Official Miami Heat (4) vs OKC Thunder (1) NBA Finals Thread - Miami Heat NBA Champions

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

That would have been funny to see Westbrook just body Spo out of the way and take the jumper. 

Jason Kidd pulled that on Mike Woodson a few years back.  Worked to his advantage. 

All the Wizards fans remember the Lebron crab dribble...someone post the gif of Lebron's face on the crab body bouncing through the lane. 
That !*@% still burns. And he did it TWICE...both game deciding moments.
Originally Posted by durantula

Originally Posted by Proshares

Like I said, no one goes crazy for a call that should have went against KD but didn't. Now everyone wants to reward a flop. *%@% is crazy. Where's the KD criticism that Bron has been getting for disappearing in the fourth?

Yea, let's say the refs gave the Heat the game. Not that Bosh/Bron and the rest of the defense are shutting down the Thunder and have completely cut off the fast break game in 2 & 3. Or that the defense is cutting down on the passing lanes/extra passes on offense for the Thunder. Or that the best FT shooting team in the league has the jitters at the line now. Or that James Harden is proving the critics right that he can't lead the offense on his own.
Yo what are you talking about, Ill explain this again to people who dont know the charging rule. If a player takes off (in the air) while a player is still moving, it is a BLOCKING foul. After Durant took off, Battier slid his foot under, hence a BLOCKING foul. Typical of a heat fan to be completely ignorant to every single call, and then have the audacity to try to make an excuse for it.

Yea because I'm such a huge Miami Heat fan

Blocks/Charge: A block/charge foul occurs when a defender tries to get in front of his man to stop him from going in that direction. If he does not get into a legal defensive position and contact occurs, it is a blocking foul. If he gets to a legal position and the offensive player runs into him it is an offensive foul. In both situations, if the contact is minimal, no foul may be called. To get into a legal position defending against the dribbler, the defender just needs to get in front of him. On a drive to the basket, the defender must get to his position before the shooter starts his upward shooting motion. For most other cases, the defender must get into position and allow enough distance for the offensive player to stop and/or change direction.
Battier was already in a legal defensive position before the contact occured, he beat him to the spot.  Battier moved laterally.  IMO should have been a no call but if you're going to call that, should have been an offensive foul.

Only reason I bring it up is because folks are going crazy about "non-calls" on the Heat or bad calls by the refs.
Originally Posted by nflowshoe

The Refs are far from perfect, but OKC was fouling 3 point shooters and reaching like crazy. Durant was putting himself in situations that he shouldnt have being in foul trouble.
OKC is playing shook, Durant was all in Kobes chest when he had to the defend him but he is scared to play aggresive on Lebron?
There is alot of stuff OKC needs to fix within there team first before they blame the refs, for starters Make free throws and don't foul 3 point shooters..............

Next time OKC has the ball late in the game and go to Durant for a Bucket, please run a pick in roll for durant instead of trying to Iso him on Lebron. Unless he pulls up for a jump shot or powers his way to the basket he will not get a call.

Hardin trying to take a charge on Lebron close to half court last night
 Its hard to belive this is the same team that beat the Spurs
I agree with most everything you say here, no real okc fan/person who knows what he is talking about when it comes to basketball will/should blame the refs first. OKC let miami get back into the game with the 2 dumb fouls on 3 point shooters, missed FT's, then letting their immaturity show late in the 4th. But now the only reason durant wasnt in the 3rd quarter with 6 minutes left was because Durant had 4 when he should have only had 2. Then I didnt like the taking out of westbrook but Brooks knows more about coaching then I do so oh well.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

That !*@% still burns. And he did it TWICE...both game deciding moments.
Billy:[Billy and Dave are still playing video games] Dave, can't you see I'm dying of cancer?
Dave Chappelle:[Dave pauses the game] Billy, I'm sorry man. I was just trying to teach you a lesson! You can beat cancer but you got to be strong. I see it in you Billy, you're going to make it.
Dave Chappelle:Hell, no, %%+++! You play like a $!*$%! Hang on a second.
[unpauses the game and it's game over]
Dave Chappelle:[shouts] Game! In your face! In your face! Feel better!
[then leaves]
Originally Posted by Proshares

Like I said, no one goes crazy for a call that should have went against KD but didn't. Now everyone wants to reward a flop. *%@% is crazy. Where's the KD criticism that Bron has been getting for disappearing in the fourth?

I assume it's hard to get in a rythem when he was sitting for about 20 minutes real time. I'm not sure how it works at that level. But that's what I think.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Jason Kidd pulled that on Mike Woodson a few years back.  Worked to his advantage. 

All the Wizards fans remember the Lebron crab dribble...someone post the gif of Lebron's face on the crab body bouncing through the lane. 
That !*@% still burns. And he did it TWICE...both game deciding moments.

Ha...yeah, he had Gil Caron and Antawn perplexed.  I think Gil clanking those FTs hurt just as bad. 

I don't think one play decides the game or the referees either.  Miami has imposed their will this series and we haven't seen OKC play their style of basketball for an extended period of time.  We have seen OKC look good in spurts (outside of the second half of Game 1). 

OKC might suffer from having too many good players/contributors and too many possible combinations.  Collison has played well when out there....Ibaka as well.  Brooks needs to find a way to get the productive guys minutes. 

Lebron's greatness has covered up Wade's inadequacies thusfar.

Everyone should enjoy this last week+ of NBA basketball.  Come July and August people are going to be wishing they had something to discuss or debate. 
@ people getting bent out of shape about people who they think are bent out of shape

Like nothing negative is allowed to be said w/o someone whining about how he doesn't like people whining.

Get over your desire to see a game free of criticism.

Save the rhetoric about "Jesus Christ could be reffing the game." He's not. Some incompetent dolts are, and they are more proned to blow the whistle when some people drive or get barely touched, and 2 of those people are on the same team.

That's frustrating. When it stops happening, people will stop talking about it.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

We're only half way through this series... One game can change EVERYTHING.

Just enjoy each game, I know I have.

Preach! This series has been wildly entertaining. Very appreciated.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

^ Hey... Y'all had it for 3 championships.

That was frustrating too.

And people complained then too. People in here acting like this is a new occurrence and everyone is out to get the heat. It's been the NBA's biggest problem for decades.
Yes, we had it for 3. And yes, y'all had it for 6.

Now go read DubA's reply a few posts up.
OKC lost this game due to low basketball IQ and missed free throws. simple as that

If I was Brooks I'd put Sefalosha on Lebron from tip off and then maybe even move Westbrook on Wade. You can't have KD get in foul trouble anymore, need to protect him.

And I'll say it again...why the hell is Ibaka on the bench for the 4th quarter while Perkins is playing??? it makes no sense
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

^ Hey... Y'all had it for 3 championships.

That was frustrating too.
And people complained then too. People in here acting like this is a new occurrence and everyone is out to get the heat. It's been the NBA's biggest problem for decades.
The funny @#$% is some of the same people who are playing the "unbiased" role were the loudest ones *****ing when those other guys had their run. It's exactly what you's been an issue for too damn long and it's ridiculous that +%*#*$ are so accepting of it because it benefits their views. Or better yet they don't even want it being acknowledged...FOH.

That being said I think it's silly to attach all or most of the blame to referees yesterday when OKC contributed heavily to their own demise, namely dumb #$# fouls, Russ going at 100 in a bad way, Scotty benching him for too long, missing FT's, etc.
Series has been entertaining, that's why its so frustrating to watch the refs high jack it. I knew the game was gonna be trash when I saw Crawford during warm ups.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Series has been entertaining, that's why its so frustrating to watch the refs high jack it. I knew the game was gonna be trash when I saw Crawford during warm ups.

HAHA. The ref comments are classic. Every game ever played in the NBA is going to have bad calls, PERIOD. The same way Miami gave up game one is the same way OKC gave up game three. This series is going to come down to which team is more clutch in the fourth quarter in that particular game. Each team can do it it's just a matter of which team steps up and does it that night. This is a great series. Also it's hard to win a game when you're up by 9 and foul twice in a row at the three point line giving the other team six free points. Never a good move. 
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