***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Man…I’ve been swamped this week so I haven’t been able to fully keep up with the political landscape. I turn on CNN just now and it looks like today there is going to be a right-wing rally that sounds like an insurrection lite…to defend the insurrectionists? I come to the last page of this thread for updates….and it’s all about Nicki Minaj?

Politics in 2021, going on 22 is more confusing and entertaining than any TV show ever made. If David Simon or Beau Willimon made TV shows that mirrored the last 5-6 years in the early 2000s, folks would have called it trash because it was entirely unrealistic :lol: :smh:
I just realized that Nikki and Ben Shapiro could do a Cardi B diss song and it wouldn’t be jumping the shark…… because we already shot that shark into space to do moon jumps after electing Trump back in 2016.

Absurdity is Dead
I don't understand the conservative endgame as it relates to Covid
Make sure everyone keeps getting it, it mutates endlessly, millions die....and then what?
What is the goal in doing your best to aid the virus as much as possible?
I don't understand the conservative endgame as it relates to Covid
Make sure everyone keeps getting it, it mutates endlessly, millions die....and then what?
What is the goal in doing your best to aid the virus as much as possible?

conservatives and republicans have no actual issues to run on just culture war bull crap.

covid is something that conservative feeds to their masses of Hogs as a result conservative politicians pick it up and run with it for political gain.

why cause conservative politicians want to basically hamstring the working class. Enrich themselves and their donors more and feed their base nothing more than wins aginst the libs while their base dies of covid and poverty.

remember CRT it was all the rage in conservative circles. Honestly it was a flash in the pan and didn’t get as much bang as they thought it would.

so now we’re Back to covid and blocking bills to help the working class killing time till they can take the senate and then grid lock everything for years and years until another Republican is president which may or may not happen for a long time cause I doubt anyone would do trump or trump lite in the next 3 years

Trump ain’t hitting like he used to dude doing boxing matches embarrassing himself. Also Republicans are killing off their base slowly with covid. Fla might be true blue with all the dead republicans there.
The thing with covid denial and being anti-vaccines/vaccine hesitancy is it has crossover appeal with people outside of their usual target demo.

They know the other BS has no traction with non-faux news viewers. It's basically the only way they can reach a different audience.

Seen so many people who would normally never agree with the views of right wing propagandists start sharing the same BS theories and conspiracies about covid/vaccines.
Some of the centrists that swore progressive and some liberals were out of touch with what regular folk want, and that they should not push unpopular policies, and currently actively trying to sabotage many of the reconciliation bill's most popular policies. Tax the rich, IRS enforcement against tax cheats, and most of all the prescription drugs.

We literally got swing state centrist saying that the prescription drug policy is key to helping people and their reelection, and other centrists in bed with Big Pharma wants to screw over what the vast majority of the party wants

Funny I don't see the people in the media that were complaining about progressive last fall going after these bought centrist saboteurs now
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