Official NT Cologne Thread: Current Splits *check most current page* HTTP is an online exclusive by

Tuscan leather came in today. Put it on after work and so far it's :pimp:. Can't wait till fall to get some more use out of it. Seems like it might be too strong for the summer
That joint is almost too strong in the dead of winter for me.

About two years ago, we had a huge snow storm when I was overseas, I put like 3 sprays of Tuscan Leather on in the a.m. then went sledding and hung out outside in below freezing temps for about 7 hrs. It was a freak storm so it did get warmer during that time. But eventually I and some friends headed inside to cook dinner. Tuscan Leather was beasting which is still putting it lightly, it was an atomic bomb coming off my chest in this chicks apartment after 8 hrs. It was slightly embarrassing. I personally can do with out all that projection.
Just got the Tuscan leather n DAYUUUMB **** projects like no other cologne I have. It's def unique scent. Not to much of a fan as of now....kinda reminds me of the hospital smell. Hopefully the dry down will be better. The only other TF scent I have is Italian cypress n that is one of my favorites in my small collection since I started frequenting the thread.
Tuscan Leather was way to overpowering for me when I tried it 6 years ago or so. Something about smelling like a leather jacket, cigs and raspberries didn't do it for me.

I will have to try it again; I wish Azure Lime offered that kind of protection and longevity
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Big thanks to Unique for the Pure Wood split. I was impressed with the rich, sweet boozyness of Pure Malt, and this one doesn't disappoint either. NICE
One more person in on this Virgin Island Water split and I'll order the bottle tonight! 10ml - 20$.
F it, im down.

I've copped from all of the split masters except you and Uniquekickz so i midas whale still round out the list.

@sundro2000 Got the Creed Green Tea.

Very dope stuff.

Good looks my dude :pimp:

Can't wait til the morning to throw it on.
Same. Woke up this morning and I still smell the raspberry and a slight leather. Tuscan leather is a beast you guys weren't lying. It's been like 16 hours since I sprayed it
I showered and washed my hands multiple times... It's just won't come off....

Sundro, got the Creed Green Tea. Thanks again. Not sure how I feel about it yet. It almost came off as too fruity to me. I'll give it another spin this week. Put me in the category of people who love Tuscan Leather. Been wearing it all weekend. Great scent IMO.
It's ridiculous. Tuscan leather is probably the most potent juice I've ever tried. It literally doesn't leave your skin. Did your mind change about it Stillin?
It's ridiculous. Tuscan leather is probably the most potent juice I've ever tried. It literally doesn't leave your skin. Did your mind change about it Stillin?

I will def say I liked it a a lot more than I did years ago but still not sure I'd add it to my rotation. No lie though I'm sitting with soap dried on each arm to try and get it off :lol:
Stillin post ur collection. I know u been collecting for decade.

I don't really have a collection

a lot of stuff is in my dad's basement (anything from like 1998-2007) which I need to go get sometime; I usually rock with 7-10 colognes and sell stuff when I get bored with it

much like I do with sneakers
I am breaking down and buying this Tom Ford Azure Lime; I love this juice

Let me buy a taste of that from you. Was thinking about grabbing that a while back from the name pictured nice blu water and mojitos but you recommend VIW instead, but you were on point with the VIW nod
Let me buy a taste of that from you. Was thinking about grabbing that a while back from the name pictured nice blu water and mojitos but you recommend VIW instead, but you were on point with the VIW nod

Waiting to cop at a good price but I'll send you a little something something for sure

It reminds me of Irish Spring soap but much better; problem is longevity isn't good so I'm trying to find at about half price but I really enjoy the smell of it
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