just seen about Saquan sitting
sorry but thats some real b*tch sh*t right there. he's got the dream scenario for a guy who got bounced from his old team cause they felt he wasn't worth what he was asking , to having a shot at the alltime record against that former team
no more heroes, legendary sports stories for this generation coming up, just super rich millionaires making rich people richer. this generation ain't gonna see "that performance" of a guy willing himself from injury to win a game or break a record to cement a legacy forever. remember the chills u got seeing Kobe still shooting that free throw and walking to the bench with a torn achilles ? Bron sneezes too hard and has to be helicoptered to a hospital. dad's are not gonna be able to use examples of an athlete to get thru to their son's with "see that guy, could've sat on his millions and waited to lose in the playoffs or he can give someone else inspiration to be better not richer". u hear people saying nowadays "it ain't worth ending your career for a record. ain't those records the reason we pick up the ball and dream ? u won't be able to see real life superheroes with amazement and pride anymore, with a goal to be just like them because in the end, it's just a game ...
/end morning rant ....