***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Taking the bus everywhere was fun back in the day.

I’m good on it now. I’m not anti public transport though. It give my job work and I think it’s funny watching suburbanites lose their **** over it.
That picture that Osh posted is out by the baseball stadium. Before that was a stadium, that whole area was largely decrepit warehouses that had been located close to a major train depot. By the 90’s the land sat mostly unused. I went to more than one less than legal party in those buildings.

Anyways, as I recall correctly, even with Houston’s famous lack of zoning, that land sat underutilized for years because the environmental rehab costs of the dirt itself made it difficult to invest in. I had a client many, many years ago who wanted to pledge some land close to that area as collateral. When we did the estimate, the findings were that because there had been chrome processing on the spot 50 years prior, the market value was actually negative. the current salvage yard was one of the few businesses that could legally operate on the land.
Is that why you rent out your house?
Nah, my house doesn't even have that big of a front lawn. There is a driveway to fit a car, and then there is a patch of rocks and away. I would still prefer if was like a 1/3 of the side and folk would just park on the street.

But I rented it out because I didn't like to have a commute, and the dude I rented to was kinda in a tough spot trying to find a place to fit his whole family comfortably. When I rented it out, I was able to cover the mortgage and have a little leftover. So I didn't mind. I got an apartment much closer to work
Who are you voting for?

prob liberal aka Justin,

Conservatives prob the best housing plan but I can't bring myself to do that. i disagree with them on everything else.

Generally I don't vote NDP unless I feel very comfortable the Liberals will win.
things have stabilized but conservatives are still in striking distance.

plus I'm not that into Jagmeet generally.
She's can't not making more than lunch money off of these if anything at all b/c I'm pretty its to found her career operation. You gotta apply context to stuff like this. This isn't the same as Donald producing MAGA hats "Made in China". Not to mention this is a nice cut. Looks soft of value:
Lol, fund her career operation? Please elaborate? As I am sure she will need the funds to face stiff competition in next years election
Out of curiosity, has anyone posted the jobs numbers for this month yet? I'd have figured a Biden supporter would have done so by now.

A $58 union-made sweatshirt is still two times cheaper than what you'd pay for US-made sweats too. Blanks usually retail for $100 and up.
This appears to be the blank:

One color, one-sided printing could run you a couple of bucks per, depending on quantity. They'd likely want to use a US-based, environmentally conscious printing company for that, as we did, so it's likely that they shipped the blanks to a printer, and then to their own fulfillment center. It's reasonable to assume that they're not paying exploitation wages to fulfillment staff, either. ("Fair wages for all" appears above the fold on the campaign storefront.)

Add in packaging and the margin at $58 is not that high. Set it too low, and you're less fundraising than you are polluting.

There's a reason why we charged what we did for our t-shirts and were leery of crewnecks, given price sensitivity.

AOC's merch is fairly priced - and she's not accepting corporate money, unlike Trump or DeSantis with their tacky Key West gift shops.


Guess we can conclude that the dress did its job. Low T boys are fuming
We talking about AOC or Russ?

It's been a rough week for those addled by fragile masculinity.

One of the most annoying aspects of living in America is the Overton window being far enough to the right that to apolitical* observers anything farther to the left than caps lock is viewed as either insincere or absurd.

It leads to situations like this where people who aren't actually active in politics make uneducated remarks that serve those who actively work against them.

And it's particularly frustrating because when you challenge them, they're now simultaneously political mavens while also being completely detached. An absolutely absurd premise that to them makes more sense than simply engaging in actual discourse about why they're wrong.

*I hate this term, no one is actually apolitical
Imagine being so privileged/sociopathic that you think indifference to another person's fundamental human rights constitutes apolitical neutrality.
Lol, fund her career operation? Please elaborate? As I am sure she will need the funds to face stiff competition in next years election
She has to campaign. The have to may some type of profit to keep going, and depending on the order she may actually be losing money w/ this.
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I’m not the least bit surprised that protect our children, pizza gate, and the Clintons killed Epstein before he could expose their pedo ring quanon minded conservatives would suddenly warm up to Niki Minaj, despite her hubby and brothers track records.
NYC would never be allowed to build their subway system today. I rode the A train for the last decade. Even with the occasional putrid car and sweaty platforms, I never was nostalgic for having a car. But the nearest capital Metro station is a 15 minute walk on one side. And a ridiculous amount of time on the trains in between. so I’m back to driving.
when public transit works, it's amazing. it's sad that not every major US city has at least something comparable to NYC trains and buses.

Learning about US housing policy has really radicalized me

I ****ing hate the sight of a parking lot and large front lawns now
the more I learn, the more it upsets me too. between housing policy, the prioritization of cars, the ****** cookie cutter suburbs, heck -- even the food industry -- it's all built around making us unhealthy and lazy, and it is also terrible aesthetically. Ford convincing everybody that they need 2 cars and that they shouldn't live within walking distance of anything useful was one of the worst things that could've happened.

I ******* hate the sight of 3-lane non-highway roads and strip malls now

I really want to meet the canadian who makes their voting decision based on the opinions of American politicians

and i want to slap them. :lol:


Not everything needs to be on Twitter, especially not the opinion of an American politician (current or former) regarding candidates in a foreign election, and especially not when the elections in question are happening in the neighboring country.

France has said it is recalling its ambassadors in the US and Australia for consultations, in protest at a security deal which also includes the UK.
The French foreign minister said the "exceptional decision" was justified by the situation's "exceptional gravity".
The alliance, known as Aukus, will see Australia being given the technology to build nuclear-powered submarines.
The move angered France as it scuppered a multibillion-dollar deal it had signed with Australia.
The agreement is widely seen as an effort to counter China's influence in the contested South China Sea. It was announced on Wednesday by US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison.

France was informed of the alliance only hours before the public announcement was made.

In a statement late on Friday, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who had described the pact as a "stab in back", said the ambassadors were being recalled at the request of President Emmanuel Macron.
The deal "constitute unacceptable behaviour between allies and partners whose consequences directly affect the vision we have of our alliances, of our partnerships and of the importance of the Indo-Pacific for Europe," Mr Le Drian said.
A White House official said the Biden administration regretted the move and would be engaged with France in the coming days to resolve their differences.
Speaking in Washington, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said she understood the "disappointment" in France and hoped to work with the country to ensure it understood "the value we place on the bilateral relationship".
A recall of ambassadors is highly unusual between allies, and it is believed to be the first time France has recalled envoys from the two countries. French diplomats in Washington had already cancelled a gala to celebrate ties between the US and France which was scheduled for Friday.

Paris was blindsided by Australia's move. That was an economic hit.

But French officials were even more incensed that they only heard about the arrangement just hours before the public announcement, and that it was part of a new security agreement involving three countries including the UK - also a complete surprise, they said.
France's decision to recall its ambassadors is probably unprecedented. The country is America's "oldest ally," as a White House official noted. He said Washington would be engaged with France in the coming days to resolve their differences.
But this looks at the very least like an embarrassing misjudgement by an administration that has promised to work closely with allies.

The pact means Australia will become just the seventh nation in the world to operate nuclear-powered submarines. It will also see the allies share cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence and other undersea technologies.
The announcement ended a deal worth $37bn (£27bn) that France had signed with Australia in 2016 to build 12 conventional submarines. China meanwhile accused the three powers involved in the pact of having a "Cold War mentality".

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