Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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@ the Sacramento Lebron song.

And Lebron does look good in that Heat jersey (sorry DubA
), Bosh too.

We're still over a month away before the chaos begins.
Lebron isnt going to Chicago why would he want to play in the shadow of Jordan when he just chnaged his number each milestone would be second to Jordan. He doesnt fit with Wade in miami. If he leaves its NY or NJ.
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Getty ImagesLeBron won a gold medal alongside D-Wade. Is his best chance at an NBA title ring with him, too?
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[h4]1. Top 10 LeBron Combos[/h4]

By Kevin Arnovitz

Dwyane Wade made headlines last week when he suggested that several of this summer's marquee free agents would convene (at Apalachin? in the conference room at CAA?) to discuss how the signing season should play out. In addition to LeBron James -- the obvious guest of honor -- Joe Johnson and Chris Bosh have supposedly been extended invitations as well.

The idea to have a confab (who wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall for that event?) speaks to questions about James' future that became much more salient when the Cleveland Cavaliers sputtered in the Eastern Conference semifinals. In many ways, the Cavs' failures changed the conversation from a discussion of where James might go to the more important variable of with whom he should go.

The Cavs' meltdown proved that even a transcendent talent like James needs some help. And if we've learned anything from the Lakers' ascension since Pau Gasol's arrival in Los Angeles, it's that help means more than just "a supporting cast." Just as Kobe Bryant needed a multifaceted partner with Gasol's breadth of skills, James requires a complementary force greater than Antawn Jamison or Mo Williams.

There are plenty of big names to play alongside James wherever he lands this summer. The reigning MVP is the game's most versatile player, and each potential match would accentuate some of his strengths while possibly minimizing others. At the same time, James' dominance would have a major impact on whomever he's playing beside. Both LeBron and his sidekick would have to sacrifice offensive possessions and potential glory.

John Hollinger has performed a comprehensive examination of potential pairings with LeBron at ESPN Insider. Here's a further look at 10 possible player combinations for James, ranked in order of how potent they would be.

In addition to examining the specific floor dynamics between James and his partner, we're looking at a three-year term, something to consider when we look at older guys (Dirk Nowitzki, Kobe Bryant) and younger ones (Blake Griffin, Derrick Rose):
[h3]1. LeBron James-Chris Bosh[/h3]Much of the hand-wringing in Cleveland over recent seasons has concerned who should play power forward. Is James best suited to play alongside a traditional post player who will draw defenses in and free up James to initiate on the perimeter, or does he need the fashionable "stretch 4" to spread the floor?
The correct answer: Yes.

Bosh is the rare breed of power forward who embodies the inside-out versatility a James-led team should deploy. Lift Bosh to 18 feet, where he can drill face-up jumpers, and James can storm the rim. Feed Bosh inside, and he can drive one-on-one, kick to James out of the double team or step back and tickle the twine. Don't feed him at all, and Bosh is selfless enough to defer, an attribute whose importance can't be overstated when sizing up playmates for James.
[h3]2. LeBron James-Joe Johnson[/h3]There isn't a more deadly perimeter shooter on the free-agent market. Johnson took a pounding for the Hawks' crash landing in the conference semifinals, but he was more of a symptom than a cause of Atlanta's troubles.
Johnson shouldn't be the focal point of an isolation attack. Playing the 2 alongside James, he wouldn't have to be. Under Mike D'Antoni, Johnson was an active pick-and-roll player, a smart passer and, most important, a weak side menace. Situate Johnson on the opposing wing, and defenses will have limited options when James penetrates or posts up (a part of James' game he'd want to refine to best maximize Johnson).

Johnson's handle would give a James team a third virtual point guard, something that will prevent the standing around that has plagued the Cavs from time to time. Finally, Johnson's low-key persona would seem to be a sensible fit alongside the King.
[h3]3. LeBron James-Dirk Nowitzki[/h3]Any companion to James will naturally see his usage fall, and Nowitzki -- who will be 32 on opening night 2010-11 -- could benefit from the effect as he ages.
Imagine this sequence: LeBron James rebounds a long miss on the defensive glass, then races the ball up-court with the defense quickly backpedaling. As the transition defense converges on the ball, the best trailing big man in a generation spots up at the arc, where James delivers him the pass for a wide-open 3-pointer.

In the half-court, Nowitzki would be an ideal collaborator with James on a 3-4 pick-and-roll. And though they wouldn't be able to get away with it for 48 minutes a night, a LeBron-Dirk small-ball unit would be exhilarating, as the Mavs have had some of their best success in recent seasons when Nowitzki was holding down the 5.
[h3]4. LeBron James-Dwyane Wade[/h3]A James-Wade combination is fraught with all kinds of peril. Both players are aggressive alpha dogs who dominate the ball. Given Wade's limitations as a jump shooter, James might actually be the guy who has to sublimate some of his instincts. Want to be the coach who asks him?
Still, despite whatever issues might surface, there are plenty of reasons for these two supernovas to team up. The most persuasive might be on the defensive end, where a wing tandem of James and Wade would grind perimeter attacks to a screeching halt.

The offensive benefits are obvious and were on full display with Team USA. International opponents had their heads on swivels trying to account for both sides of the floor. With the ball in Wade's hands, James would not only tease help defenders, but also use his size and strength to crash the offensive glass off Wade's misses. With the ball in James' hands, Wade would buzz around the floor off curls where James would hit him on the move to the basket.

Count the baskets ... and the fouls drawn.
[h3]5. LeBron James-Blake Griffin[/h3]
Looking for a big man with a high ceiling to pair with James? As difficult as it might be to project Griffin's trajectory, James should give the redshirt rookie a long look. Griffin is a young, super-athletic, hyper-competitive forward who would develop his game around James' talent. And as a guy often tagged as "a coach on the floor," James would unquestionably be the senior partner of the tandem.

Here's what we know about Griffin: He has the explosiveness and hands to be the most devastating roll man since Amare Stoudemire. But unlike Stoudemire, Griffin has a voracious appetite for the glass and had already emerged as the Clippers' traffic cop on defense before he went down with a knee injury.

Once Griffin refines his jumper (already in progress), the James-Griffin pick-and-roll could emerge as the most unstoppable force in basketball. Most important, Griffin's speed, size and athleticism would finally give James a true "running 4" -- but one who could body up in the half-court on both ends when the tempo necessitated.

[h4]Wildcard: LeBron James-Kobe Bryant[/h4]
Bryant's not a free agent and there's no indication that LeBron's a Laker-to-be, but let's imagine for a moment that the wildest speculation comes true.

Picture this: A corner set in the confines of the triangle offense with James as the trigger man on the wing, Gasol situated at the pinch post in front of James, and Bryant to James' left in the corner. Now draw up something to defend that.

Could a James-Bryant combination work? In theory, yes. The schematics present few problems, particularly in a system that could utilize the collective skill set of Kobe and LeBron as well as the triangle.

The overriding question for both James and Bryant: How much would each superstar be willing to defer? Would each tolerate playing off the ball in crucial game situations? If so, the results would be fascinating, because the talents of James and Bryant are more complementary than we realize. If not, the dramatic tension would offer stellar entertainment value.
[h3]6. LeBron James-Carlos Boozer[/h3]
LeBron's former teammate Boozer is generally regarded as a consolation prize for the teams that miss out on Bosh and Stoudemire, but whoever lands James shouldn't overlook Boozer's assets in the post. Boozer is a master practitioner of the pick-and-roll, something he's demonstrated with Deron Williams in Utah. Boozer knows how to apply a screen and has sticky mitts that can handle bullet passes, a soft finishing touch, a strong passing game out of the double team and rebounding prowess.

Above all, Boozer is a heady player who -- even more than Bosh and Stoudemire -- understands how to work off the ball as an effective decoy for a ball-dominating scorer. Now if only Booz could more adequately defend.
[h3]7. LeBron James-Amare Stoudemire[/h3]
Stoudemire-to-the-Cavs is the great counterfactual of the 2010 postseason. Watching James' teammates struggle to help him find good looks against Boston, it was hard not to imagine what a multi-dimensional offensive player like Stoudemire might have opened up for James.

Steve Nash and LeBron James might not be natural analogues, but playing alongside Stoudemire would render James as a transition point forward running the types of devastating early sets we witness with the Suns. Then again, Stoudemire seems to need a big, hulking 5 to do the dirty work on the defensive end and the boards, something that would hamper James' ability to ignite a faster-paced game.
[h3]8. LeBron James-David Lee[/h3]Break out pick-and-roll stats and Lee's numbers jump off the page. No big man rolled more proficiently and more frequently in 2009-10 than Lee did.
What makes Lee so efficient? Unlike Stoudemire, who moves with brute force off the action, Lee is a master of finding pockets of space off the screen where he can launch a quick shot with either paw -- the closer to the rim, the better. Lee can get out in transition and also saw his shooting accuracy leap this past season from midrange.

But he doesn't compromise defenses with his back to the basket, which limits the range of half-court sets you can run in an offense where Lee anchors the front line. And as much temptation as there would be to play James at the 4 with Lee at the 5 -- particularly under D'Antoni -- Lee's inability to defend the post or challenge shots would demand another big body in the mix.
[h3]9. LeBron James-Derrick Rose[/h3]Speed has been, far and away, James' most underutilized asset in Cleveland, and there isn't a better player on James' list of potential running mates to leverage that attribute than the Bulls' point guard -- a James-Rose team would zip up and down the floor.
But could they be more than an NBA variation AAU squad? Because James is such a capable passer, the ideal point guard on his squad should have the capacity to seamlessly trade roles with him in an instant. Right now, Rose needs the ball to be effective (though he isn't a great distributor) and doesn't perform the kind of off-the-ball tasks James' accomplice in the half-court rightfully should.

On the other hand, the 21-year-old Rose figures to improve virtually every piece of his game and, as they say on the diamond, you can't teach speed. His soft-spoken, camera shy nature would be another plus in the partnership.
[h3]10. LeBron James-Brook Lopez[/h3]Lopez has a bright future ahead of him as a traditional pivot man is a league with few of them. He will make a strong case to be on the Eastern Conference All-Star squad season in and season out. Among his strong suits are being a good screener and knowing how to get a clean shot in the basket area.
As James peruses the menu of big men, here's the pressing question: Should the second-best player on a James-led team be an orthodox center with limited range and athleticism, or should James cast his lot with someone who can stretch defenses, win every race to the rim and challenge defenses with a more varied skill set?

Completely agree, only teams that can make LeBron and Bosh happen NY Knicks, NJ Nets, LA Clippers. Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen hes going to the Knicks 
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

In the history of me watching the NBA, I have NEVER seen no %**+ like this. Rappers deicating mixtapes, cities giving him days and doing We are the world, people from other sports giving their opinion, overshadowing the championship, presidents and mayors making press conferences, photoshops of every possible suitor,
what the hell man?!!? What the hell?!?! LOL
ur not lying
ok ok ok. it's over he's going to Miami everybody

LeBron bids farewell to Akron - jaguar heading to zoo in Florida

By Linda Golz
Beacon Journal staff writer

POSTED: 02:10 p.m. EDT, May 27, 2010

It's official. LeBron is leaving Northeast Ohio.

''Is he going to New York?'' asked John Kesterson of Barberton, upon hearing the news Thursday.

No. Not that LeBron.

LeBron — the 1-year-old jaguar born at the Akron Zoo last year — will be heading out for sunny Melbourne, Fla., by mid-June.

One of three cubs born to Naom and Chack March 3, 2009, he was the only male. His sisters, Bella and Nakita, will probably be moved to another zoo later in the summer.

LeBron will be paired with the female jaguar Masaya, who already lives at Brevard Zoo, ''in the hope of keeping the breeding going,'' spokesman David Barnhardt said.

The species is on the critically endangered list and there are only 100 jaguars in zoos in the United States.

Barnhardt said the zoo held a naming contest last year and the public chose the names for the three cubs.

''Hopefully, this is the only LeBron leaving Akron,'' Barnhardt said.

LeBron — the basketball star — once lived on a street just outside the zoo entrance.

Barnhardt added that he hoped LeBron James, the basketball star, would come and meet his namesake before the jaguar heads south.

''He has not been to the zoo,'' Barnhardt said. ''He's never met [the cub]. It would be nice for him to meet LeBron [the jaguar] before he leaves.''

Ally Wright, of Akron, was at the zoo Thursday with her husband, Christopher, and 2-year-old son Curtis.

''I'm sure we'll all be sad to see either of them [LeBrons] go,'' she said.

The zoo will have a LeBron Appreciation Day June 5, and LeBron will be on exhibit from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Anyone wearing LeBron James or Cleveland Cavalier paraphernalia will get 50 percent off admission to the zoo at 500 Edgewood Ave.

''Aww, he needs to stay, because we need this wonderful animal,'' said Angela Schwab of Brunswick at the zoo Thursday.

Seeing him ''from the cub to now, I thought he was the parent,'' she added, remarking at how big LeBron — the jaguar — has grown.

Linda Golz can be reached at 330-996-3640 or [email protected].

LeBron, the jaguar that was born at the Akron Zoo in 2009, will be leaving for the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, Florida by mid-June. The Zoo will be hosting a LeBron Appreciation Day on June 5, 2010. LeBron was the only male in a litter of three born at the Akron Zoo on March 3, 2009. (Dave Barnhardt/Akron Zoo)

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It's official. LeBron is leaving Northeast Ohio.

''Is he going to New York?'' asked John Kesterson of Barberton, upon hearing the news Thursday.

No. Not that LeBron.

LeBron — the 1-year-old jaguar born at the Akron Zoo last year — will be heading out for sunny Melbourne, Fla., by mid-June.

One of three cubs born to Naom and Chack March 3, 2009, he was the only male. His sisters, Bella and Nakita, will probably be moved to another zoo later in the summer.

LeBron will be paired with the female jaguar Masaya, who already lives at Brevard Zoo, ''in the hope of keeping the breeding going,'' spokesman David Barnhardt said.

The species is on the critically endangered list and there are only 100 jaguars in zoos in the United States.

Barnhardt said the zoo held a naming contest last year and the public chose the names for the three cubs.

''Hopefully, this is the only LeBron leaving Akron,'' Barnhardt said.

LeBron — the basketball star — once lived on a street just outside the zoo entrance.

Barnhardt added that he hoped LeBron James, the basketball star, would come and meet his namesake before the jaguar heads south.

''He has not been to the zoo,'' Barnhardt said. ''He's never met [the cub]. It would be nice for him to meet LeBron [the jaguar] before he leaves.''

Ally Wright, of Akron, was at the zoo Thursday with her husband, Christopher, and 2-year-old son Curtis.

''I'm sure we'll all be sad to see either of them [LeBrons] go,'' she said.

The zoo will have a LeBron Appreciation Day June 5, and LeBron will be on exhibit from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Anyone wearing LeBron James or Cleveland Cavalier paraphernalia will get 50 percent off admission to the zoo at 500 Edgewood Ave.

''Aww, he needs to stay, because we need this wonderful animal,'' said Angela Schwab of Brunswick at the zoo Thursday.

Seeing him ''from the cub to now, I thought he was the parent,'' she added, remarking at how big LeBron — the jaguar — has grown.
That jaguar looks pissed, I bet he's excited as hell to leave Akron.

As soon as he touches down in Florida he'll start singing and dancing like a Disney character probably.
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by coryturner

Originally Posted by air max 87


another month of NY talking about how hes coming

i swear lebron DOESNT sign with the knicks the whole STATE of NY is gonna collapse into the sea...

QFT i feel you i been saying this for a week now
The Knicks haven't won a Championship in almost 40 years duke, well be fine if Lebron comes or not Donnie Walsh is to good of a GM to blow our cap space on players like Joe Johnson and Carlos Boozer. It's quite funny that yall have so much hate in your heart for a team that hasn't one anything since yall have been alive.

Edit:  if your 37 years old posting on niketalk i don't know where to start

and also what's the difference between Knicks fans saying he's coming than a mavericks, bulls, or nets fan ?
Because Lebron coming to our teams isn't the end all be all for us. It seems like you guys will have 40 days of rain if he doesn't come.
LeBron: Cleveland has "edge" when he's free agent

Two-time MVP basketball superstar LeBron James is on the cusp of free agency. In an interview scheduled to air Friday with CNN's Larry King, James said his current team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, has the best chance of keeping him.

King: Do you lean at all toward the place you know the best? I mean do they have an edge going in...

JAMES: Oh, absolutely.

KING: ...your home team?

JAMES: Absolutely. Because, you know, this city, these fans, I mean, have given me a lot in these seven years. And, you know, for me, it's comfortable. So I've got a lot of memories here. And - and so it does have an edge.

James has not talked to the media since the Cleveland Cavaliers were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs by the Boston Celtics.

LeBron x Larry King, this Friday
[h1]LeBron: Cavs have edge to keep him[/h1] news services

CLEVELAND -- LeBron James told CNN's Larry King that the Cleveland Cavaliers "have an edge" when it comes to signing him when the free agency begins on July 1.

James answered "absolutely" when asked by King if Cleveland has an edge to re-sign him due to his familiarity with the team. The interview was taped Tuesday and will air Friday on CNN's "Larry King Live," capping the program's 25th anniversary celebration on the network.

"Absolutely. Because, you know, this city, these fans, I mean, have given me a lot in these seven years. And, you know, for me, it's comfortable. So I've got a lot of memories here. And -- and so it does have an edge," James told King.

Other than his postgame interview, James has not talked to the media since the Cavaliers were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs by the Boston Celtics, who then knocked off Orlando and will meet the Los Angeles Lakers in the finals.

The 25-year-old James heads a star-studded free agency summer class featuring Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire, Joe Johnson, Carlos Boozer and others. James has not given any hints about his plans, saying only that he and his "team" of advisers will weigh all their options.

The New York Knicks, Chicago Bulls and New Jersey Nets are among a group of teams expected to make a strong push for James when free agency opens July 1.

The NBA's two-time MVP on the cusp of free agency has spent all seven seasons as a pro with the Cavs, who offered him a contract extension last year and can give him $30 million more than any other team in a maximum-length deal. Cleveland recently fired coach Mike Brown, who led the team to 143 wins the past two seasons but couldn't get them to the finals either year.

On Saturday, former NBA player Darryl Dawkins, who judged an amateur dunk contest with James, said he believed that Cleveland's All-Star should follow his heart.

"He should go where he thinks he'll be happy," said one of the most powerful dunkers in league history. "Make the right decision for your family and get as much money as you can. If he leaves Cleveland, basketball as we know it here is going to go down. They have to do what they can to keep him here. I would like to see him stay in Cleveland, but he has to do what is right for him."

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
As much talk as there has been about Lebron, I've only been slightly following, I'm not a huge NBA fan.

BUT...does anyone think that he plans to resign with Cleveland and that testing free agency could be a ploy to make it seem as if he's spurning all of the other offers and talk in order to stay home and remain true to Cleveland?

I grew up a Knicks fan btw so I'd like to see him in NY, I just think this is all very orchestrated.
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