Official Next-Gen Gaming Thread: Xbox 720 DEVELOPMENT KITS LEAKED !

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'll be getting the xbox for sure... I Only use my ps3 for it's blueray/harddrive/dvd collection and uncharted. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But i doubt i'll end up getting it launch day like i have for years now. My collection is nice, having to change everything again is getting annoying really. And the past few jumps haven't been great. Very minor IMO... so unless they come with some real mind blowing sh-t i'll be holding off for awhile.[/color]
I got fat 60gig ps3 on release date and it was worth the $600 I paid, Blu rays,backwards compatible, hackable. Sony kicked off the bluray vs hdvd war. Hopefully ps4 will be a big leap
I feel like if they drop this year, they will be way too rushed and will have horrible bugs and issues to work out.
Originally Posted by dhart48

My 40gb Ps3 still runs like a dream, had it since the ps3 released and got my 160 GB running strong, as long as there is backwards compatability for the first generation of PS4's(like my 40GB) ill be straight on the new models until they start phasing that hardware out again.

Not to rain on your parade or anything but the ps3 originally was released in 20 and 60gb 
Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

hombrelobo wrote:
I just bought a PS3. Someone tell me why I did that?

!*@% this company.


You know the PS3 released in 2006 right? When are you going to get the new PlayStation or Xbox? 2018?

I don't know if this helps but Sony said awhile back that they plan to support the PS3 for 10 years, so even when the new PlayStation is out, they will still support the PS3 like how the PS2 was still getting new games when the PS3 came out. I don't think it'll be another 4 years, but hey. Better than nothing right? The focus is going to be on the new system though.

2018? Sounds good to me. Fact is, I don't play video games much. 1 or 2 hours a week MAYBE. (Have LA Noire haven't even unwrapped it)Honestly, I don't mind having to upgrade to the PS4 soon. I'm just SMH @ myself for buying a PS3 this year. Hence the "Someone tell me why I did that?". That's what a get for not keeping up with gaming news prior to my purchase, though. *shrugs*

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

hombrelobo wrote:
I just bought a PS3. Someone tell me why I did that?

!*@% this company.


You know the PS3 released in 2006 right? When are you going to get the new PlayStation or Xbox? 2018?

I don't know if this helps but Sony said awhile back that they plan to support the PS3 for 10 years, so even when the new PlayStation is out, they will still support the PS3 like how the PS2 was still getting new games when the PS3 came out. I don't think it'll be another 4 years, but hey. Better than nothing right? The focus is going to be on the new system though.
2018? Sounds good to me. Fact is, I don't play video games much. 1 or 2 hours a week MAYBE. (Have LA Noire haven't even unwrapped it)Honestly, I don't mind having to upgrade to the PS4 soon. I'm just SMH @ myself for buying a PS3 this year. Hence the "Someone tell me why I did that?". That's what a get for not keeping up with gaming news prior to my purchase, though. *shrugs*


but why even buy a ps 4 if you hardly play and have missed out of literally hundreds, and by the time ps4 is out and running good thousands of games you havent even played and enjoyed.
^Because there are games franchises I end up playing every year. This year I purchased the PS3 for Arkham City and WWE 12. I spent more than a few hours a week on them until I completed their storymodes. I avg 1-2 hours but when particular games of interest come out I want to have the luxury of having the latest gaming system to play them on.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[h1][/h1]I wasn't too thrilled with this generation of consoles I felt they weren't as Next Gen as they should've been . I always refer to PS3 as PS2.5 and 360 as Xbox 1.5 because I wasn't wowed as I was jumping from PS1 to PS2 and Xbox. Also considering the Next Gen consoles will probably be released Holiday 2012 I will probably feel the same way about PS4 and 720 which I hope is not the case at all. Thoughts ?

Really? I thought the PS3 and 360 having HD games is a huge leap over he PS2 and XBox. Try playing games in those systems now and it looks so ancient.

I understand what you mean but at the end of the day that's because the TV technology changed and got better . In terms of gameplay and being blown away nothing can compare to me opening up my PS2 or even my Dreamcast coming from PS1. I still play Shenmue , Power Stone , NBA Street vol. 2 , Ico , Doom 3, Super Mario Sunshine , etc. more than I play current titles. Last gen's fun factor > This one's

Nah. You just got older and are still getting older. With each console, my enjoyment decreases. I'm not the kid I used to be. Original NES still beats anything for me 'cuz it was my first love.
[h4]Next Xbox console to be six times more powerful, headed for fall 2013 release?[/h4]
By Joseph Volpe posted Jan 24th 2012 6:18PM

Xbox 720, Xbox Loop -- whatever Microsoft ends up calling it, that hot rod of a console looks to be on deck for a late fall 2013 release. According to IGN's sources, this successor to the Redmond gaming throne is purported to pack a GPU based on AMD's 6000 series of chips and will boast silicon circuitry that catapults its performance past Nintendo's upcoming Wii U by 20 percent. If you're looking for a more apples to green X's comparison, this next-gen console's graphical capabilities are also reportedly six times greater than its 360 progenitor. While MS is likely holding back its monstrous new platform for a big E3 reveal, it appears the company's still whittling down its spec list, with dev kits to be issued later this August. No mention was made of its rumored Kinect 2 integration, but we're more than certain that famous hacking tech will be front and center.

[Image credit: Joseph Dumary]


[h1]Xbox 720 Will Be Six Times as Powerful as Current Gen[/h1][h2]Sources confirm fall 2013 release, detail graphics processing power. [/h2]

by Scott Lowe

January 24, 2012

The next Xbox will ship to retailers in late October or early November of next year with six times the processing power of the Xbox 360, sources close to the project have told IGN.

Following initial reports from tech blogs Fudzilla and SemiAccurate, our sources have confirmed that mass production of the system's GPU will indeed begin by the end of 2012 but will not, however, be based on AMD's 7000 series Southern Islands GPU. Instead, the processor will be derived from the 6000 series, which was introduced last year. More specifically, it will be akin to the Radeon HD 6670, which offers support for DirectX11, multidisplay output, 3D and 1080p HD output. The chip currently has a market price of upwards of $79.99.


In real terms, the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U.

Developers are likely to receive development kits based on the system's final configuration in August. Projected pricing for the console was not provided.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

6xxx series?


of course amd, amd always beats nvidia in terms of producing more powerful cards faster for the market

not to mention rumors are that no one is going with nvidia which isnt surprising after they gave sony some outdated architecture possibly in fear of not wanting sony to compete with their latest gpus at the time
I wouldn't disagree with the fact on a cost to raw performance AMD typically wins however Nvidia routinely has the better high end cards, patch services and support. Producing more cards at a faster pace with minimal upgrades is akin to Apple ripping people off year after year with the same product lol. Not to mention this means the new Xbox will miss out on any Ivy Bridge advances.
I asked a lady who works for Playstation when the PS4 is coming out and she said (paraphrasing), "never. the PS3 is future proof because it is consistently updated." I was like lolwut
Originally Posted by rareprecision23

I asked a lady who works for Playstation when the PS4 is coming out and she said (paraphrasing), "never. the PS3 is future proof because it is consistently updated." I was like lolwut

She must've been from accounting
Sony follows a 10 year plan. so it's gonna be unlikely for them to release a PS4 so soon. I guess we just have to wait and see.
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