OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Let's go guys. It's all down to this. No excuse to not take it to 7. From there, anything can happen, but can't let Boston end it tonight with 3 straight wins.
Originally Posted by CP1708

LA fans, sorry I been out a couple days.  ( CPU issues)

Protect the homecourt. 

That's all it takes. 

Those of you going to the game tonight, please go crazy in there, get that atmosphere goin crazy. 

unless tom cruise, denzel washington, adam sandler, leonardo dicario, or tobby maguire is in this thread i dont think its gonna matter

that place will be packed with celebrities
Im bumping that Lil Wayne "Kobe Bryant" song from last year getting pumped up until i heard "Or just give it to Ariza and let him do his thing"

ARTEST, you better ball out you m-f-er!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

These people you speak of, quickly hide in a cave as soon as the Lakers see any success. 

I have tons more respect for a Clippers fan, than a Laker hater born and raised in Los Angeles. 
Didn't want to post in this thread but just wanted to say I'm a Laker Hater 24-7. I lived through the 3Peat hating all the time every time
Infyrno23: *warned* We don't allow profanity. I edited your reply to show 'm-f-er' instead of what you had. Be more careful next time, please.
Originally Posted by iLLest

Hopefully the Earthquake in LA caused a crack in the ground in which Pre Puberty Rondo, Handicap Pierce, Avatar Garnett, Shrek, Donkey, Count Olaf Perkins AND Nurse Rivers fell through.


Quit d-riding our city and stick to your bay are home court.
I have such mixed feelings about tonight. Let me walk you through them.

I just can't see Kobe losing a championship on his own court.

But... I don't see the Lakers winning 2 in a row right after the Celtics did the same.

But... the Lakers were PERFECT at home in the playoffs before the Celtics beat us @ home in gm. 2. Why can't we win 2 in a row @ home?

But... the Celtics did win gm 2, and if they beat us again @ home, they're champs.

If that happens, I think losing to the Celtics twice will forever be attached to Kobe's legacy; for some, losing to the Celtics twice will trump all of Kobe's accomplishments. When things are even, the Yankees and Red Sox are supposed to beat each other. Same for Cowboys and 49ers, Wolverines and Buckeyes, and Celtics/Lakers. When a guy is on one of those teams and never beats the other, people remember. We'll hear it time and again:
"Well, he does have 4 rings."
"Yeah, but the Celtics beat him twice."

But like I said with being unable to see Kobe lose a ring at home, I'm positive he knows about the truth in that last paragraph, and doesn't want it at all.

But then again... he commented in the press conference the other day about how if the team needs to be told how serious things are, they don't deserve a championship. This concerned because it got me thinking that maybe he'll accept another championship loss if the blame can be placed on the team.

Ron Artest is better than this. I expect a decent game from him tonight, after being less than decent in the Finals so far.

Odom is the suck. I have no idea how (or why) people like LamarOwnsem defend the guy. "He has the potential to..." blah, blah, blah. "He's got the flu." C'mon, Lamar!!!
Adding to my previous stuff...

Phil has never lost a Finals after winning gm. 1.

The Celtics have never lost a Finals when they were up 3-2.
One more game guys, the last game of the season. Great effort by everyone tonight both defensively and offensively. Just one more win, hopefully we'll be rejoicing at the end of game 7 like we were in game 5 of the Finals last year.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by tmoney85


I wish we was playing the Magics.

na man, its better to go down fighting a true Champion than to beat a over achieving team.

--Im a realist. No faith here. We are done. Lets take our L and start a new season in November.
wow, I'm not a Laker fan but I really do think you guys can win game 6 and take it to a game 7. Anything goes in game 7 and you guys have homecourt.
Man where do I begin...that game was everything and more. although the Lakers could have still played A LOT BETTER.

People wanna say "well Boston beat themselves by missing a lot of easy shots"

No! the Lakers were already UP by 20 points when they missed those three easy dunks AND the Lakers bigs jumped at the Celtics players on those plays so its not like they were completely uncontested.

Lakers shot ONLY 44% and won by 20. The Celtics shot like 55% in game two and BARELY won that game (up only 5 with 1 minute left Lakers ball)

Lakers are the better team IF AND I MEAN A BIGGGG IFFFF they play hard and play with energy. We saw tonight what this Lakers team would look like if they had role players that hustled... every game would be like this. I mean Ron was ALL over Pierce. Kobe was diving for rebounds. Farmar was diving on the floor for every loose ball. Odom was diving for every rebound and switching on every screen and defending.

One more.

DO you believe? Because I believe!!!

Lets go Lakers.
The lakers need to play way better than this in game 7. They kinda stopping going 110% after the first half.

Boston missed a ton of layups. I expect a lot of fluke shots to go in for the celitcs in game 7 and the lakers have to be ready for that.

THE LAKERS CAN NOT GO THROUGH THOSE STRETCHEs WHEN THEY PLAY STUPID IN GAME 7. Gasol was holding the ball and giving it away with 5 seconds left in the third quarter. That can not happen.

I don't like those quick 3 pointers or artest dribbling too much. I did not like Lamar's offense either. He was shooting the same shots he did in boston. He was lucky that they went in today. Dude needs to drive to the basket more like he did
when sheed alomost got a T.

I know I should not complain after a win like this but I want them to get that game 7 and boston will be more difficult.

This will not matter if we jump on them early in the first though.
It's really the Lakers to lose now..

Game 1. We manhandled Boston
Game 2, ran into the wrong players at the wrong time and got severely outplayed but couldn't come back
Game 3. We played well but kind of felt like we got some favorable calls and timely stepping up. We stole that.
Game 4. We just got outplayed.
Game 5. We got outplayed all game. We seriously had a chance to steal that game but Artest made 3-4 too many bonehead plays that threw off our rhythm
Game 6. We out hustled. Out played. Out willed. And dominated...

Game 7 is what separates boys from men... I think the Lakers know what's at stake.. Hence why they came out like they did in 6.. Pau is sick of being embarrassed... And Kobe just doesn't want to lose. He knows what legacies mean. And losing to the Celtics twice is not what he wants on his stat line.

Like in Game 6 we need a fast pace.. (In Boston we needed a slow pace). LA needs a fast pace... We need to get Bynum and Pau to get started early.. Kobe will be there, we just need him to explode at the right times (End of quarters and beginning of quarters).. Fish needs to control tempo in the middle of the quarters and sneak in for 4 sneaky points here and there.. Lamar needs to be in with the 2nd squad, when he's the 1 squad he puts to much pressure to step his game up to Kobe's level. With the 2nd squad he can be more selective and have more control of the ball.. Farmar & Shannon need to be on the court at the same time.. Their energy is insane.... We need to have Kobe drive and dish to Artest and hopefully Fish will be open on some of these types of plays. If Perkins can't play we need to drive every time and get KG in foul trouble and get Sheed frustrated..

On defense no open 3's for Allen.. I don't care how he is shooting can't risk him catching fire... Keep Rondo out of the paint... Allow the pick and plop between Pierce and KG.. Overplay it but don't leave KG open, give him enough room where he feels he has an open look, but be close enough to get a hand near him.. We can settle for KG shooting 19 foot jumpers.. We can't afford Pierce to drive and pass it out to Allen, or taking it up to draw a foul..Also when Nate & Big Baby get in, play Nate tight and leave Big Baby some room. If Big Baby scores he will get the C's energy but if Nate scores he changes momentum..
If Lakers crash the boards and play defense like they did tonight, and hustle one very posession. We will not lose.

If we get up on Boston early, they could get desperate and start trying to do too much because they're not at home.

We have homecourt, we need to use it to our advantage.

Fans were great tonight, they need to be better next game.

Phil needs to use some of that zen of his.

I'm confident though. Boston could of possibly blown a perfect opportunity that may bite them in the $%+ on thursday.

Kobe's got that Finals MVP on lock
The key for game 7 is to make sure all of the starter not getting in foul trouble. Keep Artest , Bynum and Kobe out of foul trouble and we got this. Play defense with your feet is crucial especially against a dirty team like the Celtic
Great win, but it means nothing come Thursday. We have got to come prepared to play from the tip.

Boston ain't going out like they did today.
--Well one good thing about the blowout is Bynum was able to rest that knee.
--Gonna need dude in Game 7. Especially with Perkins possibly being out, or dude can be faking.
I just looked at the box score and odom really needs to step up. 3-9 shooting is not going to get it done.

I just hope artest and the bench step up again in game 7 cause i doubt odom will.
I hope the lakers learned from the game 1 win then loss in game 2. Never ease up

The celtics have never lost a game 7 in the finals and phil jackson has never lost a series when he has won the first game.

Boston won 2 straight on their homecourt now its time for the lakers to win two on their home court.

derek fisher has yet to hit a 3 in the series. Who thinks he will in game 7?
guess i was wrong about it being a close game, but right about holding them under 40% for the game.

Big Baby talking dumb.....yes the Celtics are known to blow leads, it's in their DNA this season, but most importantly we have the best closer in the game and that refrigerator is about to get shut for this season.
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