Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Flip. :pimp:

David Kahn had to go... it had to be done. Kevin Love has a chance to opt out in like two years, and I trust Flip over Kahn to alter his mind if there's a chance at all. The Jonny Flynn, Wes Johnson, Lazar Hayward, and Buzzkill Derrick Williams pick (I don't care if he was the #2 overall player on everyone's board. GM's are PAID TO SCOUT PLAYERS. From our point of view on Niketalk, yeah Williams looked like the second best player. But if it was our actual JOB and our salary depended on figuring that out? A proper scouting report would have been done and someone else would have been the pick. I don't buy the notion that "The NBA Draft is a crapshoot. These guys are just taking the consensus picks and hoping they work out." NO! How much of a cop-out is that? :rofl: :smh:

The funny thing is, David Kahn will never got to see the roster he assembled at full health ever. :nerd:
Ya'll act like little girls on here sometimes.

Ya'll get so caught up in who gets "slandered" and who doesn't that ya'll create your own little division between players in your heads.

*See's Melo get slandered...let's go say something bad about KD just so he doesn't get left out*

*See's Westbrook get slandered...let's go say something bad about Rose or CP3 so they don't get left out*

It's ******g ******ed.
I didnt say that, I simply used Melo as a reference point. In a world where Melo didnt exist I would be saying the same thing. Chris Paul is immune from crticism and the fact that hes never even made it to the WCF or even had a chance at going so has yet to be brought into question. These are the standards that the the truly great, the HoF players are held too, and the fact that hes fallen short of it so many times is worth mentioning. This is about Chris Paul only for me.
Spurs were going to the Finals anyways, but that's awful to hear.
Yup, they werent going to beat us IMO. Theyre still going to wash the Clippers though.

Gerald Wallace said he has no clue what his role on the Nets is
. Pickup Basketball Team man
The heart and soul of the Thunder is gone and its a damn shame . They weren't beating Miami anyway but I would have loved to see him on the big stage once again torching Chalmers and Wade for 6 games . Hope for a speedy and successful recovery .
Them tight *** pants he be wearing probably didn't do him any favors
No time wasted
And like clockwork here ya'll go with the KD talk 

So the minute they got tossed ya'll going to start up the "he's not **** without Westbrook" train.

NT never fails
Yeah IDK why KD is being brought up right now. He will do what he always does and play great, its the rest of the team that will suffer with no Westbrook
Now all the Westbrook detractors will see his true value.
Agreed. A starting lineup with D Fish (or Reggie Jackson), Sefolosha, Ibaka, and Perkins looks WILDY anemic.

KD might not be able to carry them.

Brooks would be smart to start Kevin Martin now. Maybe even Nick Collison. They're gonna need some kind of offense.
This man knows.
Agreed. A starting lineup with D Fish (or Reggie Jackson), Sefolosha, Ibaka, and Perkins looks WILDY anemic.

KD might not be able to carry them.

Brooks would be smart to start Kevin Martin now. Maybe even Nick Collison. They're gonna need some kind of offense.

KD won't get more than 5 mins on the bench for the rest of the playoffs now. I say start Jackson at the point. Can't put Martin in the starting lineup because you need bench scoring, but he's going to have to pick it up as well.
If Jonny Flynn doesn't hurt his hip do you still call it a bad pick? He was going to be the odd man out anyway when Rubio came over. He averaged 13.5 and 4.4 before the injury. He was clearly never the same after.

You can't blame Beverley for Westbrook getting hurt. Westbrook took the play off thinking a time out was going to be called and Patrick made the right play.
Rachel Nichols ‏@Rachel__Nichols 21m

Wow. OKC Thunder's Russell Westbrook undergoing surgery to repair meniscus tear in right knee. No timetable for return

Russell Westbrook has never missed a game in his NBA career...until now.

GM Sam Presti: "Player health is our 1st & foremost concern. Our medical team & several specialists determined Russell undergo a procedure"

RT @NBAGuru: Should be noted, a meniscus is NOT an ACL or MCL. World Peace recently tore meniscus, had surgery, only to return in 12 days

I didnt say that, I simply used Melo as a reference point. In a world where Melo didnt exist I would be saying the same thing. Chris Paul is immune from crticism and the fact that hes never even made it to the WCF or even had a chance at going so has yet to be brought into question. These are the standards that the the truly great, the HoF players are held too, and the fact that hes fallen short of it so many times is worth mentioning. This is about Chris Paul only for me.

Yup, they werent going to beat us IMO. Theyre still going to wash the Clippers though.
But just like dude mentioned up could have bought all that "never made it to the WCF" ******** up at any point this year. The fact that people come out the ******g woodwork after a bad game with all of this criticism is ******ED. I can see if it was a game that lost the series or something...but you dudes wanna start waving the criticism flag after a bad game in a series which they are still up in? That's not dumb to you?

Or is the universal rule on NT now...everytime an elite player has ONE bad game...let's immediately call him out on it?
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Seriously. That @#$%ing sucks. You think about his consecutive game streak too and it makes it even worse. He must want to kill somebody right about now.

And, also, I don't get how Chris Paul is getting a "pass" for anything. He had a bad game last night. Nobody is saying he didn't. He even acknowledged it, as he always does when he has a bad game. But his team is still up 2-1 with a chance to win the series. Let's see what happens in the rest of the series before people start demanding he get called out for not being a winner.
its funny u say that...i swear annoucers have this omen or curse about seems like everytime they say something like..."this guy is a warrior. he never gets hurt" then bamm he does...or "he is money on the freethrow line....making 15 in a row" then he clanks off the iron. So on and so forth.
If Russ is out for some time, then KD would definitely do a lot of heavy lifting. That might leave him too fatigued if they still reach the finals.
At least now we get to see how good Durant is without russy

I'm seriously blown away by the news

Did the heat sacrifice a little girl? Seems to get easier and easier. I'm just waiting for melo to get a broken leg, Duncan to break his arm and Hibbert to get **** in the knees

Injuries been wild
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