Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

Originally Posted by ex carrabba fan

The lightweight division needed new blood. Aldo should be joining that division any moment now as well.

he turned down a fight with florian in december.  so all the talk about him fighting at lightweight was just talk for now.  he wants to concentrate on defending his title a few times which is good.  
Apparently Aldo will defend his UFC featherweight title at UFC 125, read it on another board. Opponent TBD

That's all good, but there's no doubt in my mind he has a max of two fights left at that weight. It's only natural for him to move up. I personally believe his next fight at 125 will be his last in that division.
Originally Posted by tooeasy891

Winner of Henderson - Pettis will face winner of Maynard - Edgar!
THIS is the best part of the new merger.  We get to see how Henderson stacks up (assuming he gets by Pettis of course) against the best in the UFC.

Actually something that could also happen is for a number of lightweights to move down to featherweight.. meaning Aldo won't immediately have to move up to find entertaining matches.

Florian can get his shot after all maybe at featherweight? That would be awesome on UFC 125 for Aldo's opponent.
na he prob walks around too heavy
that's a good point.  the smaller lightweights have an option to move down now and still go for that ufc title and make that ufc money.  maybe edgar would want to try and win that featherweight belt also.

i don't know about florian moving down.  dude already looks like a skeleton at 155.  he doesn't have much muscle or fat to lose.
Such a good look for the merge of UFC and WEC. It's going to provide more entertaining cards top to bottom.
If Edgar loses... imagine Frank Edgar with his size and speed at featherweight... sheeeeessshhhh...
Edgar vs Aldo would be a GREAT match-up. That said, Edgar's speed will be negated by Aldo's. It's a toss-up to me.
But the biggest thing is that these smaller fighters will finally get the spotlight they deserve.
Lesnar lost?

I don't follow MMA very closely so I just found this out. 

A year later from the below posts and Brock still looked like the same 1 dimensional brute. Doesn't look like he's improving much to me.  If anything from that 6 min fight, I noticed a bit less enthusiasm/energy from him than in his previous fights. 

Yeh I still remember when I was being hounded for expressing this:

wawaweewa wrote:
Club29 wrote:
wawaweewa wrote:
MayhemMonkey000 wrote:
wawaweewa wrote:
MayhemMonkey000 wrote:
Ehhh.. Lesnar did improve since his last fights. It wasn't just sheer size that was holding Mir down. He's done a much better job transitioning his wrestling to MMA. If you can't see the improvement of Lesnar after each fight, then you need to rewatch his fights again and look closer. If you can't see it then I don't know what to tell you. You have to be blind not to see the improvment. And he doesn't have to be this great stand up guy or this great submission guy. He just needs to play to his strengths and build off that. It's not like we have a hundred GSPs running around. 

And Mir's stand up was a lot better then you guys make it out to be. Not saying he's elite but he's not a scrub. Ken Hahn is probably one of the most underrated striking coaches. I've already touched this subject though... 

And can we stop with the Couture grandpa line. It's getting old and Couture could still probably beat every heavy not named Brock or Fedor... 

Couture is a grandpa and if he can beat all but Lesnar and Fedor that just shows how weak the HW division is. A 45 yr old that is top 5 in an MMA division. That is laughable. Is it not? Male's reach their physical peak in their late 20's and Couture is still competitive at 45 in that division. No matter how good couture is that shouldn't happen. 

On the training aspect. 

Of course Lesnar's skill set will improve from 0 mma fights through the first few. What Lesnar improved upon through those few fights were basic MMA techniques. 
There is a huge difference between a person who has never played ball and one who has played a few games (but sucks). That doesn't mean that the peson who's played a few games but sucks will go on to be better and better. 

How much better can Lesnar get is the question. There is no guarantee whatsoever that he can substantially improve anything else apart from perfecting the more minute details of his wrestling. 
He may be able and he may not be able to. Odds are though, that he won't be able too or that it'll take too long of a time to make a substantial difference. 

Of course wrestling and purely overpowering his opponent are his bread and butter but he is exploitable at this point. 

When Randleman first came on it was identical to what is being said about Lesnar. 
A freak of strentgh with great wrestling. 

I'm not gonna touch the Couture/Heavyweight thing because I've already touched on that... 

And like I said, there aren't a hundred GSPs running around. There's very few with the total package. Point blank, he doesn't need that. And Randleman is 5'10 and was a small (while strong) heavy, hell even light heavyweight... Brock isn't. I'm not touching this anymore because arguements with you goes in circles or goes off on a completely different subject, no offense. 


People can't really claim that "Lesnar will only improve". It's a complete logical fallacy. Especially given that Lesnar's 32 years old. Odds are that he won't improve. 
You're right Lesnar doesn't need to be a well rounded fighter (and there aren't 100's running around) but all it'll take is one or 2 to derail him. 

I mentioned Randleman because he was hyped based on the same traits. 

Lesnar and Carwin need to fight. That would be epic. 
I'd actually take Carwin in that fight. 

What kind of backwards thinking is that? 

Of course he can improve. 

Once he gets more comfortable on the feet, his boxing technique will catch up with his power, and he'll be much more aware of his surroundings against an established striker. 

and you make '32 years old' sound like he has one foot in the grave. 

come on now... 

People act like it's a given. If it was a given then there would be many great fighters because there are always tons of fighters with 'great potential". 
I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm saying that it's unlikely and his age as well as his late entrance into MMA do not help him out. 

Let Lesnar prove something first. 
All he's proven is that he's 1 2-1 against other competitive HW's. 

Heath Herring may not be a contender, but hes no slouch either. 

Bastitch wrote:
wawaweewa wrote:
Bastitch wrote:
aztec06jr wrote:
Bastitch wrote:
wawaweewa wrote:
What that showed though was that when Lesnar fights another real HW, he's mediocre. 

Carwin %$@@#! himself over. If he picked his shots better in the 1st I think he would've got the stoppage.


That's REALLY cutting Shane Carwin short, and you're really making it seem like there are a bunch of "real" heavyweights out there. Shane is just about as special a heavyweight that Brock is.  It's as if you're saying  that  only fighters that need to cut to get below 265 are "real heavyweights".  Most times, being that big is a disadvantage in MMA.  You aren't as quick, you aren't as skilled, and you aren't as athletic.  Both of these guys are about as athletic and quick as guys in smaller divisions. And Brock made it completely clear that his athleticism is on a completely different level and the finish shows that he is continuing to work on new ways to beat people. That's pretty damn scary.

And I can't believe any of you think the fight should have been stopped. I've watched the fight 4 times already and there wasn't very many times that Carwin's punches were landing in bunches.  Have fights been stopped for less? Sure.  But given the context of the fight and considering everything that was on the line, they were going to let that fight go until there was a decisive finish.  Brock was in trouble, but he was definitely defending himself.  If he dropped his hands or went limp, stop it.  But if he's keeping punches from landing, let it go until someone is put to sleep. 

I think the mediocre line was referring to Carwin. But I agree with your points

Read it again.  He's clearly talking about Brock.

Yes, I was referring to Lesnar. 

When you have absolutely no Stand-up game then what can you be but mediocre in today's MMA world? Yes, Lesnar is a beast on the ground (although I would've liked to see how he worked another 260 lb+ who wasn't gassed) but his stand up is atrocious. Did you see how he was literally running away with his back toward Carwin? 

Second of all, you (and others) act as if Carwin has great stand up.  Carwin doesn't have great stand up skills. He does punch like a mule kicks though. If Carwin could throw evendecent knees that fight would be over 2 min into the first. 

It turned out that Carwin was his own biggest enemy in that fight. He started wailing on Lesnar (not landing good punches) because he was looking for a ref stoppage.  He either should've picked his shots better or just stood up. Of course this is "Monday morning quarterbacking" but Carwin shot himself in the foot with that he did when he had Lesnar down. 

The only thing this fight proved was that a one dimensional fighter (Carwin is even more one dimensional than Brock) is good enough to be the Champion in the HW division. Why? Because there are few real HW out there. The 230lb'ers have a huge disadvantage against the 250+'s. 

However, as the payday's increase in MMA you will see more and more real HW enter the division. 

What did Lesnar show in the fight? That he can sub a rag doll? If you think Carwin was anything but a rag doll on the ground in the 2nd then you're fooling yourself. He was even breathing hard in the post fight interview in the ring. 
That it takes more than 1 clean Carwin shot to knock him out? Nobody said Brock had a glass chin. 

btw, I don't think he fight should have been stopped. The ref did an excellent job. Imo, he should get a bonus too because another ref would've stopped that fight and in turn the better fighter (on that day) would not have won. I said that if Carwin picked his shots better and got 2-3 more clean ones in then it would've been stopped for sure (prob as a result of KO though). 

I wrote out a 3 paragraph response to this that was erased when I somehow pressed "Back", and I'm too lazy to write it all out again.

In short:
1. Brock's a wrestler, first and foremost.  And he does it pretty well. It's the one MMA skill that, if you're world class, will always give you and advantage regardless of the skillset of your opponent because you control where the fight will take place. That is completely unlike BJJ, boxing, Muay Thai, karate, Judo, etc. We marvel at how the sport has evolved and how well-rounded the sport has become, but the MMA landscape is still littered with a lot of guys that are only really good at one thing.  And A LOT of guys out there that are only good at one thing are good at wrestling.  
2. Brock's speed, athleticism and cardiovascular endurance makes him the exact opposite of "mediocre".  He's a physical freak. Wrestling + the physical advantage Brock has over his opponents gives him a clear advantage.

It's MMA.  There's no real perfect "mixture" of skills you need to have to win because there's just too much to try to be good at. But if you have a clear cut advantage in one area that you can't gameplan to stop (meaning his athletic advantage and size), you're going to win most of the time. 

What's more important? Being well-rounded and multi-dimensional, or getting the W? 

I don't disagree with what you said. My point is that what the fight showed was that Lesnar could be beat and it wouldn't take a an exceptionally great fighter to do it. 

Like I said before. Carwin hits exceptionally hard but that doesn't mean he has a great stand up game. He doesn't. If Brock looked even halfway decent in the stand up with him then I would give Brock a lot more credit. He looked absolutely atrocious. Maybe that was a fluke and he was giving Carwin too much idkrespect? I can't say. 

What should be clear now is that 250+ lb'ers fighting 230lb'ers  are at a huge advantage simply because of weight. I realize there aren't enough true 
HW;s in the sport but there should be 2 separate divisions. The solution is easy. Raise the pay at the HW level and soon enough you'll find some gems. 
You'll waste some big paychecks on  bums but that would be just the cost of improving the division. 

you have to remember Lesnar is still a baby in this sport. Give his standup technique a good year to really iven at 32), and im willing to bet you will eat your words.

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A little disappointed that a replacement fighter wasn't setup for Nelson at 125. It will def be interesting to see if guys jump from lightweight to featherweight and vice versa with the WEC to UFC merger. It will also be cool having WEC stars like Faber be headlined on UFC cards. Hopefully they add more of the UFC on Versus cards for next year.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Edgar vs Aldo would be a GREAT match-up. That said, Edgar's speed will be negated by Aldo's. It's a toss-up to me.
Frankie will get eaten up by Aldo. Two or three leg kicks from Jose, and Frankie will be unable to shoot or bounce around like he normally does. Edgar's entire game plan is to win by decision every time, and there's no way he's scoring more points than Aldo. I really don't see Edgar beating Bully, so I doubt this fight will even take place.

Aldo vs. Maynard will be
the only exciting thing about aldo vs. maynard would be aldo beating the crap out of gray.  

i believe in frankie.  i think he'll beat gray this time.  ever since he lost to him, it looks like he's gotten stronger and can hold his own against bigger guys like sherk and bj.

aldo's power in his strikes would be the deciding factor in a matchup with edgar.  but i think he'll have a good gameplan and circle away from any danger.
Originally Posted by shogun

the only exciting thing about aldo vs. maynard would be aldo beating the crap out of gray.  

i believe in frankie.  i think he'll beat gray this time.  ever since he lost to him, it looks like he's gotten stronger and can hold his own against bigger guys like sherk and bj.

aldo's power in his strikes would be the deciding factor in a matchup with edgar.  but i think he'll have a good gameplan and circle away from any danger.

Gray will down down Frankie for 5 rounds. Maynard is not BJ, he isn't going to just let Frankie buzz around him and score points. Get ready for 5 rounds of dry humping 
eh, well see.  i think frankie will fight smarter this time and use his speed advantage.  seeing him stuff sherk's takedowns makes me believe he can do the same to gray in the rematch.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Koschek paranoid as hell
How you gonna get in a scrap with the paramedic man?

Hahaha the dude is a meathead. He got out-bullied and couldn't handle it.. HA.
They should make the next TUF to be all bantamweight/featherweight to further promote the new merger and weight classes to the fans who might not be familiar with WEC already. Or they can make it all Flyweights since Dana will add that division too.
Originally Posted by chino905

They should make the next TUF to be all bantamweight/featherweight to further promote the new merger and weight classes to the fans who might not be familiar with WEC already. Or they can make it all Flyweights since Dana will add that division too.

The next TUF is welter and middle. The one after that is rumored to include the WEC weight classes 
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

who do you guys think will win TUF?

It doesn't seem like there is a favorite this year
I got my money on Michael Johnson or Jonathan Brookins.

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

The next TUF is welter and middle. The one after that is rumored to include the WEC weight classes

Seeing Faber, Cruz, Bowles, Bendo, or Aldo as a coach
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