Whew.....was about to say.

Poor poor Ollie, looking to get paid and will get nothing, Boras client or not.

Mariners smacking him hard. they look like a playoff team vs him....dude is a complete joke.

Typical to see the Mets pitchers get up for BIG games but show NOTHING vs poor teams.

Throw that into the fact that the Mets have trouble vs soft tossers, I would be surprised if they score 1.
This is supposed to be the worst team in baseball...

Do teams just try harder against the mets or do the mets play to their level?
You're as good as your starting pitcher that day, and when you have Ollie in there pitching poorly every outing (even when he does well its anadventure)....this outing does not surprise me.

The offense though plays inexcusably poorly vs last place teams (just look at the Padres 4 game sweep, Nats sweep, etc).

Teams def do get up to play the NY teams though (Yankees or Mets), but still.....Ollie is throwing down the middle or 6" off the plate, not hard for alast place team to smack him around.
Oliver Perez has been done in my book for a while, getting away with armed robbery with the contract we gave him.

Down 5-0 to the team with the worst record in baseball is not appreciated, but it's not surprising either.
that was awesome. Jerry is the man...

and that was crazy to actually see some emotion from Beltran. The most he's ever shown. i like it.
The was the most absurd third strike call I saw in a while. Beltran looked like he wanted to knock the ump out.

....but now our 3-4-5 hitters are Marlon Anderson, Delcrappo, and Trot Nixon. This is the worst lineup I've seen since 2004 tonight.

The ump is a joke though, how is he going to bump Jerry and then toss him? He should be fined for his actions.

Ollie has no clue how to pitch, even the Mariners out's are hard hit baseballs.
Nice to see emotion, but I think Jerry just didn't wanna see this sorry team lose to the M's in person again(j/k)

Seems like Beltran has changed a little since Willie has been gone. Still mostly laid back, but showing a lot more emotion.
Mez I know you're against making any trades, but let's say the Rockies are intent on moving Matt Holliday. Would you trade Fernando Martinez, eitherMurphy or Carp and Heilman for him? Holliday is a proven hitter who will fill the lineup imo. And with him, Beltran and Church the outfield is solid for yearsto come. All speculation though, I just feel if they want to make the playoffs or be a legit contender next year this could be the move to help them.
Nah, no trades.

Just hope for a playoff push this year, but next year is where the big changes and new faces will come. Plus, I doubt the Rockies would tradehim right now.
Lets just be real...Omar built a horrible team. We are not winning anything this year. Get rid of the dead weight and start anew.
The Mets are 4 games back of the division lead and its not even the all-star break.

You can''t say this team won't do ANYTHING this season despite their inconsistencies, when the division is pretty much right there....and we allknow that it doesn't matter how you get there, the playoffs are a new season.

Mets beat the Angels/Phillies/Yanks, and other solid ball clubs, yet lose to the Nats/Mariners/Padres, etc. They play great baseball vs top teams but playworse than their lousy opponents.
So far, I see no fight in these "new" Mets.

10 - 0 to Seattle?

Losing with your ace on the mound against the worst team in baseball?


What, they want Manuel fired too?

Cuz one thing is for sure... If Willie were still around, he would have DEFINITELY gotten fired after this game here tonight.
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

that was awesome. Jerry is the man...

and that was crazy to actually see some emotion from Beltran. The most he's ever shown. i like it.

what happened? I just got in...


How is R.A Dickey shutting us out right now... its frickin R.A DICKEY!!!!
LOL. Tricky Dickey. In HS, I had a semi-pedophilic bio-lab teacher. He used to call the guys "tricky-dickies". Fear is all I remember. Anyway, MattHolliday for F. Martinez and a pitcher? That'll never happen. Holliday is better than our better, and he's a proven star player with many years left.

Once Delgado is dumped, things will change. He's one BIG reason why the Mets offense has sputtered over the last 1.5 years. Making him a DH in the ALwon't do much because he's in decent shape and plays above-average defense at first.

what happened? I just got in...

The umpire is blind or is Tim Donaghy v2.0. TERRIBLE calls behind the plate, and provokes Beltran. He made contact first with Manuel as well. This guy is ajoke and should be under review by the MLB front office. He called a ball that was four inches under Endy's knee a strike. Pathetic.
Perez has to be the most schizophrenic pitcher in the majors. I swear he has some kind of condition, ADHD, bi-polar or something. He needs voodoo, hypnotism orhard drugs in his life.
I was upset at first, but we had nobody out there tonight, so I'm glad this wasted effort by Ollie was tonight vs a lousy team as opposed to a divisionrival or something. With that said, Ollie sucks.

Any team with a lineup of Chavez, Schneider, Tatis, Anderson, Delgado, etc (no Wright, Beltran, Church, Alou, etc) would probably have the Nationals recordright now.

Phillies are losing tonight too, and although we could have gained a lot of ground had we handled our business vs last place teams (ie Padres, Nat's,Mariners) and been in first place by a couple of games, no ground was lost.

You have to think long term....salvage the series tomm and win the next one to finish the home stand on a positive note.
im sick of all this salvaging when are we gonna win 5-6 series in a row or SWEEP SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god im so frustrated i dont evencare
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