Sep 1, 2006


[table][tr][/tr][tr][td]  [/td][td]Team[/td][td]MP[/td][td]W[/td][td]  [/td][td]L[/td][td]GF[/td][td]GA[/td][td]Pts[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]South Africa[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mexico[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Uruguay[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]France[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr][/table][table][/table]
Group A[table][tr][td]Match[/td][td]Date - Time[/td][td]Venue[/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][td]Results[/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td]11/06 07:00[/td][td]Johannesburg - JSC[/td][td] [/td][td]South Africa[/td][td]Background[/td][td]Mexico[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td][td]11/06 11:30[/td][td]Cape Town [/td][td] [/td][td]Uruguay[/td][td]Background[/td][td]France[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]17[/td][td]16/06 11:30[/td][td]Tshwane/Pretoria [/td][td] [/td][td]South Africa[/td][td]Background[/td][td]Uruguay[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]18[/td][td]17/06 11:30[/td][td]Polokwane [/td][td] [/td][td]France[/td][td]Background[/td][td]Mexico[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]33[/td][td]22/06 07:00[/td][td]Rustenburg [/td][td] [/td][td]Mexico[/td][td]Background[/td][td]Uruguay[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]34[/td][td]22/06 07:00[/td][td]Mangaung / Bloemfontein [/td][td] [/td][td]France[/td][td]Background[/td][td]South Africa[/td][td] [/td][/tr][/table]

Since there isn't one, and there are quite a few supporters of FEMEXFUT on the board I figured we should have one. While I support the USMNT as well, it didn't feel right discussing el Tri in the thread.

Our final 23 was announced Today:
Goalkeepers- Oscar Perez, Guillermo Ochoa, Luis Ernesto Michel

Defenders- Rafael Marquez, Ricardo Osorio, Francisco Rodriguez, Carlos Salcido, Hector Moreno, Paul Aguilar, Efrain Juarez, Jonny Magallon, Joerge Torres Nilo

Midfielders – Andres Guardado, Giovani Dos Santos, Gerrardo Torrado, Israel Castro

Forwards- Pablo Barrera, Adolfo Bautista, Alberto Medina, Cuauhtemoc Blanco, Carlos Vela, Javier Hernandez, Guillermo Franco
[h1]  [/h1]
[h1]Zizinho, molesto por la salida de Jonathan dos Santos[/h1]

Zizinho lamentó lo sucedido con Jonathan. (Foto: Mexsport)

Ciudad de México, lunes 31 de Mayo del 2010
  • Aseguró que le buscará acomodo con Brasil o España
  • Gio le confesó a su padre que no desea ir al Mundial sin su hermano
  • Ya le había pasado lo mismo
Luego de que en la Selección Mexicana determinaron que Jonathan dos Santos era el jugador que debía ser dado de baja para tener listo el plantel mundialista, el padre del elemento culé, Zizinho, habló con ESPN sobre esta cuestión con la cual se mostró muy molesto y calificó al Auxiliar del “Vasco
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I agree with Jonathan being left out of the squad. He doesn't get enough PT with barca ,so how can he expect to play on the worlds biggest stage?
Who the %$!# are you #!+$+?^^^ Seems like some scallywags woke up on the hater side of the bed today.
Originally Posted by APLX2

I agree with Jonathan being left out of the squad. He doesn't get enough PT with barca ,so how can he expect to play on the worlds biggest stage?
I personally don't think it was the PT. It was the experience he would have gained. Personally, thought Medina, Magallon or Aguilar should have been dropped in Jona's favor. Let's just hope his pops is just blowing smoke, because if Jona develops and doesn't play for Mex it will be a huge loss.
Where is he gonna go? He's not good enough for Spain or Brazil. He'll be in the starting XI for Mexico for many years, just not right now.

I think Rafa will be used as a midfielder, he has been good there and gives the squad flexibility where he could move back to CB and someone industrious like Bofo could come on if we need a goal. I didn't see the Gambia friendly so I don't know how Jona looked, but he's not gonna start anyway and I don't see how effective he could be off the bench. Players like Bofo and Venado can change a match.
Tranquilo tengo problema con la pais de Mexico

Pero el equipo de Football de Mexico? Ellos no me gustan
During the Gambia match Jona looked a bit lost like usual. Considering his short time with the team, he just hasn't found his place...which is perfectly fine. I see why Vasco kept Bofo and am one of the few to defend him about that. However, with the make-up of the squad I can't justify bringing Medin (even as a chivas fan).
i was PISSED! earlier today, not really about jona because he wasn't really gonna play, but the whole way aguirre handled the situation, he didn't even show his face at the press conference, how can you take 1 extra player and cut him 11 or so days before the WC?, i mean i know that they can only have so many people on the roster and cuts have to me made, BUT make the cut all at the same time, dont take a guy almost to Southafrica, and then cut him, he should have cut jona or bofo or whoever at the same time as topo and aldrete....
My question is, *%! is bofo doing on the team? You can't cut Jona when you have Bofo on the team. WHY THE $!%* IS CHUAUTEMOC ON THE TEAM? There are s many questions with Aguirre. I'm glad he'll be gone after the WC..If Jona really never plays for Mexico again. we can all blame Aguirre for turning away a very promising prospect. 
Can anybody update Mexico's Schedule? Next game......

BTW.......... Arriva, Mexico C@brones!!!! Y si no les gusta, chingen su madre.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

stucliffe just said conejo to start on June 11.
lets get ready for 2014...

Don't be naive. Conejo is not going to see one minute of PT..Sutcliffe along with all the other picante guys have their heads up their **++%..
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

stucliffe just said conejo to start on June 11.
lets get ready for 2014...

thats ANOTHER thing im pissed about, conejo IS starting against south africa, i just cant grasp the fact thats hes gonna start, he shouldnt even be here, not even as experience, oswaldo sanchez is better than him right now, and has the experience to pass on by to ochoa and michel, memo should be the starter, how do you have memo as your  #2 or 3 goalie in 06's WC, and memo as your #1 for for 3 + years for him to NOT start

...i honestly hope im wrong and memo or michel start, but i dont see that right now.
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

stucliffe just said conejo to start on June 11.
lets get ready for 2014...

thats ANOTHER thing im pissed about, conejo IS starting against south africa, i just cant grasp the fact thats hes gonna start, he shouldnt even be here, not even as experience, oswaldo sanchez is better than him right now, and has the experience to pass on by to ochoa and michel, memo should be the starter, how do you have memo as your  #2 or 3 goalie in 06's WC, and memo as your #1 for for 3 + years for him to NOT start

...i honestly hope im wrong and memo or michel start, but i dont see that right now.

You guys need to calm down..Aguirre would not start Conejo in the WC especially in the opener..Although Aguirre has made many mistakes, he's not stupid enough to do it..
This team got at least 5 players who shouldn't be there

Conejo, Aguilar, Bofo, Benado, Qua

Jesus Corona should be there over Conejo and to think at the prospect of Conejo starting the opener is just obsurd to me.

That goal by Glen Johnson was nice but get an avg size keeper and it's not going in.

I was shocked this morning when I heard the news about Jonathan though. NO way in hell did I think Bofo would make this squad. Especially after the treatment he got when the seleccion se despidio del Azteca. Bofo isn't in form, those two goals against Gambia, I would have scored 4.
Originally Posted by frijo sneaker

Can anybody update Mexico's Schedule? Next game......

BTW.......... Arriva, Mexico C@brones!!!! Y si no les gusta, chingen su madre.

Thursday V Italia
[h2]not a mexico fan but just thought to share

Giovani could quit over Jonathan snub[/h2]
June 1, 2010

http:/// to quit over Jonathan snub&id=791670">http://sendtofriend.espn....han snu...le,noscrollbars,width=400,height=500');return false;" target="_blank" href="">Email Print http:///"> no-repeat left top" href="javascript:void(0);" st_page="home">Share
By Soccernet staff

Giovani dos Santos is considering quitting Mexico's World Cup squad following the omission of his brother Jonathan.


GettyImagesGiovani: Has spent time on loan at Ipswich and Galatasaray away from Spurs

• Jonathan axed by Mexico

The players' father, Zizinho, is enraged by coach Javier Aguirre's decision not to take both of his sons to South Africa - and he now wants both of them to quit the squad permanently.

Zizinho, himself a former professional player in South America, said: "Gio is very hurt and he wants to be at home with us. He is there now and he's not well. We don't know if he will play (at the World Cup) or not. We still don't know anything.''

Jonathan is also set to quit international football over the snub - something his father completely agrees with. "Jonathan told me that he is going to quit the Mexican team and I don't want him playing for them anymore anyway,'' Zizinho added.
[/td] [td] [h1]Los enemigos de Aguirre...[/h1]
Martes 1 de Junio del 2010

Antonio Moreno - [email protected]
Todas sus editoriales - Mas columnistas

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No hay entrenador nacional que deje contentos a todos.

Pónganle el nombre que quieran, Mejía Barón, Lapuente, Bora y no se diga La Volpe o ahora Javier Aguirre.

Y en este momento el "Vasco" (también como suele suceder) está cerrandoel ciclo mundialista acumulando decisiones polémicas que más de uno lecuestionan y se van agregando al cúmulo de recriminaciones que le haránsi no logra un buen papel.

Por un lado se critica que defienda el tema de la desvelada de algunosjugadores en la concentración argumentando que era una noche libre ypermitiendo incluso que brindaran y fumaran señalando que eso es algo"normal".

Casi al mismo tiempo, la polémica decisión de cortar a Jonathan y todolo que acarreó su salida ha sido también motivo para darle "con todo"al responsable máximo de las decisiones.

Muchos incluso lo acusan de tener dos caras luego de ver la transmisiónde un largo anuncio donde Javier exalta los valores de nuestro país ypiensan que esto fue obligado para cambiar aquel famoso discurso del"México está jodido".

Sin embargo los argumentos de un técnico siempre serán "lo hago por elbien del equipo" y "porque creí que era lo mejor" y de ahí no los van asacar.

Hoy, a sólo 10 días del arranque mundialista les daré una lista de 10cosas de las cuales podrían acusar a Aguirre todos aquellos que piensanque ha cometido errores o injusticias.

Si a la Selección no le va bien en Sudáfrica le van a decir que fue porque...

1.- No llamó a Oswaldo, Pável, Jared y jugadores con más experiencia de los que llevó.
2.- No llamó a Sinha que era mejor que muchos.
3.- No convocó a Braulio Luna, quien le demostró que estaba en buen momento.
4.- Separó a Miguel Sabah a pesar de que su lesión no era tan grave.
5.- Se dejó llevar por la opinión popular ignorando a Nery Castillo.
6.- Le hizo demasiado caso a Mario Carrillo.
7.- Permitió que Blanco hiciera y deshiciera dentro de su grupo.
8.- Nunca definió su 11 titular y se cansó de hacer pruebas.
9.- Llevó al "Conejo" Pérez, quitándole la oportunidad a 2 jóvenes realidades.
10.-Separó injustamente a Jonathan y golpeó anímicamente a Giovani.

Y es que todos los técnicos siempre tendrán una lista de decisiones conlas que no todos coinciden y se quedan guardadas en la mente de losenemigos, preparadas para ser echadas en cara. ¿En esta ocasión, habránde utilizarse?

Nota:Las columnas que se presentan en la sección Editorial, son responsabilidad única de sus autores y no reflejannecesariamente la opinión periodística de Medio Tiempo.

I agree with #2,4 and 10
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