OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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Y'all looking into my statement too hard i just thought since he's still in his rookie contract they can just cut him with no harm
NFL needs to branch out to some hip hop artist. Drake, Kendrick, and chance the rapper would probably be the biggest draws. 
One of these is not like the others...
but white people love chance, childish gambino too 
Are either of them really SB HT quality draws though? Not really :lol:

:lol: :lol: @ the notion of Chance the Rapper or Childish Gambino doing the super bowl. Let's throw Action Bronson up on stage while we're at it, then white people would REALLY be thrown for a loop :lol:
Goodness at the Manziel situation. I know he's had his issues recently but that quote from his old man is alarming.

I like Papa Manziel he's shirking his responsibility saying "they" need to get Johnny help.
Right? Whatchu mean 'they'? That's YOUR son, dude. 
Every few months of every year we're going to go through the Super Bowl halftime show discussion and names will get thrown around that some people agree with and some people don't. There'll be love for someone while there's disdain at the same time. That's why they go the safe route with someone like Katy Perry.

Every time I think about what would be a "correct" show while giving people what they want at the same time and every time the best answer I can come up with is Kanye West. I think there's other options that would fit the same criteria like Outkast but that's not reasonable and if they were to find someone like Outkast that is more reasonable it won't be as relevant as Kanye is right now. He's topical. His type of music fits a large demographic. There isn't anyone more polarizing, people will watch whether they like him or not. But most importantly, he is actually insanely talented despite what you think about him as a human being. While having the ability and reputation to put on a show. Not someone who just paces left and right making hand gestures for 20 minutes while rapping.

Why i think its the right choice is because Kanye is as popular as anyone while not giving a **** about the people who don't like him. Combine the two on this kind of platform and it should make for as unique of a show we've ever seen. There will be love and disdain from the viewers but in Kanye's case it doesn't matter.
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Every few months of every year we're going to go through the Super Bowl halftime show discussion and names will get thrown around that some people agree with and some people don't. There'll be love for someone while there's disdain at the same time. That's why they go the safe route with someone like Katy Perry.

Every time I think about what would be a "correct" show while giving people what they want at the same time and every time the best answer I can come up with is Kanye West. I think there's other options that would fit the same criteria like Outkast but that's not reasonable and if they were to find someone like Outkast that is more reasonable it won't be as relevant as Kanye is right now. He's topical. His type of music fits a large demographic. There isn't anyone more polarizing, people will watch whether they like him or not. But most importantly, he is actually insanely talented despite what you think about him as a human being. While having the ability and reputation to put on a show. Not someone who just paces left and right making hand gestures for 20 minutes while rapping.

Why i think its the right choice is because Kanye is as popular as anyone while not giving a **** about the people who don't like him. Combine the two on this kind of platform and it should make for as unique of a show we've ever seen. There will be love and disdain from the viewers but in Kanye's case it doesn't matter.

I think they would be waaaay too scared to give Kanye that large of a platform on live television to say/do whatever he wants
That's why I assume they won't or haven't. But IMO I think it would benefit both parties.

Kanye is in this weird little phase of trying to make a better image of himself but every once in a while literally can't help himself by doing or saying something absurd because that's how he's wired. Obviously he's got an ego. Super Bowl halftime show will feed his addiction to being the greatest. Great outlet to promote himself and his music. And will have an opportunity to win people over with his talent/music.

For the NFL we know they love making money and eye balls above all else. Well, Kanye would do both of those things. But here's the thing, whatever Kanye does would end up being on Kanye because that's the type of reputation he already has. If Kanye were to do anything it wouldn't be like JT and Janet where the NFL would catch criticism for a wardrobe malfunction. If anything happens it would be something that comes out of Kanye's mouth which Kanye himself would get criticized for. Not the NFL. And realistically he wouldn't do anything absurd. He does shows like this often, whether its SNL or awards show. I'm under the impression that when he's talking he talks. When he's doing music, he's doing music and wouldn't do anything to compromise his music. If anything he would take this very very seriously.
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