OFFICIAL March Madness Thread

man i would love to see memphis and north carolina. i think that game would be the most entertaining championship game out of all the teams that are left
wow, unc is playing really well right now.

i knew they bring the ball up quickly, but they arent even letting louisville set up their defense
Sosa's gotta settle down. Two quick buckets and he's penetrating but outta control. And I hope he isn't injured too bad.

F Sharp005
Originally Posted by allen3xis

If I'm Pitino I lay off the pressure...just go with the match up 2-3 and just play more efficiently.

I don't think the pressure is letting them down so much as the guys behind the pressure being out of position..

He's gotta tweak something there because there are straight line passes being thrown down the sidelines - that's not supposed to happen against mostpresses, especially the style L-Ville is running.. the open pass should be deep and cross-court (the hardest option available).. Pitino SHOULD have it tweakedat halftime to make sure the rotations are being made correctly, but mostly i just think they aren't getting back fast enough to setup in time - part ofthat might get fixed by picking up at 3/4 court on the press instead of the entire full court.

UNC has shown they will turn it over if you can force them into the right spots, so i think pressing is the right move still.. but i do hope they go zone inthe second half when they drop back out of the press. I think that can neutralize a lot of what UNC likes to do, and lville should have enough quickness tohover around green and ellington from 3-land in that zone also.

But seriously - it's just been the little stuff killing the ville.... stupid dropping the ball and not hustling enough. They've gotta want it moreright now.

Credit UNC for their desire tonight - it's something i have questioned in them this year, but tonight they have shown a lot of it.
I love our aggressiveness on defense and the rebounding, we absolutely have to keep up that intensity in the 2nd. Great first half but we're still kindasloppy offensively. We gotta take advantage of all of their mistakes instead of giving it right back to em. Good $$!! so far tho.
He's gotta tweak something there because there are straight line passes being thrown down the sidelines - that's not supposed to happen against most presses, especially the style L-Ville is running.. the open pass should be deep and cross-court (the hardest option available).. Pitino SHOULD have it tweaked at halftime to make sure the rotations are being made correctly,
true, hopefully he has
Freaking T has the ugliest game in the world... if you never got to see if his shots went in or not (meaning, all you saw was how the shots looked when theywent up) you'd think he was the worst player in the country... somehow they go down though and he ends up being one of the best.

Another big man makes a great outlet pass, no mention of it

But if it's' Love....

It's like it has to be Kevin Love for it to count
ohwell.gif'dthink he created it
5 guys tried to block hansbrough's shot there

edit: the high-low entries are really becoming wide open so far this half for l-ville.. i'm guessing Roy covers that up right now, but keep going to itpitino.
Now some breaks going L-Ville's way with the refs and the offensive rebounds.. they're in the bonus already.
So when do the thoughts of last year start to creep in?...or maybe they won't.

could be a great finish

IF you foul, FOUL
Louisville comin roaring back... Pitino finally got these dudes playing inspired...
Originally Posted by allen3xis

So when do the thoughts of last year start to creep in?...or maybe they won't.

I knew you were dying to get a chance to say that.
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