--- Official New England Patriots (6-2) vs. Indianapolis Colts (8-0) Thread --- SNF NBC 8:20 PM EST

i swear, the colts have won enough games this season by luck.... it ends here tonight when we make this 31-14
while the offense has been shaky for a while ... addai could have caught that ball ... hit him in the pads ... same thing can be said w/ collie in the firsthalf, same w/ garcon on the drive b4 that ... and then the peyton int
... colts just haven't showed up tonight ...
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Welker, most annoying player ever but someone we all want on our team, haha

why is he annoying? is there any interviews or anything that proves this or something...dude just stays quiet and does his thing and is good at it..i dont getthe hate
why is he annoying? is there any interviews or anything that proves this or something...dude just stays quiet and does his thing and is good at it..i dont get the hate
Nothing about him personally, just on the field. He just seems like the type of player that you don't think he should be good, but just makesplays and you can't figure out how. You never seem to be able to get a big hit on him, and just all around annoys you as a player. He is a great player,that is the part that annoys people I think. (this is somewhat in jest)
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