***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’ve answered; I don’t.

If this is circular it is because you keep asking the exact same question. It seems you just don’t like my answer.
Your answer is fine. It’s just funny that you keep saying it even though it’s not how you voted multiple times. For the past 8 years a the very least. You voted to control women’s privates. You like controlling women’s privates to killing. Why do you justify controlling women’s privates?
Your answer is fine. It’s just funny that you keep saying it even though it’s not how you voted multiple times. For the past 8 years a the very least. You voted to control women’s privates. You like controlling women’s privates to killing. Why do you justify controlling women’s privates?

At this point, it’s clear that you have not read my responses. I’ve been very clear.

I hope that you find the answers by re-reading my prior posts. But aside from that, I don’t have anything else to add.

The people who tell you to march against masks wear them.
The people who tell you to not vaccinate have had two doses before any of us did.
The people who tell you to send your kids to crowded schools and to go to restaurants have private tutors and exclusive catering in the safety of their homes.

At some point, right wingers will have to get over their ego and admit they were wrong and were led by hustlers, or they'll get sick and die...
The people who tell you to march against masks wear them.
The people who tell you to not vaccinate have had two doses before any of us did.
The people who tell you to send your kids to crowded schools and to go to restaurants have private tutors and exclusive catering in the safety of their homes.

At some point, right wingers will have to get over their ego and admit they were wrong and were led by hustlers, or they'll get sick and die...
I choose sick and die for 500 please
Dems tried this plan before

Google "Connecticut 2006 Senate election"

Sinema will get primaried though
My only argument for that is Lieberman is an example of why they would not be wise to attempt this with Manchin. He is embedded in W.VA politics, and he legitimately is in a hotbed state where there is a better chance they lose the seat to the Republicans than replace him with a more controllable Democrat. Arizona and Sinema are different. Arizona is a solidly purple state (with another Dem Senator) and Sinema didn't run and win her seat on being a blue dog democrat. Just from a long-term view, the party needs to get her out of the paint before she becomes a long-term heel like Manchin.

As much as she is letting how blatant donations can influence her get out. I question her grasp on politics. Does she realize the party will kick her and her hideous dresses out? I legit don't know.

I always say "The House is built for *******" and she moves like she is still in the house where the lack of spotlight allows you to make shady deals and have large personalities. Most senators are as interesting as whole wheat toast and have seen more than their fair share of peers lose their seats in the Senate for taking money from BS the people don't want them too. She feels like she would be easy to take out if the party just ran a good candidate against her.
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My only argument for that is Lieberman is an example of why they would not be wise to attempt this with Manchin. He is embedded in W.VA politics, and he legitimately is in a hotbed state where there is a better chance they lose the seat to the Republicans than replace him with a more controllable Democrat. Arizona and Sinema are different. Arizona is a solidly purple state (with another Dem Senator) and Sinema didn't run and win her seat on being a blue dog democrat. Just from a long-term view, the party needs to get her out of the paint before she becomes a long-term heel like Manchin.

As much as she is letting how blatant donations can influence her get out. I question her grasp on politics. Does she realize the party will kick her and her hideous dresses out? I legit don't know.

I always say "The House is built for ****ery" and she moves like she is still in the house where the lack of spotlight allows you to make shady deals and have large personalities. Most senators are as interesting as whole wheat toast and have seen more than their fair share of peers lose their seats in the Senate for taking money from BS the people don't want them too.
Lieberman was in a solidly blue state. A lot of the party got together to try to get Liebermann out of the paint. And they were able to beat him in a primary. The electorate Liebermann faced was way bluer than what Manchin faced

Not saying that Sinema should not be primaried, but if she doesn't accept defeat in a primary she can **** over the party by running as an independent and locking in a GOP victory.

I don't think Schumer is being a coward for not plotting on her now. It is not like it is a lock the plan will work. That's all I am saying.

The way Sinema is moving doesn't make any damn sense. Unless she thinks Arizona is gonna start trending back Republican. If it keeps going blue, Dems in her state will try to get her out of the paint every chance she sense.

I honestly think she might not be running for reelection because she is moving way too stupid out here.
Lieberman was in a solidly blue state. A lot of the party got together to try to get Liebermann out of the paint. And they were able to beat him in a primary. The electorate Liebermann faced was way bluer than what Manchin faced

Not saying that Sinema should not be primaried, but if she doesn't accept defeat in a primary she can **** over the party by running as an independent and locking in a GOP victory.

I don't think Schumer is being a coward for not plotting on her now. It is not like it is a lock the plan will work. That's all I am saying.

The way Sinema is moving doesn't make any damn sense. Unless she thinks Arizona is gonna start trending back Republican. If it keeps going blue, Dems in her state will try to get her out of the paint every chance she sense.

I honestly think she might not be running for reelection because she is moving way too stupid out here.
I don't know how much political analysis of the pre-Obama can still be considered informative when it comes to predicting election results in a post-Trump America.

2006 feels like many decades ago. We were not even in the middle of the housing crisis, and times didn't feel as desperate as they do now. We still had politicians like Sinema and Manchin, but we didn't have an overtly anti-democratic, pro-authoritarian GOP sitting right next to them. We didn't have an attempt to openly subvert presidential election results through violent action.

Centrist Democrats in blue districts should be primaried, and it's only then that we will know how much the blue voting public has forgiven and forgotten about the GOP and its enablers.
I don't know how much political analysis of the pre-Obama can still be considered informative when it comes to predicting election results in a post-Trump America.

2006 feels like many decades ago. We were not even in the middle of the housing crisis, and times didn't feel as desperate as they do now. We still had politicians like Sinema and Manchin, but we didn't have an overtly anti-democratic, pro-authoritarian GOP sitting right next to them. We didn't have an attempt to openly subvert presidential election results through violent action.

Centrist Democrats in blue districts should be primaried, and it's only then that we will know how much the blue voting public has forgiven and forgotten about the GOP and its enablers.
I am not saying they shouldn't be primaried, I am saying acting like it is some silver bullet to the Dems problems is simply not true. And Schumer not back this plan is somehow born out of cowardice. Dems already tried it under better conditions and it went horribly.

But ok, say we accept the argument that things have changed in the post-Obama post-Trump era, that doesn't change the voting demographics of a state.

Even if all you said was true, Liberbermann and Sinema face different electorates. If replacement Democrat was facing the same partisan lean (the average amount a Democrat is expected to win in a statewide race) as Connecticut has in 2006, then apply 2021 partisan voting trends (less cross ticket-splitting), then yes, Sinema being on the ticket as an independent is a much smaller risk. And that Replacement Democrat has a better chance of winning than Ned Lamont did in 2006. (Lieberman actually won because Republicans backed him so strongly)

But in Arizona winning right now takes not only winning nearly all the Democratic votes available but if I remember correctly also a majority of independents, and a tiny chunk of Republicans. Sinema's threat as an independent is not that she will win is that she will deny the other Democrat the numbers for him to win. Locking in a GOP victory.

Loyal Democratic voters are simply not enough to up anyone over the top in Arizona. That is just an unfortunate political reality facing the Dems

These people should be primaried but I can't act like it is going to be a panacea to the Dems problem with centrists.
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The same issues we see with police in America is alive and well in ICE and Border Control...

I already know how this will play out. The Biden Administration will tell them cut this **** out, and then you hear complaints of Broder Control agents feeling "not supported" and feeling like they are unable to do their job.

Dudes just want to live out their white supremacist fantasies
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Lieberman was in a solidly blue state. A lot of the party got together to try to get Liebermann out of the paint. And they were able to beat him in a primary. The electorate Liebermann faced was way bluer than what Manchin faced

Not saying that Sinema should not be primaried, but if she doesn't accept defeat in a primary she can **** over the party by running as an independent and locking in a GOP victory.

I don't think Schumer is being a coward for not plotting on her now. It is not like it is a lock the plan will work. That's all I am saying.

The way Sinema is moving doesn't make any damn sense. Unless she thinks Arizona is gonna start trending back Republican. If it keeps going blue, Dems in her state will try to get her out of the paint every chance she sense.

I honestly think she might not be running for reelection because she is moving way too stupid out here.
IDk it just feels like she is a housemember who knew how to personally come up at that level and is making rookie mistakes at the game of being a Senator. You can throw stones and hide your hands a lot easier in the house, whereas in the Senate everything you do is on main street in your entire state for scrutiny, and in situations like this nationally.

Senators take money, but tend to stay on code to avoid scrutiny unless they feel they are in a winning position (like Manchin and the blue dogs before him). Nothing about Sinema’s situation gives her the leeway to be doing what she is doing unless like you said she is trying to cash out quick…… which doesn’t make sense since most Senator’s know it’s the long game and the prestigious committee seat that lets them cash out the most.

I legit think she is outside of her depth and the sharks around the Senate know this and are chewing her up to spit her out. She would have a much better career if she positioned herself as the Dem Sue Collins. Talk one game, but be a reliable vote in another. She is just unreliable right now in a place that doesn’t help her. I also think that would keep her from being able to **** over the party if she lost the primary. She’s done nothing that she can tell Arizona voters to “Don’t vote for the party, vote for me specifically!”
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Loyal Democratic voters are simply not enough to up anyone over the top in Arizona.
I assume that loyalty is measured by the number of voters in the state who reliably vote democrat, to which I ask, how about those who wouldn't vote Democrat before Trump and Jan 6th? How much of the voting populace do they constitute in AZ?

But in Arizona winning right now takes not only winning nearly all the Democratic votes available but if I remember correctly also a majority of independents, and a tiny chunk of Republicans. Sinema's threat as an independent is not that she will win is that she will deny the other Democrat the numbers for him to win. Locking in a GOP victory.

It's usually progressives and other left-leaning voters who split the democratic vote to guarantee GOP victories. Given the point below

I also think that would keep her from being able to **** over the party if she lost the primary. She’s done nothing that she can tell Arizona voters to “Don’t vote for the party, vote for me specifically!”

and Sinema having essentially used the progressive base to win in 2018 only to run further right in her rhetoric and policymaking, I wouldn't be surprised if her running as an independent after having been primaried would result in democrats, left-leaning independents, and former republicans consolidating the vote around the democratic candidate.
I assume that loyalty is measured by the number of voters in the state who reliably vote democrat, to which I ask, how about those who wouldn't vote Democrat before Trump and Jan 6th? How much of the voting populace do they constitute in AZ?

It's usually progressives and other left-leaning voters who split the democratic vote to guarantee GOP victories. Given the point below
Here are the demographics of AZ...

Republicans lead voter registration in Arizona for active voters
Then "other" which is many independents
Then Democrats

Dems make up 31.8% of registered active voters in AZ are Dems.

This was from July regarding Sinema and the filibuster...

This is the exit polling from her win...

As I said, Dems win by capturing near all the Democratic vote, winning Independents, and a little bit of Republican vote. No one knows what effect Jan 6th has on the electorate in AZ, we don't know if in-migration has made changed the state either. Maybe the state is bluer now than in 2018, we will see, but if your argument is based on negative partisanship overriding everything, then I don't see the Dems with that much of a cushion for an independent Sinema run to not be a concern for them.

-If you think bleeding votes from the left is some sort of hard rule about 3way races going bad for the Dems, then look at what happened in Maine when an Independent left-leaning centrist ensured a Republican victory twice, in 2010 and 2014.

There are dangers if Sinema chooses to run as an independent IMO.

Sorry but I have a lot of friends that do work in AZ, they are all pissed at Sinema, but given what they have told me over the years, your read on AZ seems off. And I don't think Jan 6th fundamentally changed the electorate that much. I think Dems can win 2-way races for Senate consistently if they get their voters to the polls, but a three-way race with a competitive 3rd option is a whole other beast.
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