Official Next-Gen Gaming Thread: Xbox 720 DEVELOPMENT KITS LEAKED !

Sony and Microsoft are already working together.
Sony is working on a tv with kinect built in already that will work as your remote.
No word of them working together on a gaming consider tho.

And how do you guys feel about onlive gaming? I was curious about it and thought it might be worth the $100 but didn't want to start a new thread.
You gotta be that annoying hipster cat that's "so over" everything if you weren't thrilled by current Gen consoles. They were an amazing jump.
the ps3 is running on its maximum. If you have played UC3, you will notice slowdowns in frame rate
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

And how do you guys feel about onlive gaming? I was curious about it and thought it might be worth the $100 but didn't want to start a new thread.

already one on it: Link

try it out on your computer first. make sure your internet is fast enough to handle the service.
Originally Posted by solidsnake

Sony promised a 10 year life cycle, if they announce at E3 (which I doubt), I'm gonna be extremely pissed, there is still life in the PS3 left

ps2 had a 10 year life cycle while the ps3 came out in 2006

sony never said that they wouldnt wait 10 years to release a new console, just that they would still support it

you realize sony was still releasing games for ps2 even in 2008 right?
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[h1][/h1]I wasn't too thrilled with this generation of consoles I felt they weren't as Next Gen as they should've been . I always refer to PS3 as PS2.5 and 360 as Xbox 1.5 because I wasn't wowed as I was jumping from PS1 to PS2 and Xbox. Also considering the Next Gen consoles will probably be released Holiday 2012 I will probably feel the same way about PS4 and 720 which I hope is not the case at all. Thoughts ?

Really? I thought the PS3 and 360 having HD games is a huge leap over he PS2 and XBox. Try playing games in those systems now and it looks so ancient.

I understand what you mean but at the end of the day that's because the TV technology changed and got better . In terms of gameplay and being blown away nothing can compare to me opening up my PS2 or even my Dreamcast coming from PS1. I still play Shenmue , Power Stone , NBA Street vol. 2 , Ico , Doom 3, Super Mario Sunshine , etc. more than I play current titles. Last gen's fun factor > This one's
Xbox 720 will have DVR
Unless PC starts getting the games people buy consoles for like Halo, Uncharted, MGS, and all those, then I wont switch.
having to replace your entire entertainment system has gotten old

don't see myself making a switch in the first year/day like i did with all the others

systems don't even really have exclusive titles anymore anyway

it has to be a major upgrade for me to even blink at the thought
Originally Posted by All Ready

having to replace your entire entertainment system has gotten old

don't see myself making a switch in the first year/day like i did with all the others

systems don't even really have exclusive titles anymore anyway

it has to be a major upgrade for me to even blink at the thought

Agree on all points. For me to even think about dropping $600 on a PS4 or 720 the games have to look like this from launch day
You guys realize "unveiling" probably won't mean "hits market"

I need a new ps3 and hopefully when they show off the old consoles take another price cut. Pick up a ps3 for $200. But if they show it at E3 I bet it wont hit the market until 2013 xmas
Originally Posted by solidsnake

Sony promised a 10 year life cycle, if they announce at E3 (which I doubt), I'm gonna be extremely pissed, there is still life in the PS3 left
They did to the PS2 too.  They kept (I don't know if they still do) producing games for the PS2 till at least 2010.  But they released the PS3 in the meantime.  This is still similar, they'll continue to produce for the PS3, but the high profile games will be for the PS4. They didn't lie to you.
They still got plenty of life left in the I just got …ps3 in september for my b day, keep it the way it is
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Well Nintendo has forced the hand. They can not let the Wii U have a huge lead because it will hurt them in the long run. I
I'm over the age of 12, so I don't give a damn about that new nintendo system.  Ever since the day they unveiled it, i've been anti-nintendo and pissed off at them for that upgraded wii they're putting out.  Motion controllers are played out already and the gimmick is tired.
The Wii fiasco used to enrage me, now it makes me chuckle, when everything falls it gonna fall hard for Ninty.
nintendo made the mistake and made their biggest catch a peripheral

so the only thing other companies have to do is make the peripheral better

pretty much what xbox did with kinect concept wise
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