***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anything is better than the piece of trash we have now. They're gonna take a few things Beto has said in the past (mainly about guns) and use that against him. It'll get played in a campaign ad a million times a day in most the state.



It is funny how centrists openly trying to **** over their party members and sabotage the Democratic Party being able to run on an economic agenda focused on material gains is generating so much less outrage than the nonsensical "identity politics" talk in 2016 and "defund the police" in 2020.

You had a certain coalition of buffoons run their mouth over and over and over when it came time to **** on progressives. But now the Dems are trying to cut poverty, increase health insurance coverage and prescription drug prices centrist sabotage of these efforts are being talked about as though it is electoral pragamtism

I am sure the same clowns will be lined up to whine about out of touch liberals and progressives the next time the Dems have a bad election
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Obstructing just to Obstruct. Both sides aren't the same but these moderates are trying to move like their R buddies
Nah, their donors are calling them up to do so

What is wild, that some of the ones doing this are in safe blue districts. Some of the ones in actual swing districts are complaining that these corporate centrist are ******* them over too.
Nah, their donors are calling them up to do so

What is wild, that some of the ones doing this are in safe blue districts. Some of the ones in actual swing districts are complaining that these corporate centrist are ****ing them over too.

Just look at Big City politics and how seemingly liberal enclaves always end up implementing republican economic policies (austerity measures for the poor, tax breaks for the wealthiest businesses and residents, and *** kissing the police).

Democratic politics is about individuals as much as it is about groups, and the motivations/goals of limousine liberals don't necessarily change when they go from local to national politics.

Just look at Big City politics and how seemingly liberal enclaves always end up implementing republican economic policies (austerity measures for the poor, tax breaks for the wealthiest businesses and residents, and *** kissing the police).

Democratic politics is about individuals as much as it is about groups, and the motivations/goals of limousine liberals don't necessarily change when they go from local to national politics.
I kinda disagree with this take because city politics is much different from national. Some of the things we see on the city level, while I don't like, is more understandable because politicians are responding to incentives and political restrictions

For example, cities simply can't take on and sustain the same debt levels the US Government can. That's why attracting businesses is so important. The US government doesn't have to directly deal with Police Unions, so on aggregate, they support policies more progressive than what you will see at the city level. Police Union really **** **** up bad.

And the thing going on here is that the overwhelming majority of the National Party wants something, but margins are so thin that special interest just needs to pick off a couple of Dems to **** everything up. That is just a different dynamic at play there

This is why I was so pissed about the Dems not blowing the GOP out in the last fall, I could see this coming. Manchin and Sinema are two bought delusional buffoons, but with margins so thin in the House the marginal vote would also be some sort of centrist.

I think the people doing this need to be called out directly. Just combining their behavior with Democratic politics in general I think is bad in this situation, mainly because most Democrats in Congress right now don't support the ******* that going on right now.

And when this nonsense cost the party, it should be other Democrats that warned against this nonsense being the first ones to say "I told you so" and not be the ones that have to answer for the ******* of ****** centrist.

But yeah, the power of the marginal vote is so strong it pretty much dictates the entire agenda. And everyone has to answer for it.
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46 Republicans signed a letter saying they will not vote for a budget deal if the debt ceiling is included.

They are basically saying they are cool with a government shutdown

Not only that, they said they support raising the debt ceiling, just that the Dems have to do it in their reconciliation bill

And the reason it was not included in the covid bailout from the winter is centrists wanted it out because they didn't want to be seen voting for a debt ceiling increase unilaterally

************* handed Mitch the power to create another crisis because they refuse to govern effectively
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I was mainly talking about House centrist, but when it comes to centrist ******* Sinema and Manchin lead the way...

Manchin wants the reconciliation package pushed back to 2022 for no good damn reason...

Sinema supports no plan to reduce prescription drug prices. Don't even the ****** compromise House centrist put forward...

Manchin who lied to the party before now wants to give him what he wants and trust he will do the right thing later...

Biden and Manchin left their Wednesday meeting in a stalemate, according to two sources briefed on the conversation. The West Virginia Democrat said he couldn’t support a $3.5 trillion package, a detail first reported by Axios. But the disagreements between the two went beyond that. When discussing the size of the bill, Biden cited the need to win progressive votes as well, implying that any significant modifications could cost him support on the left.

Manchin also pressed Biden about moving the Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill first as they figured out an agreement on the reconciliation package, according to the two sources. Biden said it was a no-go, telling Manchin the infrastructure bill couldn’t advance further without some commitment from Manchin to move forward on reconciliation. Manchin didn’t offer that commitment, the two sources said, describing the back-and-forth as respectful but direct.

The piece of **** is clearly trying to kill the reconciliation bill.
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