***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I find it disconcerting that someone would go into a school and murder children. I understand the frustration with trying to find a solution to a problem that goes to the hearts and minds of the perpetrators.

I think the “it is what it is” is from a place of perceived hopelessness. I find it sad that they feel that way.
You're gonna dislocate your hips if you keep twerking this hard for those people.

It isn't hopelessness that makes passerbys tell a grieving grandfather asking for answers that he should stop dwelling on the past. It's callousness; It's I-don't-give-a-****-about-you-and-our-collective-safety-ness.
And the pattern repeats :smh:

no wonder that unhealthy white man in the red hat had peoples anxiety in shambles :lol:
If you're gonna be so sensitive about your comment being given context, don't post.

If you can't live with someone else's criticism of what you say, don't speak. All this typing you've been doing to complain about being quoted makes you look like a toddler.

Also, you can block Rusty and you won't see his replies or him quoting you, but it sounds like you like that attention :lol:
You're gonna dislocate your hips if you keep twerking this hard for those people.

It isn't hopelessness that makes passerbys tell a grieving grandfather asking for answers that he should stop dwelling on the past. It's callousness; It's I-don't-give-a-****-about-you-and-our-collective-safety-ness.

If you're gonna be so sensitive about your comment being given context, don't post.

If you can't live with someone else's criticism of what you say, don't speak. All this typing you've been doing to complain about being quoted makes you look like a toddler.

Also, you can block Rusty and you won't see his replies or him quoting you, but it sounds like you like that attention :lol:


Bro IDGAF what anyone in this thread thinks of my replies, I just want to continue to point out the weirdness of this dude taking it upon himself to personally comment on every single post i make in this thread.

I would block but i think i should be in the know about stalker behavior involving myself, Also that very advice can be given to anyone in this thread who feels like i'm trolling. Except for some odd reason instead of ignoring they demand i explain my use of an emoji :lol: :lol: .

Ya'll dudes just be bored in here trying to argue, I didn't even state a position on anything & Randal Weems couldn't control his urges & decided to type up a response to the position he assumed i had


Bro IDGAF what anyone in this thread thinks of my replies, I just want to continue to point out the weirdness of this dude taking it upon himself to personally comment on every single post i make in this thread.

I would block but i think i should be in the know about stalker behavior involving myself, Also that very advice can be given to anyone in this thread who feels like i'm trolling. Except for some odd reason instead of ignoring they demand i explain my use of an emoji :lol: :lol: .

Ya'll dudes just be bored in here trying to argue, I didn't even state a position on anything & Randal Weems couldn't control his urges & decided to type up a response to the position he assumed i had

You have Rusty on da run B. You've destroyed him like Thanos.
I think the right frame of mind when a politician talks about the economy is be skeptical. This is especially true when an incumbent tells people, who are having to pay 60% of their income on housing, that they are doing great.

Strictly speaking though, the Biden tweet is correct and IMO it shows how disconnected top line numbers are from most people's economic realities.

Meanwhile, the GOP's take on the economy is all about vibes, more specifically the vibe of a guy who wears a punisher hat and tactically parks his truck at a McDonalds.

Every time the subject of raising the minimum wage comes up, right wingers say that employees will be replaced by robots.

This analysis is wrong because most of the work that can be automated or assisted with technology, in a cost-effective way, already has been. In fast food, for example, there already is technology that lets a worker cook more food per hour than someone could in their home kitchen. What this means is that the work that fast food workers are doing is work that cannot be automated in a cost-effective way. Tasks that involve fine motor skills, judgement, cleaning, food safety, and above all, soft skills such as accurately taking the order of a guy who clearly cannot operate a touch screen kiosk.

Related to that is how much employers, in the fast food sector, complained about having fewer people available to exploit during a pandemic. In 2021, they showed their cards. They need workers, especially so-called "low skill" workers.
Love how he Mr. Fantastic reaches to blame Biden for McDonald’s replacing humans with simple kiosks to maximize profits over jobs. Btw at my McDonald’s the cashiers are still there and see more action than the kiosks.

Why he ain’t blame mobile ordering?

I used to think that it was a contradiction when conservatives talked about freedom and then always defended the police and all of the laws that allows the state to curtail your personal freedom. How can someone believe in limitless freedoms for private property and limited freedom for people to live as they please without state violence unleashed upon them.

But I have realized that its not a contradiction. Conservatives don't care about freedom of the individual from state domination, at least not universally enjoyed freedom from state domination. The freedom that conservatives care about is freedom for property. Property is the basis of their morality and political philosophy.

For them, it is ok if the state brutalizes people as long as the state protects property. For conservatives, the only people who deserve individual freedom are those who own property. Those who do not own property and whose ancestors once were considered property, don't deserve individual freedom.

And when I say property, I mean it in the Marxist sense of private property, property that is above and beyond your personal possessions., property that allows you to be an employer or a landlord, property that allows you to exercise private power over others. Because personal property like a home, cash, cars, and your own body are expropriated from BIPOC all the time with the full sanction of the law.

So through this framework of freedom for property, a protest that breaks some shop windows is far worse than an attempted coup whose goal was to preserve and bolster private and local regimes of power for white, property owning men. If anything, someone like Jack del Rio sees January 6th as a good thing and not a lesser of two bad things.
Jack del Rio: "there are two standards between school shootings and automated check-out at McDonald's. We had a dust-up at Uvalde, no lunch orders were missed, and we're going to make that a big deal?"
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