Official**Lupe Fiasco's The Cool**Thread

very good album, much better than i thought it would be.
been bumpin The Cool in the whip lately heavilyyy
Originally Posted by arhymingape12

Lyrics from "The Coolest"

Verse One
I love the Lord,
But sometimes it's like that I love me more
I love the peace
And I love the war
I love the seas
And I love the shore
No love for no beach
Baby, that's loyal
But she doesn't see, therefore I spoil
I trick, I fall
Run up in raw
I love her, with all my heart
Every vein, every vessel,
Every bullet lodged
With every flower that I ever took apart
She said- that she would give me greatness,
Status, placement above the others
My face would grace covers
Of the magazines of the hustlers (hustler magazine)
Paper, the likes of which that I had never seen
Her eyes glow green with the logo of our dreams
The purpose of our scene,
The obscene obsession for the bling
She would be my queen,
I could be her king
Together, she would make me cool
And we would both rule, forever,
And I would never feel pain
And never be without pleasure, ever, again
And if the rain stops,
And everything's dry
She would cry
Just so I can drink the tears from her eyes
She'll teach me how to fly
Even cushion my fall
If my engines ever stall (wordplay bathroom Stall)
And I plummet (wordplay Plumb it) from the sky
But she will keep me high
And if I ever die
She would commission monuments on her bosom
To hum
Or maybe she'd retire as well
A match made in Heaven set the fires in Hell
And I'll be
Coolest _ what
Coolest _ what
Coolest _ what
Coolest _ what

Verse Two
And so began our reign (rain)
The Trinity, her and I came
No other man could ever stand
What her and I can (hurricane)
Hella hard
Umbrella whatever
Put plywood or propeller panes
And pray to God that the flood subside
'Cause you gonna need a Sub till he does reply
And not one of Jared's (Jared Subway)
You think it's all arid
And everything's ivory
Another supply
That means another July
Inside my endless summer
That was just the eye of the hunger
Felix, (fromethe Play The Odd Couple( /Felix_Unger) 'cause he is the cleanest among the
Younger, outstanding achieving up-and-comers
The ones that had deadbeat daddies
And well to do mommas
But not well enough to keep 'em from us
The ones that were fighting' in class
Who might not pass
Rap record pressure to laugh
At a life not fast
"Can you feel it?"
That's what I got asked
"Do I love her?"
I said I don't know
Streets got my heart, Game got my soul
One time's my sunshine will never hurt your soul
To a crying and sobbing baby momma
Who's the momma to a daughter
That I had fathered from afar
My new lady gave me a Mercedes
And a necklace with a solid gold key
Like the starter of a car
The opener of a door or two pounds of raw
You gave me a baby, but what about lately?
Then ha-ha-ha-ha-ha'd
Right up in her face, G
There's more fish in the sea,
I'm on my mission to be
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what
The Coolest _ what

Verse Three
Come. These are the tales of The Cool.
Guaranteed to make you go and fail from your school
And seek unholy grails like a fool
and hang with the players of the pool
Fast talking' on the hustle
No Heaven up above you
No Hell underneath ye
And nowhere will receive thee
So, shed no tear when we're now here
And keep your faith, as we chase
The cool....

can we post lyrics of this kind of stuff. somebody please let me know i ain't trying to get banned

So who is he talking about in this song? And does anyone else feel the line I bolded is a reach?

I've heard the album all the way through and it's really not that good. Standouts were "Superstar", "Hip-Hop Saved My Life", and"Dumb It Down".
Originally Posted by Skip2MyLou23

So who is he talking about in this song? And does anyone else feel the line I bolded is a reach?

I've heard the album all the way through and it's really not that good. Standouts were "Superstar", "Hip-Hop Saved My Life", and "Dumb It Down".

where have you been? did you not bother to read any of the first few pages? go back to listening to graduation
Originally Posted by AC IX

For those of you wondering about the logo.....

"Do I love her?"
I said I don't know
Streets got my heart [bottom right], Game got my soul [bottom left]


I'm still lost on the skeleton hand though? Anyone know what it represents?

Oh, so the album is the holy trinity of Micheal, The Game, and The Streets. Interesting.
I'm sorry I keep coming back to this thread but I love this album..any think Paris,Tokyo sound like a Tribe track? it beautiful mang

He had a whole lotta cheese
plus he was a mac he had a whole lotta seeds
made a lot of N's fat gave a whole lotta Gs, grams

double meanings are crazy
I'm sorry I keep coming back to this thread but I love this album..any think Paris,Tokyo sound like a Tribe track? it beautiful mang

That is a Tribe track to me its funny you say that cuz men my boys was talkin about that how you a big fan of NWA but ya tracks come out like that? That track is soooooooo Tribe influenced

The Circuit City version comes with the song Blackout. The Best Buy version comes with an exclusive "Making of the CD..." interview with song by songcommentary. I didn't see the 2 bonus songs as advertised in the Sunday ads.
^ i went by myself once...didnt really need anybody to go with me....was in my own little
Originally Posted by jefffort5

^ i went by myself once...didnt really need anybody to go with me....was in my own little

I guess I could've.
Too late now, though.

Lovers call him king

haters call him clown

He would say bite me thats the way its going down

I caught it like the 100th time I listened to that track.

"Even his kids had meals/mills for reals
Some rich small fries wrapped in paper since they was lil'
Catch up (Ketchup) _s"

I caught that one dumb late, too.
There's so much hidden inthere.
Originally Posted by mikejs210

The Circuit City version comes with the song Blackout. The Best Buy version comes with an exclusive "Making of the CD..." interview with song by song commentary. I didn't see the 2 bonus songs as advertised in the Sunday ads.
really? has anyone copped from Best Buy? I'm about to go pick it up but Best Buy is further for me than CC. But ill make the drive if theMaking of the CD is worth it
i gotta take some movies back to best buy for my brother in a little bit, so ill be picking this up for sure. ill let yall know about the best buy exclusiveswhen i get back if somebody hasnt already answered those for you.

[h2]Born:[/h2]Given life the moment the snake suckered Adam and Eve [h2]Birthplace:[/h2]The Garden of Eden
[h2]Biography:[/h2]An immortal, soulless entity, The Game scours city blocks and country landscapes with equal menace. Scheming from morning until night, he changes targets like the wind - hustlers, politicians, celebrities, and impressionable youth have all succumbed to his charms. His most valued accomplice is his wife, The Streets. Together, this "Bonnie and Clyde" duo have affected the lives of every man, woman, and child. The victim closest to their affections, however, was Michael Young History, a tortured man seeking acceptance through fame and fortune. Of course, nothing from The Game comes without a price. [h2]Cool Points[/h2]
  • Quite convincing, his foolproof method of touching minds is through blunt fingertips.
  • Through his wire-tapped ears, he's able to hear the approaching of any enemy.
  • When not hovering over common society, he lives behind bars, plotting ways to see his son, Heroine, and secretly conversing with his marital lover, The Streets.
  • Despite carrying out such heartless actions, The Game does have a blood-pumping system - an amplified system pumping beats through woofer-like veins.
Dude is scary
anybody from the LA area going to the one on Jan 17th at the House of Blues?? hopefully matthew santos will be there, dude is on like half of lu's tracks
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