Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

^ They left the island at the end of season 2 on a boat that the Others gave them. They were able to leave because Michael purposely tricked Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer into being captured by the Others. Ben then thanked him and gave Michael directions on how to travel and reach "home." We havent seen Michael or Walt since, but they are to be coming back next season the producers have said.
Well it's 1 2 3 4, Take the Elevator
At the Hotel Yorba I'll be Glad to See You Later
^Not the same song as Desmond that was "Make Your Own Kind of Music" but I believe they used it in the beginning of the first Julliet ep this season. I could be wrong but I think they are different.
Its definitely the same song from the beginning of the first ep of Season 2.
Team Bapes are wack!​
I'm really disappointed that Sayid and Sawyer pussed out when confronting Juliet. That's definitely one of the low points of the season.

I couldn't agree more. There really was no reason for them to back down. Juliet's little speech to them was lame. At this point it is not about who has the moral high ground, but about survival. Sayid and Sawyer shouldn't care that she knows the things they've done in the past, they need to protect themselves and the other Losties now.
-el rey papa-

the song in the first episode of season 2 was " Make Your Own Kind of Music"
the song in the first episode of season 3, and last nights episode was "Downtown"

they are different songs
CarlMonday put it down before me.
Got more soul than a sock with a hole.
Need Avys?PM me or Aim-Gsup18 Don't overflood me with request.​
There is a new Lost mystery, one that even I can't figure out:

whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
^^ :wow:
ROCKSTAR!wooooo!FREEMJBETCH!i want my year of senority back :frown:it's not where you start, but where you finish that matters.
Interesting. The shows' creators know that the show is pretty closely scutinized by fans (including through the study of screen capture images), so it is hard to believe that they would allow an error that bad to occur. Then again, Juliet is a doctor, so presumably she would know that an EKG doesn't tell you anything about cancer, which suggests that maybe it was just inattention to detail.
I just wanna see some asses get whipped

Bring back Eko and Ana Lucia, throw 'em in with Sawyer, Kate, and Sayid, give 'em guns, and let's get this show on the road...

According to the Canadian Wall Street Journal...
im sure the EKG isnt the only thing in the chart...and the cardiovascular system can be affected by cancer especially considering that we were never told what kinda of cancer rachel has...the "male" thing is just a dumb mistake
<br>email me: [email protected]<br>or aim: y0fallback
the only plausible explanation is that rachel was born a man...but even then she/he/it/whatever would have had to undergone hormonal therapy, a sex reassignment surgery, AND have a uterus transplanted...i know its LOST and anything is possible...but even that sounds ridiculous
<br>email me: [email protected]<br>or aim: y0fallback
the only plausible explanation is that rachel was born a man...but even then she/he/it/whatever would have had to undergone hormonal therapy, a sex reassignment surgery, AND have a uterus transplanted...i know its LOST and anything is possible...but even that sounds ridiculous

A flying dark cloud of smoke that kills people.
but even that sounds ridiculous

With this show anything is possible.

Desmond can foresee the future.

They implanted a chip into Claire that some how makes her sick.

maybe its just me...but those things you just mentioned seem more plausible than what i described...lets just agree to disagree here
<br>email me: [email protected]<br>or aim: y0fallback
maybe its just me...but those things you just mentioned seem more plausible than what i described...lets just agree to disagree here

I agree that they are more plausible and I do also agree that your farce suggestion of sex change is ludicrous, I'm just saying I wouldn't under estimate this show.

But lately I just get the feeling that the shows premise is simply some zealous dude has caught the hubris bug and wants to build a utopian society. That's why the Others try to impregnate women and make a list of the 'good ones.'
Something I noticed from this episode: when Juliet wakes up in the sub, we see Juliet wake up and get off the bunk. The camera zooms in on her bare feet for a good 3 seconds. Then, a minute later, when she climbs out of the submarine, the camera zooms in on her high heels.

I watched it again, and Juliet hops off her bunk and starts walking. Now, I don't have any experience wearing high heels, but, unless you can jump into high heels without using your finger to get your foot in, her heels magically got on her feet. The only reason I bring this up is that they zoom in on her feet twice and I doubt they did it just to show us Juliet's legs.

Another thing.... not an easter egg but interesting -- when Jack is talking to the Losties when he returned, Sawyer is arguing with Jack and at first Kate says "Sawyer!" but then later she says "James!"

And one more thing -- when Kate, Sayid, Jack, and Juliet are walking back to camp, Juliet and Jack are talking and Juliet tells Jack, "I dragged Kate into the jungle, handcuffed myself to her, and lied about it." Either Jack took it as a joke or Jack's in on it too. :wow:
Ben said that "there might be a pregnant mother on there"..... or something like that....

Now, out of all the things he can say, he said that.
I'm only incuding the last part in because pregnancy seems like it's going to play a huge part of the show.
and the cardiovascular system can be affected by cancer especially considering that we were never told what kinda of cancer rachel has..
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
^im pretty sure they said the chemo was what damaged her reproductive system...cancer does not need to spread for it to effect blood pressure, heart rate, etc...the chemo can do that which is the point i was trying to make
<br>email me: [email protected]<br>or aim: y0fallback
We were told it was a cancer of her reproductive system. Now, I'm not a doctor, but a) the chance of a cancer of the reproductive system of the cancer spreading to the heart is very low and b) the chance that a heart problem is caused by metastatic cancer is even lower.

I think you're probably right, but in addition to the cancer itself, chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer can cause heart problems. I don't know how quickly that happens though, but it can be pretty fast. (My wife got lymphoma when she was 18 and just a couple years later her heart was seriously impacted by the chemo drugs they used to get rid of her cancer).

However, notwithstanding the fact that cancer can both directly and indirectly cause heart problems, it still doesn't explain why an EKG read out would confirm that Juliet's sister's cancer came back.
^ lawdog1 and TypeRPinoY, both good points.

On an unrelated note, one more thing (I know, it never ends) I noticed that was also mentioned on another board is how convenient the video feed was that showed Juliet's sister.

First, Ben supposedly talks to Richard Alpert to get the feed but we never hear Richard answer back. Second, the feed comes awfully quick and looks to be set-up. I really really doubt Richard could get that set-up in 15 seconds along with a newspaper to confirm the date. Are you kidding me? Third, why does Ben first mention the date and say it's a live feed as if Juliet wouldn't believe him? I'm not saying it's a con, but there's no proof that it's not a con.

whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
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