Official Lakers vs. Spurs 5/27 Game 4 9:00 ET on TNT

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

I need to know what angle people are seeing that didn't show Parker's layup getting to the backboard before Lamar touched it.

I still want to see that shot clock violation though.

TNT replayed Fisher's shot going off the rim to a Spursplayer's leg and out of bounds.
Originally Posted by ptngina

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by knightngale

this was posted by a spurs fan at spurstalk

It is definitely a foul under normal circumstances. Non-shooting foul though because Barry was dribbling when Fisher came down on him. However, Kobe Bryant, who averages 10 FTs a game and is the 2007-2008 MVP, only has SIX free throw attempts in FOUR freaking games. SIX free throws in FOUR games. If the MVP can only get SIX free throw attemps in FOUR games, I don't see any reason the ref would give a BENCH player FTs in the last seconds of the game.

Kobe Byrant had less than 5 drives to the basket, and some of them were fast breaks/breakaways. Majority of his shots were from the perimeter, so if you're taking jumpers and fadeaways, you dont get foul calls. That has nothing to do with the final call. Stop bringing up previous game situations and calls, this discussion is about one call.

And we know that Bruce Lee Bowen don't foul, period. He don't grab, shove, push, etc

When you're being passive and not aggressive ie settling for jumpshots, you don't goto the line Bowen is an hard nosed defender, but he isn'tfouling Kobe on majority of his shots. If Kobe wants to goto the line, take the ball to the hole. Some of you Laker fans are too much.
Originally Posted by AirForce1s

And all yall saying it wasn't a goaltend it doesn't matter. Odom fouled Parker anyway.
i would like to request a gif of this play, because i am 100% confident odom did not touch parker, he was trailing on the play and got up and blocked the ball and parker was out of the picture, unfouled

Exactly, besides, Tony Parker falls down on every drive to the basket. Every single drive touched or untouched he's gonna be eye level with the cameraman.
you guys are blind if you think kobe doesnt try

bowen body and hand checks every time he tries to drive and rarely gets called
so kobe usually backs out of the paint and resets for a jumper or pass

that will not show on the shot chart
@ that being a no-call for Barry not "seeking thecontact". What's the point of him seeking more contact when he literally has Fisher's butt in his face worth of contact? Look at the frigginreplay! Dude had his +$! on his face and yet Barry was supposed to somehow sell the foul more?

Lakers fans are pathetic. Just making outrageous pro-Laker comments because they know that the majority of NT are delusional Lakers fans ready to "co-signon that comment".
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

@ that being a no-call for Barry not "seeking the contact". What's the point of him seeking more contact when he literally has Fisher's butt in his face worth of contact? Look at the friggin replay! Dude had his +$! on his face and yet Barry was supposed to somehow sell the foul more?

Lakers fans are pathetic. Just making outrageous pro-Laker comments because they know that the majority of NT are delusional Lakers fans ready to "co-sign on that comment".
Honestly, there's only like at most 6-7 Laker fans here I can take seriously and value their opinion.

With the NBA game, Barry probably should have sold the call though; BUT, in real basketball, that's a foul no matter what. There's contact thereclearly, it ain't no Dwyane Wade ghost foul from the 06 Finals.

And Bowen is a dirty/scrappy player, yeah, but it's not exclusive to Kobe...He can still take him to the lane if he wanted to, isn't he the MVP?
Lakers fans are pathetic.

First, check that at the door. There's no need to name call here.

Second, selling the call is more about Barry not taking the shot when he had Fisher in the air. Again, calling the foul on the dribble would be likecalling a hand checking foul with half a second left.

You watch a lot of basketball, do you really expect ref's to call those type of fouls? Do you see the type of clutching and grabbing that goes on whenplayers are trying to use screens during those last second plays?
good win Lakers!!! the held their own...there's no argument about it.

Lakers in 5

Lakers are the NBA CHAMPS 2007x2008
Was it a foul? Yes. I guess the refs decide when whether or not to call the foul in situations like that. (I wish we woulda had the same refs in game 7 vs mavs06) I feel had Barry jumped into him then he would have put the game in the refs hands, Fisher fouled him and completely stopped what he was doing. We hadplenty of chances to win that game. Big up for the Spurs for their outstanding class as always. One of the biggest reasons I'm a Spurs fan. I still gotplenty of hope!
Second, selling the call is more about Barry not taking the shot when he had Fisher in the air. Again, calling the foul on the dribble would be like calling a hand checking foul with half a second left.
Don't compare that foul to a hand check.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

@ that being a no-call for Barry not "seeking the contact". What's the point of him seeking more contact when he literally has Fisher's butt in his face worth of contact? Look at the friggin replay! Dude had his +$! on his face and yet Barry was supposed to somehow sell the foul more?

Lakers fans are pathetic. Just making outrageous pro-Laker comments because they know that the majority of NT are delusional Lakers fans ready to "co-sign on that comment".
Honestly, there's only like at most 6-7 Laker fans here I can take seriously and value their opinion.

With the NBA game, Barry probably should have sold the call though; BUT, in real basketball, that's a foul no matter what. There's contact there clearly, it ain't no Dwyane Wade ghost foul from the 06 Finals.

And Bowen is a dirty/scrappy player, yeah, but it's not exclusive to Kobe...He can still take him to the lane if he wanted to, isn't he the MVP?

Right, there shouldn't be a difference in how a foul is committed on a player. A foul is a foul, whether or not the player sells it.

I'm just chalking this one up to bad officiating overall. The last minute or two of the game was so uneven. Phantom calls were being made, calls thatshould've been made weren't.

I guess it is "full circle," because LA got screwed on at least one call (although I'm not complaining, I don't expect everything to becalled) and it got made up with the no-call in their favor. I'm not complaining now because my team won, but I will be if the same works against LA in thefuture, and I can definitely see the grievances with it.

Just don't come here with the conspiracy theories about David Stern fixing the games. It just sounds stupid, no matter that I'm a Laker fan.
Great win for L.A... Spurs got the majority of the calls nearly the entire game except for the end.. o well 95% percent of the teams up 3-1 go on to win theseries.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Again, calling the foul on the dribble would be like calling a hand checking foul with half a second left.

You watch a lot of basketball, do you really expect ref's to call those type of fouls?
So, you're telling me that there is NO type of foul that should be call on the dribble at the end of a game? Like if a guy straight up goesRay Lewis on the guy with the ball they should just let the clock run out?

Fisher prevented Barry from getting any kind of a good shot by jumping into him and slamming his left buttcheek on his face. You don't have to "sellthat" to the refs, that $%%@ sells itself, at least it should. That's a foul at any point of the game, I'm sorry, but the fact that you're aLakers fan won't change that.

You can sleep without any worries, Lakers fans. Looks like $tern already gave the orders to his troops about who should win the championship this year.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by ptngina

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by knightngale

this was posted by a spurs fan at spurstalk

It is definitely a foul under normal circumstances. Non-shooting foul though because Barry was dribbling when Fisher came down on him. However, Kobe Bryant, who averages 10 FTs a game and is the 2007-2008 MVP, only has SIX free throw attempts in FOUR freaking games. SIX free throws in FOUR games. If the MVP can only get SIX free throw attemps in FOUR games, I don't see any reason the ref would give a BENCH player FTs in the last seconds of the game.

Kobe Byrant had less than 5 drives to the basket, and some of them were fast breaks/breakaways. Majority of his shots were from the perimeter, so if you're taking jumpers and fadeaways, you dont get foul calls. That has nothing to do with the final call. Stop bringing up previous game situations and calls, this discussion is about one call.

And we know that Bruce Lee Bowen don't foul, period. He don't grab, shove, push, etc

When you're being passive and not aggressive ie settling for jumpshots, you don't goto the line Bowen is an hard nosed defender, but he isn't fouling Kobe on majority of his shots. If Kobe wants to goto the line, take the ball to the hole. Some of you Laker fans are too much.

We'll just call it even on the missed call part

The Lakers thought they were on the wrong side of the call when the officials ruled that Fisher's jump shot didn't hit the rim before going out of bounds off San Antonio's Robert Horry with 5.6 seconds remaining in the game and only two seconds remaining on the shot clock. Replays showed that it glanced off the rim.

"I'm positive Fish's shot hit the rim," Jackson said. "That ball should have been ours with a new 24-second clock."

That would have forced the Spurs to foul the Lakers in order to get the ball back, giving them a chance at two free throws that could have iced the game. Instead, Bryant had to rush a jumper off the inbounds pass, and the Spurs had 2.1 seconds to set up the fateful final play that didn't result in free throws.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

So, you're telling me that there is NO type of foul that should be call on the dribble at the end of a game? Like if a guy straight up goes Ray Lewis on the guy with the ball they should just let the clock run out?

How is that even a good example? The basketball equivalent would be Posey's foul on Hinrich (Deng?) or Horry on Nash and both were intentional fouls.
Kind of like Bowen's attempt at an intentional foul in last year's Finals:
Don't compare that foul to a hand check.
I know that it was more force than that of a simple hand check. I guess I should have stated that it was a foul on the dribble which I rarely seereferees call in the playoffs.They didn't call a foul on Bowen last year.

They didn't call a foul on Bobby Jackson the year he un-tucked Kobe's jersey for him.

They didn't call Reggie Miller's push off on MJ even though that was as obvious as tonight's play.

The point that many of us are making is not that we don't believe it's a foul so much as we don't believe it's a foul the ref's should havecalled.

I already stated that I believe it's a foul. I might have complained if I were a Spurs fan, but maybe I wouldn't complain because I'd also knowthe Lakers were screwed on the goal tending call on Odom and the lack of a shot clock reset after Fisher's miss.
That's a foul at any point of the game, I'm sorry, but the fact that you're a Lakers fan won't change that.
You can sleep without any worries, Lakers fans. Looks like $tern already gave the orders to his troops about who should win the championship this year.
Sleep without worries? I don't give a damn how they get their championship as long as they get it. Do you really believe Lakers fans carenow or will care after a championship whether or not "haters" approve of how the Lakers came about a win?
What I don't understand is an ignorant comment by a Laker fan or two results in Laker haters coming in here and classifying the entire fan base as"pathetic," delusional, and what not. I swear this happens in every game thread. This arguing and bickering could last forever. Bottomline, this wasone game, some calls were made,and some calls were missed; that is what you would expect from an NBA game.

Lakers fans, let's just celebrate this W and move on to the next game

And for all those haters, just kept on hatin'.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Better be ready to stand by those words. It was agreed it was a foul; point being is there were MANY questionable calls the other way. What is pathetic is some chump judging Laker fans because he can't handle a basketball team (Lakers) winning and has to get all aggressive and stupid about it.

Ah, the classic "bad calls on both ends" excuse. You always hear these from a guy whose team won the game on a bad call, or in this case no-call, sothat he doesn't feel guilty about getting the W handed to him by the refs. There isn't a single basketball game in history that was reffed toperfection, so you can always use this excuse. But not a call that was this obvious.. and this was the last play of the game. Unlike game 2, this wasn'tsome game where a single call didn't make a lot of difference. The Lakers won this game because of the refs actions on the very last play. The fact is thatBrent Barry is a 95% free throw shooter this season and that what Fisher did was a foul.
Bickering is ridiculous... IMO it was a foul, refs didn't call it because they thought it wasn't or didn't want to decide the game that way? Whoknows. Games over Lakers up 3-1
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Better be ready to stand by those words. It was agreed it was a foul; point being is there were MANY questionable calls the other way. What is pathetic is some chump judging Laker fans because he can't handle a basketball team (Lakers) winning and has to get all aggressive and stupid about it.

Ah, the classic "bad calls on both ends" excuse. You always hear these from a guy whose team won the game on a bad call, or in this case no-call, so that he doesn't feel guilty about getting the W handed to him by the refs. There isn't a single basketball game in history that was reffed to perfection, so you can always use this excuse. But not a call that was this obvious.. and this was the last play of the game. Unlike game 2, this wasn't some game where a single call didn't make a lot of difference. The Lakers won this game because of the refs actions on the very last play. The fact is that Brent Barry is a 95% free throw shooter this season and that what Fisher did was a foul.

Whatever! If things were called right SA wouldn't even have had a chance to tie/win. And what do you call a guy that cries about the refs after histeam loses?
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

The Spurs are going to come out heated vs. LA

I can see this one going 7, they're the defending champs for a reason

dude i said the spurs in 6 all along but now even im thinking its over.... they just ran out of gas.... its hurting them that they have to play every otherday whereas in the NO series they had was it 2 or 3 days off before game 7?
Other facts are that Odom didn't goal tend Parker's shot and Fisher's shot hit the rim.

We don't know how the outcome of the game would have changed had either of those calls been made correctly and we don't know what would have happenedhad the ref's called the foul on Fisher.

Maybe Barry chokes and misses on of the two giving the win to the Lakers.

Maybe he misses one of two and it gets tipped back in giving the Spurs a win in regulation.

Maybe he makes two and the Spurs win in overtime. Maybe they lose in overtime.

The "bad calls on both ends" or "calls evening out" cliches are easier to accept when they all happened during the last handful of plays inthe game. We're not referring to a 3 at the half that shouldn't have counted or a supposed travel in the first quarter. We're referring to theprevious possession.
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