I mean did anyone not expect that?

Ya gotta Bereave!
Nah, wasn't trying to say anyone was blaming Willie. But regardless, if they lose tonight, Willie's name will DEFINITELY come up.

And at this point, I'm like #+$% it. Maybe he does need to go.

Funny thing is, I feel as if the team will go into a serious funk if Willie gets canned. I just get the feeling that they like him. Or at the very least, theyfeel bad for him.

Boo birds are out tonight and I can't say that I blame them.

I'm not gonna quit on them. But if they lose here, it'll hurt like a mutha.
If the Mets lose tonight, I don't think they can recover....and it hurts me to type that out.

Willie will get fired, and while I never was a fan of his, he doesn't deserve any of this.

But the blame will always go to the manager......its his job to bring the best out of his players, and that's not the case right now.

EVERYONE LOOKS DEAD in the middle of a potential rally.
I know you dudes saw the cover of the Daily News today:


The city is mocking the Mets

And they just gave up a 4 pitch walk to start the 10th.
I haven't even bought or seen a newspaper in like 2 weeks.

I still fell sick right now, I don't even care if they win or lose, I feel like my team lost an elimination game.

Thank god for this new batch of samples I'm going through, music > all.
Best believe I have the rapidshare account on full effect right now with the pr0n.

But music for now.
Forgot me watching this team for the weekend. Like someone else mentioned, until their play is worth me taking 3 hours out of my day.

Anything that can go wrong, has. It's as simple as that.

Make a big shake up, I don't care who the hell we trade at this point cause I'm close to jumping off ship anyway.
Holy crap....i had the TV muted, and I see a fly ball go out to the bleachers, I thought it was homerun Heilman at it again but it was just a Wagner replay.

C'mon people.....

(I know its not Shea)

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Heilman is in... im waiting on his daily HR.

That's rough man

My dad is the Mets fan, I'm the Yankees fan. He informed me a while ago how Pelfry pitched 8 scoreless innings, and Wagner came in for the save and gaveup a 3 run HR.

According to my friend, Pelfry should have stayed in for the 9th based off the stuff he had. Willie made the right move to bring in his closer, but Wagnerfailed yet again. The blame will go to Willie though, no doubt about that.
I heard on Mike and the Mad Dog that if the Mets really want to change this team up they either trade Reyes or fire Willie what are your thoughts? Delgado isalso an option to trade but his value is way too low and his salary is too high.
Mets would never be dumb enough to trade Reyes, he is one of the few bright spots to this franchise.

Willie will unfortunately go (horrible manager but i really feel for him)....he's not getting the most out of his players, even if the lineup is depletedright now.

I am a firm believer that they should wait until the off season to make any moves.
They were saying that Mets could get a package that would include Grady Sizemore and a SS for Reyes would you do it? you need a LF or RF
They were saying that Mets could get a package that would include Grady Sizemore and a SS for Reyes would you do it? you need a LF or RF

I don't know why M&MD always bring up the Reyes talk, which is weird.

Reyes and Wright are the faces of this team, if they trade either I will lose faith in the franchise and question my fanhood, seriously.

They have Beltran in CF, and Church in RF.....Mets will fill the voids in LF and 1B during the off season when Alou's and Delgado's contract expire. Ialso hope Mike Carp gets promoted to AAA already, he's hitting about 3.70 right now in AA and playing well tonight, he could be a viable option for 1stbase. Fernando Martinez is also the teams future LF.

I just want these old farts to go away and never come back.
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

They were saying that Mets could get a package that would include Grady Sizemore and a SS for Reyes would you do it? you need a LF or RF

right now I would... he hasnt been great since '06.... but with our luck, once he gets traded, he will bat 400 for the rest of his career with 10 goldgloves, and 4 MVPs
Things have been so bad lately that we can't even celebrate this one for too long.

Already have to look ahead to tomorrow's early game.

The Ace is up and I like our chances. But damn, we really can't get too happy.

A loss tomorrow erases all the good will from tonight.

I haven't gotten to see a lot of games lately, but I've also been living by "If you don't have anything nice to say..."
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