players. Now its the same with Mark Jackson and SVG basically takling about the Celtics and how they need to play to win. Everytime the Lakers score, they talk about what the Celtics need to do to stop LA from scoring. But when the Celtics score, they quickly talk about what Boston has to do to keep scoring. It gets annoying when they constantly talk about your teams players "flopping" or mocking them with quips like "say Queensbridge now Ron, say Queensbridge" It just gets frustrating when the refs are screwing you over and you got the commentators on their side too.

Lets go Lakers, show these undercover haters who's boss.

prays to the Laker gods....
man i have been amped as hell all day today, i have been at work so super turnt up.
Lakers going in tonight! Im calling a blow out (at least 12 point win) for the Lakers, which carries over to game 7 and we taking them out!!!!

Thursday make room for another banner in staples and ring 5 for Fish & Kobe!!!!!

lets get this game started already. i've had a few people who aren't Celtics fans try and run their mouth to me this morning when i was on campus trying to take care of some financial aid post. i've been telling people if their not a fan of the Boston Celtics anything, that comes out of their mouth related to this series is irrelevant to me.

I hate to say it but the city of Los Angeles is a crappy sports city. Dudes out here wonder why we don't have a NFL team, it's a damn joke when I've had people hit me with the, "What happened to your Lakers?" and the, "Lakers are losers" lines over and over again this week. It's crazy how so many people I know have lived in this city their entire life, have never left this city and will most likely never leave it either but are as they call it, "Longtime Laker haters" How you gon live in LA and dislike the only good sports team the city *!%, bunch of loser mentality type dudes.

The funny thing is, none of this has come out of the mouths of a single Boston Celtics fan. Every Celtics fan I know has been cool and levelheaded about the series and regardless if they win or lose they know their team has to win 1 more game. I wouldn't even be annoyed if all the mouth running was comming from Celtics fans though, they have bragging rights until proven otherwise but everyone else needs to worry about their own team.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

These people you speak of, quickly hide in a cave as soon as the Lakers see any success. 

I have tons more respect for a Clippers fan, than a Laker hater born and raised in Los Angeles. 
Missing tonight's game because of the MGMT concert I bought tickets to awhile ago.

I don't want to miss the last game of the Finals so I hope it's Thursday and not tonight.
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Missing tonight's game because of the MGMT concert I bought tickets to awhile ago.

I don't want to miss the last game of the Finals so I hope it's Thursday and not tonight.

Pshhh, I had great Dodger tickets for last week (Game 3 of Finals), and got rid of them with a quickness. 
Never missing a Finals game involving the Lakers ever in my life.
LA fans, sorry I been out a couple days.  ( CPU issues)

Protect the homecourt. 

That's all it takes. 

Those of you going to the game tonight, please go crazy in there, get that atmosphere goin crazy. 
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