OFFICIAL NFL OFFSZN THREAD 2023-24: CMC snagged the Madden Cover

Marshawn is a national treasure.

I need to get my old *** with the times and watch these podcasts. Some of these shows are great. For some reason, I can't get down with watching these podcasts on my phone or laptop. Need it on the tv screen. Old Skool.
I usually throw them podcasts on when doing house chores on the ipad or on the kitchen TV when cooking. helps alleviate the pain of folding clothes or washing dishes.

walking the dog too allows me to catch up on hella podcasts. content overload man >.<
There’s only a handful of NFL fan bases that have experienced winning multiple super bowls in a span of four or five years

Three super bowl parades in four years 🤩
As a fan you can live off of that high forever :smokin

You need to share some of that high dose copium you’re on


:lol: :smh:

GM Hoody taking a hammer to HC Hoody's legacy over the last few years

GM hoody standing behind HC hoody

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