OFFICIAL March Madness Thread

Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]UNC ***** TYLER HANSBROUGH FTMFPOY.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Thank you come again Louisville.[/color]




It's hard to understand why...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Bilas has fell off, he needs a break
March has gone to these dudes' heads...

It has
....but honestly, I noticed that he just looked completelyworn down during the Big East Tournament, dude needs some rest

Enberg was good tonight....called out the plays fouls should have been called on other commentators will do so. He was objective on bothsides
UNC played well. Just too tough down the stretch for Louisville.

Tyler took over when he needed to and got his team the W. Louisville didn't have that threat. Williams wasn't effective, Padgett couldn't get theball, and Smith could only do but so much. Lawson hit a big three to give UNC the momentum. Green and Ellington were no shows in the second half.

Kansas or Davidson can give UNC comp. They have that go to player that every team needs in a tournament of this structure--lose and you go home.

It's that one shining moment by that team or player who's on that makes this tournament the best ticket in march.

Can't wait for tomorrow's match-ups.
Deep down I think some of the people that dislike Hansbrough and Love do so not only because they are "slurped" but because they are of the Caucasianpersuasion, yes I said it.
-Home court advantage (what the hell NCAA !!!!!!???)
-Blatant referee bias (Hansbrough getting the foul call as soon as he goes for the shot. ....Hansbrough hacks Padgett at the top of the key & no callW.T.F!?.... Calling traveling everytime Earl Clark touches the ball.)
-Hansbrough hittin prayers


Louisville is the better team.
Deep down I think some of the people that dislike Hansbrough and Love do so not only because they are "slurped" but because they are of the Caucasian persuasion, yes I said it.
you gotta bring race into it, SMH,
Not me,

I appreciate Kevin Love's game...despite how overhyped is..

I don't %$+@ with Hansbrough's game at all....but I can appreciate the results he gets.

I like Love now, Hansbrough...still no

But they could purple for all I care....those two players are completely different to me.
DRE- I have no idea who said that... I am hammered right now about to hit up some bars on Franklin St. I am just so excited UNC is going to the Final 4. I knewthis whole season that it was going to be Final 4 or bust and we did it this year. You gotta admire the way Louisville came back in the second half, but mydude "Psycho T" hit some clutch shots.

San Antonio here we come.....

PS- Today UNC is 2-0 vs Louisville.
Louisville is the better team.
You soundin like a UNC fan after a loss, with that holier than god attitude

They had their chances, didn't capitalize.

Yes, playing in Charlotte is crap...

But yall played in tougher environments, had the chances to win....Hansbrough made the plays...without getting bailed out from the refs.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

DRE- I have no idea who said that... I am hammered right now about to hit up some bars on Franklin St. I am just so excited UNC is going to the Final 4. I knew this whole season that it was going to be Final 4 or bust and we did it this year. You gotta admire the way Louisville came back in the second half, but my dude "Psycho T" hit some clutch shots.

San Antonio here we come.....

PS- Today UNC is 2-0 vs Louisville.

Yo, I'm thinking bout going down there too....But I might get into some $@!%....

I might be better off chilling in the crib....
Congrats to Louisville you guys have a great team and a great future. I'm glad UNC was able to pull it off.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I might be better off chilling in the crib....
Word...don't want your head spinnin like a tornadocaine again


F it, i'm heading out, going to bull ++%# with all the UofLosers. time to raise some "L"!

and Roy Williams vs. Kansas in the Final Four
, that will beinteresting.

Memphis and Kansas should win tomorrow, we'll have all #1s. kinda boring tourney though.

there was alot of reaching in when lawson and ginayard were busting the press, but they let the game be physical except a few ticky tack fouls here and there

@ Hans getting off against the Cards
this is not a good night for me but I have to give it to UNC they played a good game and made the plays that it takes to win.

Now that Louisville is out I'm going for the Jay hawks
Hats off to Louisville, they could've laid down at the half but they came out, stuck it to us and really gave us a ballgame. Great team, great coach,great season. I fell bad for Padgett, having to lose to Roy Williams to end his career. He's a good player, but there was just no denying Hansbroughtonight..

The game was kinda similar to GTown last year. They made the adjustments. We didn't get any stops until like the 5 minute mark. They stopped thetransition buckets, and made the guys beat them in the half court. Ellington and Green disappeared, AGAIN(if that happens anymore it's curtains for us). But this time Hansbrough put us on his back and pulled us through. Those mid-range shots were not in his arsenal last year, but he put in the work anddeveloped that part of his game. I understand why he's hated, but you can't take anything away from the performance he put on tonight. On to SanAntonio.
Originally Posted by qaddafi


there was alot of reaching in when lawson and ginayard were busting the press, but they let the game be physical except a few ticky tack fouls here and there

@ Hans getting off against the Cards

Gee, I find it unbelievable that YOU would see the game was reffed that way...
i think you need to find a tarheels message board, or somewhere that your carolina blue tinted glasses will be more accepted.
IDK how anybody can't route against Davidson.... anyways about UNC, I love UNC, always have, and Hansbrough is a beast, but I just think he always looks sodamn funny, is itjust me? I can't even explain the look he has on his face at times.
I feel confident that it will be a UNC vs UCLA final in San Antonio.

But for tomorrow I see the Big 12 taking care of business. Although I'll definitley be rooting for Davidson.
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