I know there isn't much he can do, but he always seems to have a blip here and there as I mentioned. The walks today all scored, the grand slam last outingvs the PITCHER. Yeah it was because of Wrights error, but he threw dude under the bus as if it was not his fault. But yeah, ovberall the Mets offense has notdone anything, and have played very very poor defense behind him.

Beltran was off to a slow start but has been tearing it up the last month and a half. He's always going to have a .275 average, and hit 100 RBI's andhe's been doing in his prime (he's battling Wright for the team lead). He's just been sucking from thee right side of the plate, which I don'tunderstand.
Yea, that Grand Slam to the pitcher was unacceptable. I don't care who made an error, you don't allow a PITCHER (let alone from the AL) take you deep.

I dont know though, its like this line up looks good on paper and should be producing more offense but it just doesn't factor in a game situation.
We need to come to grips that the Mets are mediocre. The phrase "Same Ol' Mets" goes for this season as it has for a lot of their seasons.

Johan had a quality start, what more do you want from the man? A no-hitter even though no pitcher has ever done that in Mets history?

Let's just take the L and move on with this year because we don't seem to be going too many places although we are 4 out of the division.
In his 17th start of the season, a very strange game for Johan in a number of ways, he threw 113 pitches in 6 innings, 66 for strikes. He surrendered 4 hits...2 of them infield hits, and none for extra bases. He struck out 8 and walked 4 (1 intentional). He took the loss by a 3-2 score, which puts his W/L at 7-7. The 3 earned runs raised his ERA slightly to 3.01. Don't think they keep this stat, but it is kind of revealing for a pitcher. In his 17 starts, Johan has given up 46 total runs...an average of 2.7 runs per start.

Of the 113 pitches, 44 were 4-seamers, 33 were cutters, 6 were sliders and 30 were changeups. Part of the strangeness of this game for Johan was that he continued to overthrow the changeup, going up to 83 mph in a number of cases. His changeup was also breaking more than usual, often from left to right, more like his slider. So, on a couple of pitches, I wasn't sure whether he had thrown the change or the slider.

Santana did not have a good slider yesterday. He usually throws it 84-86 mph and it has a swooping break. He may not have had a good feel for the pitch early. He gave up an infield hit to Abreu on it in the first inning, although it was not a good swing by Abreu. The ball was just hit in the right spot, between first and second. Why Johan is not using the slider as much now is a mystery to me. It is a good pitch, especially against lefties, and it has a velocity unlike the rest of his pitches.

If Johan and the Mets could have just skipped the 4th inning yesterday, it might have been a totally different day! Johan had cruised through the first 3 innings, surrendering only the afforementioned infield single. He struck out 5 of those first 10 hitters, 3 on changeups. He threw more pitches than might be expected, however...44 through 3 innings. The Yankees take a lot of pitches and do not often get themselves out on pitches out of the zone.

The 4th inning did not go so well. I thought Santana was trying to be too fine with his 4-seamer and cutter, rather than just letting his stuff get the Yankees out. In fact, he got a visit to the mound after walking the first 2 hitters in the inning, throwing only 1 changeup to them. The discussion may have been about that.

A-Rod then singled on a high FB, plating a run. With Giambi up, and the infield shift on, one of the strange plays of the day ensued. Giambi hit a hard grounder right past Johan, who nearly got his bare hand on it. It went right past the 2nd base bag, and it looked like Reyes could have made a double play. He may have been off balance or possibly got caught off stride, but he did not attempt to touch second and double up the slow-footed Giambi. Gonna have to ask Reyes about that one, but the Mets could have had two outs there and Posada's fly ball could have ended the inning rather than becoming a sac fly. Coulda, woulda, shoulda......

The other strange occurrence was Johan having to pitch the 6th in rain. I pitched in those situations a number of times, and it is dangerous for the umps to allow that. The pitcher's landing spot in front of the mound gets slick and it is not unusual for pitchers to get a little skittish about coming off the mound hard. Before Cano got his hit, the umps, in my opinion, should have halted play. So, basically, Johan did not pitch in good luck yesterday and it was a frustrating game for the Mets and for the fans.
Mets have 10 hits and 14 LOB already.

Win or not I won't be 100% happy, they need to improve on their situational hitting. They play small ball sometimes, and they play long ballsometimes....they need to make up their mind on their identity and stick with it.
Girardi messed up by taking out Abreau, Giambi, and Cano

And as I typed that Betemit VIOLATED
Ollie would have dominated those 3, I don't blame him putting as many righties as possible because Ollie has been filthy vs lefties all year (its rightieshe has problems with).

UGH @ that throw by Reyes and poor attempt at a catch by Gato.
I understand that but I'd still take my chances, those 3 have been hitting better the last few weeks. Rather than putting in guys like Christian, Molina,and Betemit (even though he came through for once)
Originally Posted by ddot7

Perez has to be the most schizophrenic pitcher in the majors. I swear he has some kind of condition, ADHD, bi-polar or something. He needs voodoo, hypnotism or hard drugs in his life.
On another bright note, Fernando Martinez is 7 for 12 since returning to the AA lineup (mammoth opp field HR yesterday), I say promote him to AAA next week.

We have a lot of guys tearing it up in AA, I don't know why they don't just promote them already.
Three 4 game series back-to-back-to-back is ridiculous.

I will be taking the train to Philly for this Friday's game @ PHI (July 4th).

I will take plenty of pics.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I'm leaving for Jamaica in a couple of hours....don't think I got banned or something

I'll talk to you guys in a week....

im sure u will be posting cause there is NT in Jamaica LOL....
have fun

and great win by the amazins today.... glad i got to watch the game and i loved every second of it....
at the battle between perez and arod... i think he got him with afilthy slider!!! Crowd was really into it
These next 2 series are huge, if we could sweep the Phillies and win the series agaisnt the Cardinals we would be making headway.
Of course its a lot, but if this team wants to prove that it is a playoff contention team they need to get hot and go on a roll and win 7 out 8 or at least 6out of 8. They haven't gone on a legit winning streak in a long time. As long as they don't get swept in the Cardinals series and can gain seriousground on the Phillies I'll be happy. But they need to get hot and go out on a run imo
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