Clyde Christenson, OC. :pimp:

14 years in Indy. Worked with Peyton, Luck, Harrison, Wayne, Edge, Hilton etc.

He knows stuff.

My absolute best hope, renewed play designs. Complete revamp of the O, new routes, blocking schemes, balance, etc.

Need routes that create separation for Landry, DVP, Stills, etc. No more 3 receivers in the same Zone bull ****.
Gase on LeBatard. :pimp:

Repeated multiple times, it has to be everybody, can't just put things on one guy/position. :pimp:

Also, Simon Clancy is murking Omar. :lol: I have a feeling we won't have Omar around much longer, something's coming, at some point. :pimp:

What was said?
He's watched every throw Ryan's ever made in a game since High School. He called out Omar for having an agenda attacking Ryan and agreed with a guy that said Omar badly wants to be a TMZ reporter more than a real reporter. :lol:
The dynamics between Ryan Tannehill and his coaches

Sometimes when news comes to the forefront, even when it seems to come late or quite far after the fact, more details begin to pour in from other sources that color in the gray areas to provide a more complete picture.

And that has been happening the past week or so based on some reporting I did last week about the relationship between former Dolphins coach Joe Philbin and quarterback Ryan Tannehill. You'll recall I reported Philbin became disenchanted with Tannehill after the 2013 season and before the 2014 draft -- so much so, the coach wanted the Dolphins to draft Derek Carr in the first round of 2014.

Well, since that report, people have informed me Philbin's desire to move in a different direction was manifested in a weird way. That's because the coach apparently stayed silent about his desire to go in that other direction until mere days before the draft.

So for weeks the Dolphins had been grading players and piecing together their draft strategy ...

And a few days before the actual first round, Philbin made it known to some of his offensive assistants and the personnel department that he wanted to go in a different direction. The story was so strange, it still makes the rounds at Dolphins camp today.

Mind boggling.

That's not all.

I am told that it was then, in that very offseason, that seeds of trouble were sown between new offensive coordinator Bill Lazor and Tannehill. Lazor, you see, was hired early in 2014. And people within the organization believe he may have been affected by his new boss's opinion of the starting quarterback. He saw the head coach wanted to replace Tannehill and that may have planted doubt in the new offensive coordinator's mind about his QB.

And those doubts showed up at times. But despite reports of discord between Lazor and several offensive players throughout 2014, Tannehill defended Lazor. He showed confidence in Lazor. Lazor, on the other hand, didn't seem to show the same confidence in Tannehill privately.

I'm told the issue of the audibles -- Tannehill wanting the ability to call new plays, and Lazor not budging on simply giving the QB a couple of choices to pick from at the line of scrimmage -- festered. The two also disagreed on how strong a voice Tannehill should have about portions of the game plan. Tannehill wanted to be more involved, and Lazor was apparently not eager to give away such power because thought he knew better.

It is correct to say that instead of having the relationship between the offensive coordinator and the quarterback growing, it actually went in the other direction. It got stale. Uncomfortable sometimes. Oh, it was professional. But it wasn't a meeting of like minds reaching total agreement or a bonded relationship built on mutual trust.

So given this environment, Is it any wonder the production of Lazor's offense declined? Is it surprising Tannehill stopped improving at the rate he showed from 2013 to 2014?

Indeed, the Dolphins offense regressed as the unit spent more time together. They were better in their first year together than their second year together.

That is history now. Lazor on Monday landed the quarterback coach job in Cincinnati. Tannehill will have a new QB coach, a new offensive coordinator and a new head coach.

But the history needed to be chronicled because it explains things. Success or failure is not always about the presence or lack of talent. There are other factors at work sometimes that also play a role in what we see on game day.

The prowess of the Dolphins offense and quarterback Ryan Tannehill in 2015 might be one of those.

By the way, it is definitely up to Tannehill to make the new situation work now. He gets the benefit of the doubt from the organization because he remains while Philbin, Lazor and others are gone.

But if Tannehill encounters similar problems with new coach Adam Gase and/or new offensive coordinator Clyde Christensen -- both of whom have a reputation for getting along with their quarterbacks -- then it might be Tannehill and not the coaches moving on next time.

The head coach, DAYS BEFORE THE DRAFT, wanted to go a completely different way.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The QB wanted to call audibles, he wanted to be involved in the Gameplan, and the HC and OC both wouldn't allow him. In 2015. :lol:

So finnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns, have we learned anything yet? Have we learned why you can't blame a QB when 2 dip ***** run an absolute trainwreck?

The head coach had ALL OFFSEASON to make his voice heard, he waits til DAYS before the Draft to say something. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If Gase and Christensen just flat out stop that kind of ****, they are the best coaches we've had since Jimmy. I don't care if they go winless. Philbin is an absolute ******* joke. The ******* idiot that couldn't get the team ready for a home game off a bye vs a 3rd string QB, but has the lunacy to try and make a complete overhaul of their entire offseason plan just before the draft. :rofl: :smh:

That's who was in charge of this football team. My God.

But hey, blame the QB tho. That's how it works I guess. :lol:
This was apparent with this coaching staff. The distinction within the first three games was too much to deal with. I'm honestly surprised that they were able to squeeze out a win in Washington.

I don't think Dan Campbell is ready to lead a football team, but he deserve recognition for the job he did in Miami. He wouldn't have been the worst candidate going into 2016. But we do need a guy that is a strategist and a leader of Men. I think Gase will be able to come in and do both. If he strings together wins, he will have buy in from his players
Can anyone explain how in the blue hell Brent Grimes was added to the pro bowl?... except Omar of course.
Getting caught up in this thread...

:lol: at that win in Washington, that was so lucky. Had it been later in the season we would've lost.

I hear Vance is not going to run the 3-4, sticking with 4-3
Oh what does Gase know? Finnnnnns says RT is just a bum that will never be any good like RG3, Kap, Dalton etc.

And we're doomed forever.
It could of been MF, any of the Seattle guys, or Omar... but you went in house with Finns.

I respect that. lol.
Oh what does Gase know? Finnnnnns says RT is just a bum that will never be any good like RG3, Kap, Dalton etc.

And we're doomed forever.

It could of been MF, any of the Seattle guys, or Omar... but you went in house with Finns.

I respect that. lol.

Put up or shut up. Shut me up with the performance to back it this season. Until then, lahhhhh lahhhhh I can't hear you! :lol:

If Gase and co see that they can 'fix' what's wrong, I'm all for it. Let him get complete control at the LOS, design to his strengths (rollouts, designed runs with the option, etc.), and fix the interior line.
Again, why does it have to be THIS season?

The building doesn't stop 1 year in, hell, we may need 1-2-3 to even get the roster built the right way.

Granted, we'd all love to get this turned around in 1 year, but it doesn't always work like that. He can (and should) play better next year, but if they don't have the defense fixed, is it still gonna be his fault for lack of wins? :nerd:

If we let Lamar Miller walk, and have trouble running the ball next year, will that be on him? :nerd:

You can't say prove it this year, and not even know how the rest of the team will shake out. Judge him on how the team as a whole looks, and how he does HIS job, not everyone else's. That's entirely the point, every stinkin year about ONE position of a 53 man roster.
Not sure how a QB who has had 2 consecutive 4K yard seasons, and a 2:1 TD/INT ratio is still on the hot seat.
Again, why does it have to be THIS season?

The building doesn't stop 1 year in, hell, we may need 1-2-3 to even get the roster built the right way.

Granted, we'd all love to get this turned around in 1 year, but it doesn't always work like that. He can (and should) play better next year, but if they don't have the defense fixed, is it still gonna be his fault for lack of wins? :nerd:

If we let Lamar Miller walk, and have trouble running the ball next year, will that be on him? :nerd:

You can't say prove it this year, and not even know how the rest of the team will shake out. Judge him on how the team as a whole looks, and how he does HIS job, not everyone else's. That's entirely the point, every stinkin year about ONE position of a 53 man roster.

It will but I've seen teams with less talent make the playoffs. This team should get a full season of Parker and Landry together, Gase should actually include the Pro Bowl TE in the gameplan, and I hope Lamar stays. Don't waste Suh's prime, that's a lot of money for a non-playoff team to pay a player.

Not sure how a QB who has had 2 consecutive 4K yard seasons, and a 2:1 TD/INT ratio is still on the hot seat.

When 2 GM's, 2 offensive coordinators, the defensive coordinator, the head coach, the interim coach, and a bunch of other guys are shown the door, the QB rarely survives that bloodbath. Tanne is The Terminator
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