:: Official NBA Draft Thread - June 26, 7PM EST ::

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

So, I know this has probably been talked about, but Westbrook over Bayless?

As a UCLA fan I can tell you that Westbrook will give you the lock down defense that Bayless wont. He also is a high energy player that can run anoffense. Westbrooks assist to turnover ratio is better than Bayless', and when Westbrook was forced into the starting point guard instead of the offguard,he averaged 6 assists a game. 6 assists a game is better than Bayless (Its also better than Rose, Augustin, Mayo, and Gordon). Im not saying he will be abetter point guard than those other 5, but its something to think about.
I think Portland traded there way out of having by far and away the best draft. I honestly think they would have suited better keeping Arthur & Dorsey themwith Bayless was by far and away the best draft. If those 2 are gone and all they get in return is some dude that wont even be in the league for god knows howlong definitely takes them out of the tope draft day IMO.

The Mayo trade was bananas, although i feel bad for him, i dont know whats worse, playing in Memphis or playing in Minesota. Ugh, guess it sucks either way youslice it.
Originally Posted by WJuN15

Better defender? Its prob because he isnt as pure a scorer as Bayless and they feel they can make him more of a PG then they could with Bayless. When they see that he is just Antonio Daniels lite they will be pissed. He has second tier PG written all over him.
lol antonio daniels? he never had the jumpshot bayless has...
I was saying that Westbrook is the second coming of AD. People compare him to Rondo but he is less skilled than Rondo
Mea Culpa: Seems there was a bit of miscommunication.

The "trade being finalized" is apparently just the already reported Mayo deal, which my source (different from initial Mayo deal source) didn't realize had already been reported.

It looks like the Mayo deal might be the end of the line.

More tomorrow.
Oh well, I guess more moves will be made later. I would rather keep Conley as our PG, and somehow move Lowry/Warrick in a deal. I'm not thatconfident OJ fully running the point next season though. And FeelMode, don't talk about my city like that
I just got back from Minneapolis and I don't know if Mayo would rather besurrounded by a 95% white/euro city (no racism) or Memphis where its a little more mixed
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Mea Culpa: Seems there was a bit of miscommunication.

The "trade being finalized" is apparently just the already reported Mayo deal, which my source (different from initial Mayo deal source) didn't realize had already been reported.

It looks like the Mayo deal might be the end of the line.

More tomorrow.
Oh well, I guess more moves will be made later. I would rather keep Conley as our PG, and somehow move Lowry/Warrick in a deal. I'm not that confident OJ fully running the point next season though. And FeelMode, don't talk about my city like that
I just got back from Minneapolis and I don't know if Mayo would rather be surrounded by a 95% white/euro city (no racism) or Memphis where its a little more mixed

Mayo is going to be a stud, the Grizz made out very well tonight. If they can move Warrick they are golden. Having Jaric seems like a bigger more thananything right now. Walker can be a key player into the system.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

bhz, you getting season tickets? I'm going to have to get my hands on tickets for whenever I'm down in TN.

I'm not because I'm going to be in Murfreesboro at school when the season starts. My dad was talking about getting some though. Hit me up wheneveryou in TN though and I'll probably be able to sell you some depending on when you in town.
Originally Posted by Derrtay

What a downer.

Worst way to end the night

Semi Erdehn, good night.

So Davon and Jamont going back to school

I'm hoping Davon didn't sign with an agent.


Makhtar N'diaye, one of Jefferson's agents with Wasserman Media Group, said after the draft ended that he had spoken with six NBA teams that hadexpressed interest in his client. N'diaye said Jefferson would play in the NBA summer league and "weigh his options," which could includeattempting to obtain free-agent tryouts or playing overseas.

N'diaye would not second-guess Jefferson's decision to enter the draft.

"I'm more disappointed for the kid because I know he worked really hard the last two or three months to make it happen for himself,"N'diaye said. "He made a decision that he thought was the right decision, and I support him 100%. It's not for me to judge him."
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by WJuN15

Better defender? Its prob because he isnt as pure a scorer as Bayless and they feel they can make him more of a PG then they could with Bayless. When they see that he is just Antonio Daniels lite they will be pissed. He has second tier PG written all over him.
lol antonio daniels? he never had the jumpshot bayless has...
I was saying that Westbrook is the second coming of AD. People compare him to Rondo but he is less skilled than Rondo

Russell Westbrook>>>Rajon Rondo after last season in college.
Russell Westbrook>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rajon Rondo when their careers are winding down.
out goes Rose, in comes Mayo....now the Grizzlies will have more fans this year than the Tigers.

JR Giddens is an improved version of Gerald Green.
For personal preference, I love Sacramento's draft.

He's like a Rashard Lewis type.

Long SF, that likes to shoot the 3 ball.
All he does is shoot it. You're gona hate him if he doesn't change QUICK.

Minnesota made out fine. Good deal on both parts.

Yall love Bill Walker too, don't know why...injured and he's a dumb basketball player.
No surprise FR3SH and KLJ had something to say about Singletary. No homerism, he's a perfect second round pick. The Kings will be happy. Time for a sigchange.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

No surprise FR3SH and KLJ had something to say about Singletary. No homerism, he's a perfect second round pick. The Kings will be happy. Time for a sig change.

i was waiting for you to post about Singletary

Good pick though
One thing I noticed...

Ya'll write dudes off entirely too quick. I've seen alot of people asking "Who is this? He's a bust". If ya'll never heard of a dudebecause he's never been on Sportscenter he's instantly a bum in most of ya'll eyes. I don't understand. As for the Euro dudes...they play balljust like we do...they deserve their chance to shine just like we do. Stop acting like every European dude drafted is a bum. As for ya'll questioning whydraft a Euro dude and wait 3 years for him to come over...I don't know if yall noticed...but with the younger the league is becoming...and the waycontracts are in the NBA, there aren't ALOT of roster spots available. Drafting a European dude gives you chance to grab a prospect and have him developwithout it counting against the cap...and then bring him over. It's up to them at the end of the day to put in the work to be successful. Alot of ya'lljust want dudes for name recognition alone.
I'm satisfied with Sacramento's draft this year.

I damn near jumped out of my seat when they mentioned Ewing Jr.
YO! So wait a minute... Kings got Singletary AND Ewing. That's not so bad in the 2nd round. DF!!!
Yeah my dude is hyped...he's on his way out there now. I might have to fly out there and catch some games this season. Not only do I think he'll makethe team but I think he'll be an impact player...maybe not off the break but by the end of the year I think he will have the same type of season guys likeCarl Landry and Big Baby had. I'm hoping Deron Washington can make the Pistons too. I think them two were the only 2 people from the same High School to bedrafted this year.

And why is everyone downing the Sonics draft? They might have reached a bit for Westbrook...he's a high risk, high reward type of guy...so he's a waitand see...but DJ White and Devon Hardin are excellent pickups and certainly better than any of the big men they currently have not named Wilcox or Collison.Ibaka is another high risk/high reward type of dude...there was nobody else at 24 that would have made them THAT much better of a team anyway.

EDIT - I forgot Hairston was drafted....which makes him and Crawford the second set of dudes from the HS drafted.
Like I said...that pick doesn't make them THAT much better of a team. It's not like Kyle Weaver is going to help them improve that much on theirWin-Loss record of last season. Plus they took Westbrook who's known for his defense anyway. Plus they already have Ronald Dupree, Gelabale, Griffin, andWilkins on the team already. I don't see room for Weaver.
Its not that he's a bum, but in a city where we have seen plenty of foreign players never even step on the court for the knicks, it would have made senseto go in a different route....lets be clear none of the foreign players they've picked before have never panned out and Nene didn't get any run till hegot to denver...but I can careles, I'm not a knicks fan but its funny to watch my pops curse the screen out....I didn't like the bulls taking sonnyweems....I think we shoulda tok richard hendrix
The Cavs traded one of their second round picks in next year's draft to Miami for Darnell Jackson's rights, and cash to Seattle for Sasha Kaun's.
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