***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It was unreal in real time. What’s insane is if he hadn’t completely flubbed the response to corona he would have likely been re-elected

It was but I think at some point I got desensitized to it, but with things coming back to "normal" it's like waking up from a 4 year nightmare or drug trip and having a moment of clarity.

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In a dramatic shift that comes amid fighting in the Gaza strip and clashes between Jewish and Arab citizens in Israel, right-wing kingmaker Naftali Bennett has announced he will no longer seek an alternative government to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Why it matters: Bennett had been on the verge of a power-sharing deal with centrist opposition leader Yair Lapid that would have made him prime minister for two years until Lapid rotated into the job. Without Bennett, Lapid has no path to a majority, and Israel will almost certainly head for its fifth election since 2019 with Netanyahu still in his post.

Everywhere you look, it's American fundamentalists: in Israel, ******* **** up; in Africa, ******* **** up. I'm tired of those ***** *** Pharisees.
I could easily have hate sex with someone like Tomi Lahren or even Kayleigh McEnany's fetal alcohol syndrome-looking ***. They at least have a modicum of physical attractiveness I could get on board with. Marjorie looks like a horse who took a 2x4 to the face. I could never live with myself.
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