another loss...

lets just lose the next game so Willie can get fired already...
If the Rangers pitching staff was even average they'd be real nice...

That offense is

Young, Hamilton, Bradley, and Murphy go 2-17 and the team scores 8 runs... 1 through 5 is as tough as any lineup in baseball.

They gotta trade Jarrod Saltalamacchia for a high-end pitching prospect.
BLOW IT UP. Keep reyes, maine, wright, santana, and church.

.....Beltran, Pelfrey, Joe Smith.

SMH @ Easley dropping a fly ball...Reyes making a bad decision throwing to 1st with a man between 2nd and 3rd hung out to dry, Schneider the last game tryingto score on a sack fly when he's as slow as syrup.......all these mental mistakes man (2 extra outs for the Rangers this inning, unfair for Pedro to pickup his teammates like that). Its sad when the Rangers announcers can even point out the lack of hustle and focus by this team.

They face the Angels, Rockies, Mariners, and Yankees the next 4 series. They will keep sinking further and further if they keep playing this way.

This team lacks fundamentals...Shea is a ghost town, nobody even boo's anymore.
Gabbard is going to throw a shut out today, this team looks dead in this second game as well as the crowd(is anybody even there)

Edit: Nice job hitting, looks my jinx like worked.

Edit: nice clutch hit, about time scored some runs in a big spot and I love the balls out of Willie to take a chance. Managing like a man with nothing tolose

Edit: Nice job salvaging the series and not blowing the save.
That was pathetic of some of the fans to boo Cancel after every strike called on him, like its his fault he's up there to bat. Its because without Alou andChurch (for now), and no studs in AAA, you have to throw nobodies like him out there.

I didn't like the move but I understand trying to get any runs you can at that point. Just close this out please (Wagner blew 3 straight saves withmultiple runs
^ You know what to do dude......start using TiVo.

As for the Angels.....Mets were forced to play a very very tough double header today, and have to take a 6 hr flight to Anaheim tonight to get ready to playtomorrow.

I don't care about winning streaks, they just have to maintain series wins. Pelf has been nice his last 3 starts, lets hope the O can finally provide somerun support for a change, cause he should have a winning record at this point.
thats always been the rangers let down they will score on you but they end up losing because they have no pitching at all. if we had average pitching we couldbe a threat.
The hell was Gato doing there, easy double play (handed the Angels a free run).

Mets are going to have to keep scoring, but it is nice for a change to see SOME run support for Pelf.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

BLOW IT UP. Keep reyes, maine, wright, santana, and church.

.....Beltran, Pelfrey, Joe Smith.

SMH @ Easley dropping a fly ball...Reyes making a bad decision throwing to 1st with a man between 2nd and 3rd hung out to dry, Schneider the last game trying to score on a sack fly when he's as slow as syrup.......all these mental mistakes man (2 extra outs for the Rangers this inning, unfair for Pedro to pick up his teammates like that). Its sad when the Rangers announcers can even point out the lack of hustle and focus by this team.

They face the Angels, Rockies, Mariners, and Yankees the next 4 series. They will keep sinking further and further if they keep playing this way.

This team lacks fundamentals...Shea is a ghost town, nobody even boo's anymore.


Can't even have a winning season in our lasr season @ shea....I love that stadium
Crazy game, Angels are damn good, always aggressive.

Most importantly, very solid solid outing by Pelfrey, throwing his two fastballs all game and daring them to hit it, I like his confidence.

Mets bullpen was actually the teams strength up until these past 2 weeks, I hope they can get these last 6 outs.
Most importantly, very solid solid outing by Pelfrey, throwing his two fastballs all game and daring them to hit it, I like his confidence.

Agreed. Dude was working pretty fast; I liked his aggressive mindset today.

Nice "steal" by Reyes, give Wags another run to lean on.


That run was very 06esque.

C'mon Wagner, shake off last week's heat and shut this down.
@ Pelf's line ending with 6 ER, talk about never getting ANYbreaks.

He finally gets the W though.
I will be the first in here to say I am disgusted with the Mets firing of Willie. Just a classless move by the organization....smh

Venting points :

1) Willie did not deserve to be fired!!
2) How do you fire a manager after he flies out to the West Coast has just won three out of four games....coaches one game on the West Coast and then send himback home. Why not fire him on Sunday?? I know it was Fathers Day but this is a horrible job by the Mets!! 2nd best winning percentage by a Mets manager andthis is how he is treated...an absolute shame! SMH!
3)This team better turn it around because if they do not Omar is next. He put this team together that is getting up there in age and under performing andshould be held accountable more than Willie for this seasons failures thus far.
SMH at the Mets actually thinking that our bullpen collapsing, players not gettin in sync, Delgado playin like ishh, was all Willie's fault..... but hey,if they get on a roll now, maybe this was the right move.... no way to tell right now
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