heilman is really crazy he has to be sent down are you kidding me? i hate him he sucks never does anything good

PS - they should start murphyin LF and a. reyes at 2nd

a reyes
thats what the lineup should be IMO
Street is not exactly that great either.

Heilman has good stuff but apparently reverted back to his early ways (he had one dominant month and 2 horrible ones).

Yes he is being overworked, and leads the MLB in innings pitched out of the pen......but at some point you have to stop giving up all of these homeruns almostevery time out, its pretty unreal.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

at what point do we say Heilman is never coming back mentally or physically. He's not going to turn it around here which is why he should have been traded for Street at the deadline.
There's NO WAY Billy would've done that, not even Steve Phillips would've done that

Reyes the clown
Originally Posted by BTLlovesJays

Originally Posted by holdupstop23

at what point do we say Heilman is never coming back mentally or physically. He's not going to turn it around here which is why he should have been traded for Street at the deadline.
There's NO WAY Billy would've done that, not even Steve Phillips would've done that

Reyes the clown

Billy's always had a hardon for heilman. I believe he still does.
Mets should've traded Heilman when he actually had a trade value and a couple teams coveted him as a starter.
What an uphill climb the 9th inning turns into without Wags. It was hard with him, now it's even worse without him.

Heilman sucks. If we could have traded him, I question why they didn't get rid of him. I can't wait until the day I can say that Aaron Heilman is noton my team.
Nice outing for Pelfrey, keep learning kid.

Man....if Reyes makes that routine fly ball catch the 9th could have ended differently for Heilman, but when it rains it POURS.

Marlins up 5-2 in the 8th.
Unbelievable. If this is how it's going to be the rest of this season good luck to us. Heilman should be sent down for a loooooong assignment somewherewhere they have 25 cent hot dog night and 50 cent beers. He makes me cringe. I'm officially going to be printing up some "FOREVER %*+* HEILMAN"shirts or "HEILMAN SUCKS" shirts. Which one should I go with. Any of you guys on this forum that want one I got you for cost.
officialbang, I'd be down for one of those shirts if I can see an example of what it would look like. I'd go with Forever bleep Heilman. And whatmaterial are we talkin here?
Also, is that shirt in your avy one that you made? Cuz those look interesting too.
Originally Posted by officialbang

Unbelievable. If this is how it's going to be the rest of this season good luck to us. Heilman should be sent down for a loooooong assignment somewhere where they have 25 cent hot dog night and 50 cent beers. He makes me cringe. I'm officially going to be printing up some "FOREVER %*+* HEILMAN" shirts or "HEILMAN SUCKS" shirts. Which one should I go with. Any of you guys on this forum that want one I got you for cost.

I'm gunna need a few of those for me , my pops, my dog, and my girl
I'm going to work on it tonight and i'll send you a pic. The "HEILMAN SUCKS" one is a little less vulgar, but like you I'd rather themore vulgar one. the shirt in my avy is also for sale.
That has to be what....the 10th or 11th time the defense has failed behind Heilman that has prolonged innings this season?

Its not like he's trying to throw away games now, and he did carry the team for a whole month, but it must suck to be in his position right now when youcan't even catch ONE break when things don't go your way.

Heilman still walked the leadoff batter in 4 pitches, but if A.Reyes made that routine catch, we probably would not even have a 9th inning discussion.
I went to the game tonight to take in 1 last game at Shea....

I was gonna say the same thing, Reyes should have caught that pop up i dont know what he was doing..?

Anyway it was a pretty decent game....anyone know why they took Young out?? I wasn't really paying attention at the time....he was pitching pretty decent.

Shea was going nuts over the 3 run HR in the 9th
For the year, the Mets bullpen ERA is 24th.
Number of bullpen wins is 20th.
18th in Save percentage (Wags has 7 blown).

and dead last in Run Support at 2.99.
Next to last are the Dodgers at 3.33 -
and the Phils number is 4.86 (which is why they win late in games)

Just let Kunz close please, that is all.
Mez... Did you see this on MetsBlog? Also, Church took BP at Shea and Burgos (remember him?) made a rehab start. Wecould use both of those dudes.

[table][tr][td]Shea: Trying to Interview Guisseppe Franco[/td] [/tr][tr][td]By Matthew Cerrone - Aug 6, 2008 4:02 pm[/td] [/tr][/table]
I am sitting in the parking lot of Shea Stadium, typing this post on a PDA, waiting for Ted Berg and our video producer,Jeff.

Last week on MetsBlog, I wrote up a post about having seen the infamous Guisseppe Franco in front of his Beverly Hillssalon, while on vacation in California the previous week.

Late last week, Franco e-mailed me saying he had seen my post, he was flattered and so we struck up a phone call.

Turns out, he is in New York City this week. Also, he is seemingly a very nice guy, who is also a Mets fan.

He is scheduled to take batting practice tonight at Shea, and so Ted and I intend to connect with him for aninterview.

I would not be surprised to see Franco end up on one of SNY's afternoon programs, so stay tuned to that as well.

Wish us luck, as there is chance one of us ends up with a mohawk.
I may have to bring out the Guiseppe avy again.

To expect ANYTHING from Burgos this season is a dream, just look at Duaner right now. He has been good overall but nowhere near as dominant in 2006, but itsgoing to take a while (he's been out of baseball for 2 years), you had to assume he was going to hit a wall eventually.

Church is still a ways away from playing RF, Mets are not going to rush this at all. I would let him sit out until September if it were up to me.

Tonight's Lineup:

SS Jose Reyes
LF Daniel Murphy
3B David Wright
1B Carlos Delgado
CF Carlos Beltran
RF Fernando Tatis
2B Damion Easley
C Brian Schneider
RHP Pedro Martinez

Schnei = weak link, but thats our best lineup right now without Church.
Well, there goes the no hitter.

IDK why but Pedro ALWAYS has to allow a 1st inning run, he probably needs to warm up more since he is older eh?

Guess we're gonna have a high scoring game tonight.
They ALL hustle when they first come up.

But yeah, he's making a good impression.

Wright with the theft. I love the fact that he makes himself a legit threat on the bases.
I think he's drunk, I thought he was drunk last night but tonight I think he's really drunk.
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