Official Los Angeles Dodgers Season Thread: NLCS vs Phillies

what a horrible at bat by russel martin, dude tried to hit every pitch out the ballpark.
I'm convinced Broxton is very frightened at this point.

I can't imagine him in the post-season when you really gotta be clutch.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

I'm convinced Broxton is very frightened at this point.

I can't imagine him in the post-season when you really gotta be clutch.
I feel the same way. His performances are at times unpredictable and shaky,whereas earlier this year with Sammy, he would always save the game forus, seemingly without a doubt.

Anyways, and finally the 4 hour marathon is over. Magic # down to 5. Let's Go!
[h1]Kent activated, Penny apparently done for the year[/h1]
By Tony Jackson on September 20, 2008 6:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | ShareThis

The Dodgers officially activated Jeff Kent. Torre says he will be a pinch hitter and that Blake DeWitt will remain the everyday 2B. Dodgers get the best of both worlds that way, with DeWitt's superior range in the middle of the infield and Kent's bat a dangerous weapon off the bench. Joe said if Kent reaches base, there will be a pinch runner inserted for him. ... Torre also said Brad Penny is now ``out of the mix.'' After getting that cortisone shot in his AC joint yesterday, Brad tried to throw today and felt discomfort. Torre also said it would be ``tough'' to add Penny to the postseason roster if, in fact, there is one. Too early to tell how all of this will affect the club's decision whether to exercise Penny's contract option ($9.25 million).
I don't mind Kent coming back...I'm confident he won't mess with the chemistry right now considering how close we are to making the playoffs

I knew penny was out for the year. Same with shmidt. Same with furcal. Same with jones.
I think most are P.R. moves to say they'll be back before the years over....when we all really know the chances are extremely slim.
Colleti has to cover his +%* and not make it seem like a total loss @ june/july when a marquee signing is out for the year. It sounds a bit better when ithappens in september

I ended up giving tomorrows tickets to my brother and his friends. Aint I a good brother? His friends said @%%# SUNDAY LEAGUE GIMME THOSE TICKETS
I'm convinced Broxton is very frightened at this point.
He needs to work on a solid secondary pitch, he only has heat right now. Berroa throwing that ball away did not help at all.

I knew penny was out for the year. Same with shmidt. Same with furcal. Same with jones.
I think most are P.R. moves to say they'll be back before the years over....when we all really know the chances are extremely slim.
Colleti has to cover his +%* and not make it seem like a total loss @ june/july when a marquee signing is out for the year. It sounds a bit better when it happens in september
They are not PR moves, Furcal wants to play, but he can't. He's a gamer, always working out, he took his rehab seriously. Same withSchmidt, I hate the signing as much as the next guy (Liked it at the time, not afraid to say it
). However, dude was out there in an empty Dodger Stadium tossing balls to thetrainer. Jones, has been mentally injured all year. His knee isn't as bum as they say it is, but his mind is bum status. Hopefully he has a goodfarewell year next season.

Brad Penny wasn't a Colletti signing, or a Colletti acquisition and we will be dumb NOT to pick up his option for $9.25 million. This injury plaguedseason aside, Penny has been the closest thing to an Ace. Sure, he tends to fade into a decent pitcher in the second half, he was still an All Star SP in2006, and was in the running for the SP nod in 2007.

Pitching looked like "Schmidt" tonight, Kuroda threw way too many pitches and the bullpen couldn't hold it. Too many runs and hits to the lighthitting Giants the past two games. Manny being a beast helps,
Seems like this game ain't going nowhere since the bases loaded incident.

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