I stopped watching after the 1st, you just knew today wouldn't be Maine's day.

Off to the gym.
^^^^^It's called .500 ball, and the Mets have fallen head over heels for it cuz they are a subpar team. Enough said...
Tonight's lineup:

1. Jose Reyes 7 SS
2. Endy Chavez 10 LF
3. David Wright 5 3B
4. Carlos Beltran 15 CF
5. Ryan Church 19 RF
6. Carlos Delgado 21 1B
7. Damion Easley 3 2B
8. Ramon Castro 11 C
9. Tony Armas Jr. 44 RHP

Gado moved down, I like Chavez in the 2 hole, and I prefer Easley over "slappy-error Castillo" any day of the week.

Hope Armas can pitch well enough tonight, he has pretty good AAA numbers, hopefully that can translate to the Majors and can spark the team tonight.
I believe it's 2 nobodys on the mound for each team so that SHOULD even things out.

Let's start a hittin....
If it wasn't for bad luck, the Mets would have no luck at all.

PS: I hate every Molina.
Armas is pretty much just thrown into the fire, vs a top NL team. That strike 3 looking on Beltran pissed the hell out of me, all 3 of those puitchers wereballs low and away and were all called strikes.

But the Cards are capitalizing on their opportunities while the Mets are not, signs of a what a good team is as opposed to a mediocre one.

Mets just need that one slugger to mold this lineup, and Castillo has to go 9find a replacement 2nd baseman), and let one of the young guys in the minorscompete for the LF spot come spring training.

I posted this on another board since someone cried to rebuild:

Castillo needs to go.

We need a 1st base slugger, I'm convinced we should go after Tex. If not, then just rebuild.

If we obtain someone like Tex it wouldn't hurt to have one of our young guys play LF...hopefully compete for a spot come spring training net season.

It would be nice to see:

*2nd baseman
*Castro/Schneider (we can't do anything about this)
*Carp/Martinez (whoever makes the team in spring training.

But with all that said, what do we do about starting pitching? Ollie should go, and so should Pedro, and that leaves us with Santana, Maine, and Pelfrey.

...and the only reason I'm afraid of signing Tex is because he's already 29, and he is going to want a long term deal and we may have to deal with the declining years

^ I agree on Castillo needing to go, dude is declining every day and it's showing on the field now too.

I don't see us getting Tex, but if we do, i wouldn't mind it bc then we would have a good prospect for trades in Carp

Fmart won't be up next year, he's only in double A, which means next year he will be in triple A, we could see him as a September call up next yeartho.
There is no way FMart or Carp wont be moved to AAA this season, they are tearing it up in AA (a lot of Mets prospects are, they need to promote them already).

As for Church, what more can you say about him? 5 for 10 since being out with his 2nd concussion, its as if he never left.

Hey just wondering, well actually me and my girl and pops were wondering why Castro doesn't become the starting catcher? it seems that he does welleverytime he plays and Schneider isn't doin much so far this year..... what's the deal with that?
IMO, Castro is one of those guys...like Endy...like Easley, that they are just great in their roles. You start them everyday, and they will slow down a biteventually.

I don't have a huge issue with a 50/50 split between Schneider and Castro (they are our # 8 hitters after all)....and I like the fact Jerry has made itquite obvious.
Cards fans are def the classiest in baseball, they never even boo opponents (let alone their own players like the North East).

My heart def stopped for a sec, damn man that would NOT have been a good look.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

yea Cards fans are great, Phillies fans should take a page from their book

Yes, especially if the Cards fans book has anything to do with suicide.
Nice win, I have a feeling Wright is gonna go on a tear and win the MVP a laRollins in '07.
Pedro struggling. I'd LOVE to see him regain SOME of his OG form and remain with the team in some capacity next year.

Again, this is providing he starts pitching well again.

Pedro leaves, the "New Mets" era is officially dead and they'll be headed in a new direction.

P.S. Why was this thread back on like pg 4?
Finished = can't throw above 82 mph ie Zito.

From every game I've seen so far this season, he just cant seem to locate on those corners. Today he is slightly missing and is falling behind, and is leftto throw a pitch right down the pipe and keeps getting hit hard. His health is there because he's hitting 91-93 with ease.
...he just doesn't havethe IT factor right now (even he admits he still feels like he's in spring training).

But even with all that said, if he doesn't get his act together in the next 2-3 starts, I think the Mets need to find a new role for him for the timebeing. Its sad to see such a dominant pitcher searching for answers.
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