Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by you big dummy

I never would have thought the idea of LeBron going to the Bulls was even a possibility before last night.

because it doesn't make more sense than new york if they get chris bosh

people have the nerve to say lebron to NY is all made up by the media and then in ONE DAY, all of a sudden lebron is going to the bulls because some of the worst sources available say he is. Or because ESPN keeps pumping out that he should sign with chicago

now it's gold and people want to pretend like it was always the choice to be.

How do you figure that it wasn't??? We were going to have enough to sign one max free agent this summer it was always an option... What you meant to say is "people want to pretend like it was always probable"  and to speak on that, I'm still not sure it is probable.  Personally I'm just excited at the fact that we have a chance, I'm more focused on CB4 as I've said since the end of last year but no logical person would ever say no to LeBron.

because i've been following this stuff for 2 years. there has never been that push like there is now and it's really all coming from bad sources and ESPN ramming it down your throat

of course chicago is a viable option but it's very easy to see the media is pushing for chicago and jersey not that they truly belive that they are the teams most likely to get him. they want him anywhere but NYC. it's not reporting at this point it's the biased opinion of people who hate the knicks
Bulls have have always hated us, its nothing new.

honestly speaking, a lot of the bulls fan here are annoying as hell though. just saying.
Chicago was always mentioned as an option for Lebron along with NY, MIA, and NJ. I don't know why dudes is acting like that just came up yesterday. True, cats is acting like it's a done deal, (which is crazy) but I've been hearing Chicago for the past two years.

Pretty much everyone knew Chicago was going after Wade and/or Bron.

Anyway, I'd love to see him in a Heat uni, but he doesn't care about winning enough to make that move, imo.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by AgentPD21

It's going to be a HUGE war with the Bulls fans and Knicks fans on this board.

Y'all late as hell with this... I've been warring with these dude for the past 2 years...

I go into their thread and everything
I always was in the Jordan thread, I missed out.
The Lebron sweepstakes is just fuel to the fire for Knicks and Bulls.

There's no real reason to get caught up against each other right now, both teams desperately want him but I'll do my best to be patient and wait until we see what happens, save my energy.
@ y'all gettin all emotional over this lebron +*$!. Y'all dudes is petty. My fellow Knick fans and opposite Bulls fans. !**$!! just wait your sorry +#@*% until July 1st!! Plain and simple. What are y'all going to argue about for the next month and a half HUH!?? Who cam slurp him the most??
why in gods name would the Cavs do a sign and trade with LeBron?

Here LeBron, there's an extra year and more money, and we'll also help the team you're going to in freeing up more cap space.

NOT happening.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

why in gods name would the Cavs do a sign and trade with LeBron?

Here LeBron, there's an extra year and more money, and we'll also help the team you're going to in freeing up more cap space.

NOT happening.
Thats what the hell im tryna figure out
imagine the backlash of cleveland TRADING lebron
on some "we give up give us deng and hinrich" steez
has a player of this caliber ever been involved in a sign and trade ?
It's funny because what do the New York Knicks offer LeBron in thechances of winning? You're squad is the definition of garbage Big J andyou know it. If you had the same pieces in place that the Bulls do,then I would say Lebron to the Knicks makes complete sense.

And if the Knicks bring a 2nd max guy with LeBron, then Are the Bulls pieces still be better?
Do we actually know for sure Bosh is going to the Knicks?
This is the thing. LeBron is not gona sign up for the Knicks solo. IF he does go to NY, he's bringing someone along. So it's kinda pointless to say he's gona be in the same situation. If it's Chicago, it's with Rose..if it's Miami, he's with Wade, if it's NY, it's with _____.
I think it's VERY interesting how Lebron, Bosh, and Wade will all be discussing their plans together before July 1. This leads me to believe that 2/3 will be playing together....might we see a dream scenario where all 3 play on the same squad (take less years on a contract...)???
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think it's VERY interesting how Lebron, Bosh, and Wade will all be discussing their plans together before July 1. This leads me to believe that 2/3 will be playing together....might we see a dream scenario where all 3 play on the same squad (take less years on a contract...)???

This scenario is ONLY feasible on one team, where all three can technically be paid a max salary outright...

And it aint New York or Chicago....

ultimate best fit are the Clippers.

they have a team full of players waiting for a leader. plus its Los Angelas, the greatest city in the US.

he can start working on his acting game while he's here. plus imagine the rivalry, KOBE vs Lebron, same city. it would be epic.

hey i can dream cant i?
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

WCWP SPORTS – In what is truly a disturbing story, comes exclusive Terez Owens news that LeBron’s teammate Delonte West is sleeping with LeBron’s Mother Gloria James..Yes, this is the purported story coming from my source in Cleveland..My source explains the following:
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

WCWP SPORTS – In what is truly a disturbing story, comes exclusive Terez Owens news that LeBron’s teammate Delonte West is sleeping with LeBron’s Mother Gloria James..Yes, this is the purported story coming from my source in Cleveland..My source explains the following:
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think it's VERY interesting how Lebron, Bosh, and Wade will all be discussing their plans together before July 1. This leads me to believe that 2/3 will be playing together....might we see a dream scenario where all 3 play on the same squad (take less years on a contract...)???

This scenario is ONLY feasible on one team, where all three can technically be paid a max salary outright...

And it aint New York or Chicago....


Being in a location that doesn't have state taxes can't hurt.

Didnt know where else to put this, LeBatard nailed this column tho....

Two decades ago, a very important basketball player had a terrible night against his rival in a playoff game. He missed the majority of his shots, just like LeBron James, and he scored only 15 points, just like James. His team was blown out by double digits. History does not remember him as a choker or afraid or not quite ready for the throne. No, history remembers him as Michael Jordan.

Why did LeBron James miss 11 of his 14 shots in a Game 5 disaster against Boston on Tuesday night?

I don't know.

That's a terrible answer, of course. It has no depth or wisdom. Humans, in general, are curious and want explanations. And sports fans and media members, specifically, really stink at accepting ``I don't know.'' The all-you-can-eat ESPN beast must be fed theories and analysis round-the-clock, and ``I don't know'' is hardly ever on the menu. It is easier to condemn James by saying that this kind of game would have never happened to an assassin like Jordan while ignoring that this kind of game did happen to an assassin like Jordan.

But there has to be a reason James stunk, right?

Well, no, there doesn't.

Fooled By Randomness, one of the smartest books ever written, explains how sometimes humans see patterns where there is just random noise. And rarely do you see it more often and with more zealotry than in sports, where everything from an athlete's greatness to his strength to his character gets measured by the whims of good or bad bounces, good or bad days.

Combine this kind of James performance with the absence of a good explanation, and what gets unleashed like a thousand rodeo bulls are all the intangibles. You know, things that can't be seen or measured. If it can't be proved, it is hard to disprove, too, so James today lacks ``heart'' or ``will'' or ``clutch'' or ``killer instinct'' or ``leadership'' or whatever unseen else you would like to place next to this result without a proper rebuttal from the scoreboard. You can also opine that James was terrible because the Celtics prayed to an evil leprechaun.

Did you see Religulous?

It was a documentary by comedian Bill Maher about religion. It was, depending on what you believe, either funny and smart or annoying and blasphemous. Maher isn't an atheist. He's an agnostic. He's not anti-God; he's anti-religion. And his tone, somehow know-it-all even as he is giving voice to not knowing it all, is an enormous tune-out unless you agree with him. But here's what he says:

``Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do. The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion but rather doubt. Doubt is humble, and that is what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting [expletive] dead wrong.''

Sports is very much a religion of sorts, and not just because LeBron begins every game by spreading his arms symbolically and allowing the worship to wash over him with the commercial encouragement for us to all bear witness. Fans are zealots, and the most fanatical are religious oxymorons -- somehow filled with blind faith (about their teams) but not really believing until they have actually seen. That's how Peyton Manning and Alex Rodriguez ``can't win the big one'' right up until they do. Believe it or not, Jordan was hit with that once, too, just as James is today.


It suggests cowardice around big lights, and there's only one athlete I have heard admit to being afraid of taking the biggest shot. That was Steve Kerr, who proceeded to take it and make it anyway.

I don't think there is anyone in America who covers basketball better than Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports. And he wrote a column after the James debacle that I thought was great and eloquent even though I didn't agree with a word of it. Wojnarowski suggested that James didn't care enough about greatness because he cares too much about being a global icon instead.

Maybe he's right, although I don't think it has anything to do with why he went 3 for 14. Maybe James was awful because his elbow hurts, and he can't say so in a world where explanations are dismissed as excuses. Maybe it is that it is hard to be consistent with a bad elbow when the difference between good and great can be microscopic, and Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett and Rajon Rondo are standing in your way.


``This isn't a part-time thing,'' Wojnarowski wrote. ``Winning everything takes a single-minded, obsessive devotion. Michael Jordan had it. Kobe Bryant does, too.''

Except that Jordan once golfed more than 50 holes just before losing a playoff game to the Heat in which he missed 19 of 21 shots at one point. And, unless ``obsessive'' is code for ``Shaq'' and ``devotion'' is code for ``Gasol,'' Bryant's ``obsessive devotion'' spent a few years getting knocked out of the playoffs earlier than the round James finds himself in now.

Again, I'm not saying I know why James was so bad.

I don't.

All I can say with some certainty is that you don't, either.
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