***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm happy she can make jokes about the situation now because the media did a number on her back in the day. **** was kinda gross. She is co-producing the FX show about the situation too.

Strangely, one of the most controversial political opinions I hold, and I only found out about his after a few discussions with very liberal-leaning women, is that Hillary Clinton was the biggest victim in the whole situation, and Monica Lewinsky (while undeserving of how she was portrayed in the media) was a massive ******* and owes Hillary an apology. :lol:

When someone hates Hillary, I have found it is almost impossible for them to consider this argument. I have even gotten charges of being sexist for saying it.
I'm happy she can make jokes about the situation now because the media did a number on her back in the day. **** was kinda gross. She is co-producing the FX show about the situation too.

Strangely, one of the most controversial political opinions I hold, and I only found out about his after a few discussions with very liberal-leaning women, is that Hillary Clinton was the biggest victim in the whole situation, and Monica Lewinsky (while undeserving of how she was portrayed in the media) was a massive ******* and owes Hillary an apology. :lol:

When someone hates Hillary, I have found it is almost impossible for them to consider this argument. I have even gotten charges of being sexist for saying it.

sexist for pointing out that Hillary is a victim because her husband cheated on her and embarrassed her in a very public manner?

seems like a simple statement of fact and one I would think any woman would/should be able to understand to some degree

obviously it got blown up into a way bigger thing than it would/should have been because of those seeking to benefit politically and I’d argue Monica was truly a victim of them.. but so was Hillary

also as far as the politics of it all, would think Hillary forgiving her husband and valuing her marriage would have earned her points with religious folks.. but yet you have those with multiple marriages being viewed more favorably amongst that group
sexist for pointing out that Hillary is a victim because her husband cheated on her and embarrassed her in a very public manner?

seems like a simple statement of fact and one I would think any woman would/should be able to understand to some degree

obviously it got blown up into a way bigger thing than it would/should have been because of those seeking to benefit politically and I’d argue Monica was truly a victim of them.. but so was Hillary

also as far as the politics of it all, would think Hillary forgiving her husband and valuing her marriage would have earned her points with religious folks.. but yet you have those with multiple marriages being viewed more favorably amongst that group
Nah it was me calling Monica an ******* for her actions, and owing Hillary an apology. The pushback was Bill used his status and power in an inappropriate way, and therefore Lewinsky is a victim.

I agreed that Bill is a massive ******* and lowlife, and he crosses a massive line, and he did use his status and power in an inappropriate way.

In many ways, in regards to Bill and especially the media, Monica Lewinsky is a victim in her own way. But Bill and the media did that, not Hillary.

But also she is also a 22-year old that chose to carry on a long affair with a married man. While working at the same residence he and his wife live in. If you just look at that, that is peak scumbag behavior. This was me shaming her for her actions. And I try to explain I don't have an issue with the sexual acts he engaged in, just the circumstances surrounding the affair.

I have noticed people have a hard time separating Bill's and Hillary's actions. Is in some weird way, people want to hold Hillary responsible for everything Bill did, including this.

Notice how during the primary so many of the attacks against Hillary were things Bill did.

Some people just take it to the extreme
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Nah it was me calling Monica an ******* for her actions, and owing Hillary an apology. The pushback was Bill used his status and power in an inappropriate way, and therefore Lewinsky is a victim.

I agreed that Bill is a massive ******* and lowlife, and he crosses a massive line, and he did use his status and power in an inappropriate way.

In many ways, in regards to Bill and especially the media, Monica Lewinsky is a victim in her own way. But Bill and the media did that, not Hillary.

But also she is also a 22-year old that chose to carry on a long affair with a married man. While working at the same residence he and his wife live in. If you just look at that, that is peak scumbag behavior. This was me shaming her for her actions. And I try to explain I don't have an issue with the sexual acts he engaged in, just the circumstances surrounding the affair.

I have noticed people have a hard time separating Bill's and Hillary's actions. Is in some weird way, people want to hold Hillary responsible for everything Bill did, including this.

Notice how during the primary so many of the attacks against Hillary were things Bill did.

Some people just take it to the extreme

Politics is a dirty game.

22 year old Monica Lewinsky is not, nor has she ever been a "victim".

June 1995: Monica Lewinsky, 21, comes to the White House as an unpaid intern in the office of Chief of Staff Leon Panetta.

November 1995: Lewinsky and President Bill Clinton begin a sexual relationship, according to audiotapes secretly recorded later by Linda Tripp.

December 1995: Lewinsky moves into a paid position in the Office of Legislative Affairs, handling letters from members of Congress. She frequently ferries mail to the Oval Office.

April 1996: Then-Deputy White House Chief of Staff Evelyn Lieberman transfers Lewinsky to a job as an assistant to Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon. Lieberman told The New York Times the move was due to "inappropriate and immature behavior" and inattention to work. At the Pentagon, Lewinsky meets Tripp, a career government worker.

Summer 1996: Lewinsky begins to tell fellow Pentagon employee Linda Tripp of her alleged relationship with Clinton.

August 1997: Tripp encountered Kathleen Willey coming out of Oval Office "disheveled. Her face red and her lipstick was off." Willey later alleged that Clinton groped her. Clinton's lawyer, Bill Bennett said in the article that Linda Tripp is not to be believed.

Fall 1997: Tripp to begin taping conversations in which Lewinsky details her alleged affair with the president.

October 1997: Tripp meets with Newsweek's Michael Isikoff, Lucianne & Jonah Goldberg at Jonah's apartment in Washington, according to a Newsweek report. The Goldberg's listen to a tape of Tripp/Lewinsky conversations.

October 1997: Lewinsky interviews with U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Bill Richardson for a low level public affairs position.

December 1997: Lewinsky leaves the Pentagon.

Dec. 8: Betty Currie, Clinton's personal secretary, asks presidential pal Vernon Jordan to help Lewinsky find a job in New York.

Dec. 11: Lewinsky meets with Jordan and he refers her to several job leads.

Dec. 17: Lewinsky is subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones, who is suing the president on sexual harassment charges.

Dec. 28: Lewinsky makes her final visit to the White House, according to White House logs, and was signed in by Currie. Lewinsky reportedly met privately with Clinton and he allegedly encouraged her to be "evasive" in her answers in the Jones' lawsuit.


Politics is a dirty game.

22 year old Monica Lewinsky is not, nor has she ever been a "victim".

June 1995: Monica Lewinsky, 21, comes to the White House as an unpaid intern in the office of Chief of Staff Leon Panetta.

November 1995: Lewinsky and President Bill Clinton begin a sexual relationship, according to audiotapes secretly recorded later by Linda Tripp.

December 1995: Lewinsky moves into a paid position in the Office of Legislative Affairs, handling letters from members of Congress. She frequently ferries mail to the Oval Office.

April 1996: Then-Deputy White House Chief of Staff Evelyn Lieberman transfers Lewinsky to a job as an assistant to Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon. Lieberman told The New York Times the move was due to "inappropriate and immature behavior" and inattention to work. At the Pentagon, Lewinsky meets Tripp, a career government worker.

Summer 1996: Lewinsky begins to tell fellow Pentagon employee Linda Tripp of her alleged relationship with Clinton.

August 1997: Tripp encountered Kathleen Willey coming out of Oval Office "disheveled. Her face red and her lipstick was off." Willey later alleged that Clinton groped her. Clinton's lawyer, Bill Bennett said in the article that Linda Tripp is not to be believed.

Fall 1997: Tripp to begin taping conversations in which Lewinsky details her alleged affair with the president.

October 1997: Tripp meets with Newsweek's Michael Isikoff, Lucianne & Jonah Goldberg at Jonah's apartment in Washington, according to a Newsweek report. The Goldberg's listen to a tape of Tripp/Lewinsky conversations.

October 1997: Lewinsky interviews with U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Bill Richardson for a low level public affairs position.

December 1997: Lewinsky leaves the Pentagon.

Dec. 8: Betty Currie, Clinton's personal secretary, asks presidential pal Vernon Jordan to help Lewinsky find a job in New York.

Dec. 11: Lewinsky meets with Jordan and he refers her to several job leads.

Dec. 17: Lewinsky is subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones, who is suing the president on sexual harassment charges.

Dec. 28: Lewinsky makes her final visit to the White House, according to White House logs, and was signed in by Currie. Lewinsky reportedly met privately with Clinton and he allegedly encouraged her to be "evasive" in her answers in the Jones' lawsuit.


Bill Clinton was her boss and the ******* president. The power dynamics of the situation were tilted heavily in his direction, he should have stayed away from Monica, and never engaged in such a situation. Power dynamics in the situation does affect the other party's decision-making. She made a bad choice, but Bill's actions are way more problematic.

Secondly, Monica Lewinsky got betrayed by a friend, was hounded by the press every second of her life after the story broke, was made fun of by comedians for years afterward, and she couldn't lead a normal life for well after this whole thing happened. The stress and constant hounding had bad mental health consequences for her.

Let us not forget that the scandal became such a huge deal because the GOP was trying to find actual political corruption on Clinton, failed, fell into this, and Kenn Starr and the Republicans tried to make sure this blew up are badly as possible to hurt their electoral chances. Embarrassing Lewinsky in the process was viewed as collateral damage.

No mistake, or bad decision, even the one she did, deserved her having to deal with all that.

IMO, she is a victim too in her own way.
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Nah it was me calling Monica an ******* for her actions, and owing Hillary an apology. The pushback was Bill used his status and power in an inappropriate way, and therefore Lewinsky is a victim.

I agreed that Bill is a massive ******* and lowlife, and he crosses a massive line, and he did use his status and power in an inappropriate way.

In many ways, in regards to Bill and especially the media, Monica Lewinsky is a victim in her own way. But Bill and the media did that, not Hillary.

But also she is also a 22-year old that chose to carry on a long affair with a married man. While working at the same residence he and his wife live in. If you just look at that, that is peak scumbag behavior. This was me shaming her for her actions. And I try to explain I don't have an issue with the sexual acts he engaged in, just the circumstances surrounding the affair.

I have noticed people have a hard time separating Bill's and Hillary's actions. Is in some weird way, people want to hold Hillary responsible for everything Bill did, including this.

Notice how during the primary so many of the attacks against Hillary were things Bill did.

Some people just take it to the extreme

I mean obviously we weren’t involved.. but it never seemed like a situation where Bill was using his position of power to force Monica into a situation she wanted no parts of

clearly there were a number of things wrong from bill’s side, but Monica seemed like she wanted that shhh.. Doesn’t make shh right, but that is one less aspect of things that were wrong or could have been wrong from bill’s perspective

But when you have newt Gingrich as one of the leaders of that whole thing and how people still attempt to weaponize shhhh against Hillary is just sad and painfully obvious

but it would be too easy for Monica to claim she was a victim AND use the Fox News machine and Republicans just as much as they used her.. I mean she could easily sell a book or something and be a regular guest if she said Bill was relentless and she felt she had to for whatever reason
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