>Official NBA 2K14: Join NTers @ 2K Park IF Next Gen + General Tips/Discussion

Played a few games online and I'm finally getting the hang of the game. Won 6 games in a row and made 3 people rage quit.

I've noticed that people tend to fullcourt press a lot more in the game and it's so much easier to break it, especially if you bump up the coaching sliders to high offensive tempo and fastbreak.

Has anyone else shot the 3 considerably more after using the Motion offense? In 2k13 I didn't shoot the 3 that much (maybe 8-12 threes a game). After using Motion, I shoot the 3 maybe 15-20 times a game now and making 10-12 a game.

Also noticed that you MUST fancy pass during a fast break or the ball will be intercepted into a turnover.

What's the deal with 1-3-1 this year? Usually this zone leaves the corners open, but this year the wing and corner 3 is open. It's like I'm forced to play man all game long.
Whoa. At some points in the video, everything was working together so well it honestly looked real. No more of that "dead look" in their eyes. Brilliant work.
I hope they fixed it when they opened their mouths because with the reveal trailer lebron talking and screaming just looked weird.
am i the only one not really impressed by the trailer?
Probably not, I can see a lot of PC Gamers shrugging it off.  Don't think there's a more better looking game on consoles though so it's impressive for that fact. I'm more impressed with how everything comes together than the actual graphics themselves.
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GIFs I made from the trailer






How do you guys like the addition of the international teams? Are they legit players from overseas?
Honestly if I saw that Anthony Davis gif and didn't know it was 2k I could have sworn it was real. :rofl:
Played a few games online and I'm finally getting the hang of the game. Won 6 games in a row and made 3 people rage quit.

I've noticed that people tend to fullcourt press a lot more in the game and it's so much easier to break it, especially if you bump up the coaching sliders to high offensive tempo and fastbreak.

Has anyone else shot the 3 considerably more after using the Motion offense? In 2k13 I didn't shoot the 3 that much (maybe 8-12 threes a game). After using Motion, I shoot the 3 maybe 15-20 times a game now and making 10-12 a game.

Also noticed that you MUST fancy pass during a fast break or the ball will be intercepted into a turnover.

What's the deal with 1-3-1 this year? Usually this zone leaves the corners open, but this year the wing and corner 3 is open. It's like I'm forced to play man all game long.
Hank I think it's cause people abused the hell out if the 1-3-1 last year and people were upset. That defense was so easy to break but people complain.

With everything else you said I don't know cause I don't have a copy of the game. I'm waiting to buy it for the PS4 next month :pimp:
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