Official Next-Gen Gaming Thread: Xbox 720 DEVELOPMENT KITS LEAKED !

Welp. Guess I'm not buying the new 360. Staying with the all white brick 360.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[h1][/h1]I wasn't too thrilled with this generation of consoles I felt they weren't as Next Gen as they should've been . I always refer to PS3 as PS2.5 and 360 as Xbox 1.5 because I wasn't wowed as I was jumping from PS1 to PS2 and Xbox. Also considering the Next Gen consoles will probably be released Holiday 2012 I will probably feel the same way about PS4 and 720 which I hope is not the case at all. Thoughts ?

Really? I thought the PS3 and 360 having HD games is a huge leap over he PS2 and XBox. Try playing games in those systems now and it looks so ancient.
DOnt get too worked up fambs. Microsoft & Sony will probably just announce that they started working on their new systems.
You wont get to see the consoles or games this year. And they will probably release them at the end of 2013 right away..... wait later for discounted or later models after bugs (see ps3 slim and xbox elite/slim)
we're still at least two years from the PS4 imo... i think this is a little too soon.

even though im a boderline Sony fanboy i'm interested in seeing how microsoft evolves Kinect and x-box live...
Originally Posted by memphisboi55 right away..... wait later for discounted or later models after bugs (see ps3 slim and xbox elite/slim)

Chill son, you might get tried for your sony/microsoft knowledge while you wait in line.
i cant think of anything mindblowing they can bring to the table. i still think the bottle neck relies on how much the game developers put in and resolution quality output. and these motion things are wack cause they can never be on point to the nanosecond and "pixel"
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Who said the ps4 and 720 were separate systems?

apparently PSM thinks they are

what in the hell are you two talking about?
X-Box = 720...

PS = PS4...

Why in the +#!% would they be the same system? *snatches the blizzy* gimme that ya'll smoke too much anyways...
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Who said the ps4 and 720 were separate systems?

Is this possible?
I can see 2 different systems but the game is playable on both.
Where the difference between the systems now is left to live vs psn, kinetic vs move, dashboard vs xmb.
Can't see a Sony x Microsoft on one unit- at least on a gaming console
My wishlist:

dont make it all digital.
NEEDS to be backwards compatable. I held off on buying a ps3 because I couldnt let go of my ps2 collection. I dont want the same thing to happen.
Make games cheaper. I know, I know. I want my cake and eat it too. I want high production games, great voice acting, story line, awsome graphichs, but charge me less money for it.

i aint trying to hear nothing from sony until they give me kingdom hearts 3
For those who don't know, it has been a long open ended question/discussion in the industry if the big three should just collab on a set top box that allows everyone to produce games for. I'm all for this, but it already exists lol. Surely though, a set top box streamlined for the non tech savvy with all the big devs making games for it would be a hit.

My issue with this is, huge changes would ensue, how we purchase content, how much of it would be available (dev costs, if they're higher, that means less games) etc. In my mind I see game version of a cable box, you got a home screen that leads you yo whatever genre/media you prefer to play at the time. What I don't like is Msoft trying to compete with the cable companies and rental services, they're doing too much. With this super console talk it's only a matter of time before, motion pictures and T.V. shows (look at Xbox Live) become a target. Where will the line be drawn? Will anyone even feel the need to draw it?

I see sections only available to those over 18, leading to gorier, raunchier, just all around raw type games. Like an interactive "Expendables" with nude females, what Duke Nukem Forever should have been...
That's just one end of the sew-saw, how many problems and negative headlines would arise from a joint venture like this? Would it last? How long before the fans demand more brilliant visuals before the super console is one step away before becoming a PC?

Again, Gaming culture started with the PC and it will end there.
Not only do I want to hear the price of the systems,I want to hear the price of the games...If those just up to $69.99,forget it.
I can't see the gaming system as it is currently last much longer. 
It's essentially been the same old song and dance since the 1980s. The fact that the next generation will still be console based is a joke if you ask me. 
Sony promised a 10 year life cycle, if they announce at E3 (which I doubt), I'm gonna be extremely pissed, there is still life in the PS3 left
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