Knowing the Mets, they wont sweep just b/c they continue to play mediocre at home, 2 out of 3 just watch.
lookin forward to the first series vs the mutts...and i know someone else who is lookin forward to it too: L MILLZ

"I'm looking forward to playing New York, I can tell you that right now," said the former first-rounder. "I'll be ready. It's a business, I'm not mad at all that the Mets got rid of me, but I am going to have a little chip on my shoulder when I play New York, that's just how it is."
millz is gonna torture the mets for the next 10+ years. that trade will forever live in infamy.

anybody think castillo shoulda sacrificed pagan over 2 second?

idk but you guys but right now i'm liking the lastings milledge trade church and schneider have been very good
Church has been hitting to opposite field even more than pulling, dude has been excellent and Schneider has been great, I've always liked the trade butnever liked how the Mets treated Lastings.....Willie and his preference for veterans ALL THE TIME is what bugs me about him.
haha, how awesome would it be if millz hit a homer and then trotted out to the field and attempted to high five the fans again?
i could see him doing it too, i don't underestimate his swag.
My bad dudes, I couldn't watch the last 2 games and I'm pretty sure that's why we lost. I won't do it again. I'll be at Saturday's gamein Philly, y'all can blame me for that if we lose.
I wouldn't be surprised if Acta out manages Willie like he did late last season.

2 of 3 would be nice, but the way this team does not dominate at home (dating back to 2005) is inexcusable. The team had a swag to them in 2006 but because ofWillie people are not even allowed to celebrate anymore.....oh the day he's gone from this team will be the day I celebrate.

Its also NO coincidence that the only players raking thus far (granted its early) are those players who were not even on the team last season (ie. Pagan,Church, Schneider, etc).

Good luck to Pelf tonight, hopefully he can go an inning or 2 deeper into this game.
^ Tell me about it. Willie isn't about motivation, he is about professionalism and perspective. Look at this team since Willie arrived, the enthusiasm, funand determination has drained with every passing day.

Its easy to over-react to certain things, but at the same time its been this way all the time.

I also wouldn't be surprised is he keeps using those B-Lineups he has every other week during the summer months...you know, those games where the Mets winthe first two of the series, and then rests EVERYONE AT THE SAME TIME, basically forfeiting the game. The Mets probably lost about 7 games just on that alonelast season.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Yeah, Gato isn't the only one to blame. I'm just frustrated.

Ollie was horrible. That's where the blame starts.

I expect a sweep of the Gnats. 2 out of 3 at worst.

I can see a sweep of the Nats. Lets get off to a good start tonight with Mike. I like the production that we are getting remember it is early in theseason.
i wont be happy with anything less than a sweep...and i hope n pray that extra innings does not put the GNATS announcers on tonight... can't stand thosedudes ,they sound like older versions of JRAIN
im loving the way pelfrey isn't shying away from the pressure moments... straight smoked NJ away!
(Just came home).....I like this lineup, but I still prefer to see Beltran batting 3rd with Gado 4th and Wright 5th like they did back in 2006.....but even ifit were Beltran 3, Wright 4, Gado 5th.

I would still prefer Pagan 2nd over Church though (church is hitting everything and I don't like seeing sac bunts from him), but at least Willie istweaking the lineup since Castillo hasn't hit anything yet.

Good job by Pelf so far, has to limit his walks though.
You know what I love? When the leadoff man hits a double and they can't get the run in...
mez i agree with you on the pagan 2nd over church thing, but i like the 3,4,5 the way it is now..... wright is your best hitter and you want to give him 1stcrack if anyone gets on base. If no one is on base, more times than not, he will extend the inning more than beltran would.
That''s because Church did them a favor by giving the Nats an out by sacrificing....I don't like that in the 4th inning of a baseball game.

Putting him in the 2 whole is a waste, Pagan should be swapped with him.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

@ Willie's comments about Pagan....
What did he say?

Good point about the only players doing well are the ones who weren't on the team last year.

But Wright and Beltran are doing pretty solid as well.

As far as tonight's game, I get irked when the crowd boos something like Beltran grounding into that double play right there. I understand that last seasonleft a sour taste and that THIS season hasn't started off strongly... But we're up by 2 for Pete's sake! Boo when the team is losing or showing nosigns of life. Not when they are already up.
The booing of your own players is pathetic, as annoying as Red Sox fans may be......they are just AS passionate but they never, EVER...boo their own players.

His comments was basically downgrading Pagan rather than praising him...saying lets not get carried away, he's coming down to earth sooner or later. Not avery good motivational thing to say IMO (we all know its obvious he wont continue the pace Willie, but ENCOURAGE your players to the media...praise them).

As for the lineup...I know the (3) = your best avg hitter, (4) = best power hitter, (5) = 2nd best power hitter.......but I think if Gado goes back the 4 holehe would get more pitches to hit with Wright behind him, plus Church would hit 6th so the lineup alternates lefties and righties.

But I can live with Beltran (3), Wright (4), Gado (5).
i honestly don't get why mets fans are booing milledge.... he never did anything wrong in my eyes... i wanted him to stay with the mets his whole career
he didn't make some flattering comments about the mets clubhouse before the season started

looks like jose just needed a couple of days off
a) He's on the opposing team now

b) He threw the Mets under a bus

c) Shoot, the fans are booing their OWN players, so I doubt they would cheer for opposing ones.

jamaicanb3atsz (8:35:26 PM): ok guood cuz I was gonna come thru kid
jamaicanb3atsz (8:35:29 PM): earlier
mezone718 (8:36:08 PM): u have the #
mezone718 (8:36:17 PM): reyes has a single and a double
mezone718 (8:36:19 PM): triple time

EDIT: ....and that is WHY you do NOT put church hitting 2nd.
^ That's happened all year so far. The Mets like to rally when they have 2 outs, and then not score.

They like to score early and NOT add on runs, and end up losing games like that.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

The booing of your own players is pathetic, as annoying as Red Sox fans may be......they are just AS passionate but they never, EVER...boo their own players.

Johan on Saturday, Beltran tonight, I don't get it. As a matter of fact, when Beltran first came and they were booing him mercilessly... then he turned itaround and didn't want to come out for that curtain call. I remember totally feeling where he was coming from that day.

And look, as I'm typing this, the question of the night is in relation to the fans booing. It really does irk me.

New York has always been a tough town. But in recent years, it's gotten worse. I blame the Knicks.
They have been the only team in NY who has failedto step up. I noticed fans started booing for every little thing at Knicks games a few years back. And it has started to infiltrate the other NY teams.

@ Keith in that suit.
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