***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Racist policy. Cash bailouts helped minorities since they usually like cash and don’t have good credit.

another racist Lib

In California, the reality actually lapped the satire. A bunch of right wing forces pushed for a ballot measure to reimpose cash bail as a standard practice. It was clearly supported by law enforcement and white reactionaries but it being California in 2020, the proponents had to rainbow wash it. So they used to stock photos of black people, put the pictures in their social media burner accounts’ avatars and went to work saying how giving discretion to judges to release people on OR is racially biased and the only just solution is to impose cash bail for every offense on everybody.

It's good to see most the people in the comment section pushing back against this nonsense. Seems like it's getting harder for Republicans to just scream "RADICAL SOCIAL COMMIE LIBERAL!!!" and have that be enough get people's votes. That's probably why they're trying to make it harder to vote in many states. Propaganda ain't working outside of locking in the diehards, many of whom are old and getting older.
It seems so counter intuitive that very religious Jewish people would vote for a party that is becoming increasingly anti Semitic. But antisemitism in America is largely an outgrowth of white supremacy and settler colonialism. When conservatives talk about “globalists” or “elites” or “New York values,” they mean Jewish academics, lawyers, journalists and entertainers who are seen as undermining racial or gender hierarchies. Very conservative Jews know they are not included in that. Very conservative Jews are invested in the project of white supremacy and settler colonialism.

The more religious people are, the less civilized they become.

Strict religion is the opposite of logic, reason, truth, facts, understanding, empathy, or even common sense.

Try to limit your exposure to them as much as possible.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is 11 o'clock on Sunday morning” and, according to experts, that assertion remains true today.

Fun Fact:

Although U.S. Jews (90 percent white) and Hindus (91 percent Asian) are not very diverse, especially compared with Americans overall, the five least diverse groups in the index are all Protestant denominations.

The more religious people are, the less civilized they become.

Strict religion is the opposite of logic, reason, truth, facts, understanding, empathy, or even common sense.

Try to limit your exposure to them as much as possible.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is 11 o'clock on Sunday morning” and, according to experts, that assertion remains true today.

Fun Fact:

Although U.S. Jews (90 percent white) and Hindus (91 percent Asian) are not very diverse, especially compared with Americans overall, the five least diverse groups in the index are all Protestant denominations.

True words spoken. Extremely religious people are among the most mentally closed people in the world. Not just in Christianity but in all religions it’s observable. From women as property to child coupling. Thing is, those groups of people are the ones who actually follow what is written in their religious texts. The “Sunday Christians” don’t even follow their own book. They just read a couple happy verses and ignore the rest, while the people they think are crazy actually are the ones following their Bible as written
True words spoken. Extremely religious people are among the most mentally closed people in the world. Not just in Christianity but in all religions it’s observable. From women as property to child coupling. Thing is, those groups of people are the ones who actually follow what is written in their religious texts. The “Sunday Christians” don’t even follow their own book. They just read a couple happy verses and ignore the rest, while the people they think are crazy actually are the ones following their Bible as written
Religion, especially those promoted and taught through western culture, seem to be an adversary to progressive think, evolution. The abrahamic faiths absolutely disconnects itself from science, intelligence, of which eliminates the human experience from growth and development. The extreme religious groups are so hell bent on the oppression of women, that women become expendable, only to be viewed as some sort of baby factory. It seems that this is their only desire, to keep women under their thumbs, then eventually eliminating them. Completely disposable.

“They put your mind right in a bag, and take it wherever they want.”
— Malcolm X
Thing is, those groups of people are the ones who actually follow what is written in their religious texts.
Many don't even know what written in them; those that do systematically dismiss anything in those books that go against their moral predispositions and inner value system.

Just look at how much compassion for the poor all those Christian financial gurus have. Tell them about the philosophy of giving that Jesus preached and demonstrated, and they want to change subjects.
Religion, especially those promoted and taught through western culture, seem to be an adversary to progressive think
Have you seen what is going on India lately? Even Buddhists in Myanmar have been openly supportive about the dehumanization and genocide of the Rohingya.

All religions, taken to their extreme lead to a mentality of ostracization and cultural domination of those who follow the right deity(ies) over those who don't.
Have you seen what is going on India lately? Even Buddhists in Myanmar have been openly supportive about the dehumanization and genocide of the Rohingya.

All religions, taken to their extreme lead to a mentality of ostracization and cultural domination of those who follow the right deity(ies) over those who don't.
That does not surprise me, at all.
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