***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Positive. Am I sure that people have the ability to think outside of their Republikkkan or Demokkkrat groupthink mentalities and be wrong about who they think people are, people who oppose their beloved party?

No, no I'm not sure about that at all. Actually I'm positive that people largely refuse to do that.

Libertarians are as freethinking as 'non-denominational' xtians are non-denominational. Libertarianism itself suffers from herd mentality, too.


Okay I was just making sure because you're kind of using a whole lot of libertarian talking points
Agreed. I offered no excuse. I asked a question. Wouldn't that article and what it reveals be an indictment on Russian collusion? Asking that question does not excuse the Green party, but the question does remain unanswered.


indictment of both

but to further speak of russia, every American should be extremely concerned

Russia hacked both the DNC and the GOP, they only publicly attacked democrats
I’ve been unabashedly pro-life.


I've found that most people who say that they are pro-life actually mean pro-birth. Pro-life includes the life of anyone who is pregnant but doesn't want to have a baby. "Shouldn't have had sex" doesn't work as a solution to where they are right then. Supporting their life and the fact that they are not ready to be a parent, that's pro-life. Insisting that they have a child against their desire is pro-birth, not pro-life.

And that doesn't even get into the conversation on the attitude pro-life people have towards minorities, gays, and foreigners. It's not "pro-life."

Okay I was just making sure because you're kind of using a whole lot of libertarian talking points
Cool. Alternatively, "you're kind of using a whole lot of libertarian talking points" can also be "my understanding of what you're saying only fits in this one box that I'm aware of." And that's not my problem. I can't force people to expand their understanding.

All these insults of other people people group thinkers and one person being the free thinker in the room reminds me of when I would teach a Prin of Econ classes and on the first day I see a white kid sit at the front of the room and he is wearing fedora and cravat ascot.

And all I can think is...
I literally started by just answering 2 questions, factually. All the assumptions have nothing to do with me. Answering questions =/= dropping knowledge.

This all started because you couldn't pass up an opportunity to go "Well actually!"
It's not enough to type "foe" in every post as a reminder if you're just gonna be one for technical points

"I can't believe a killer whale ate my mother"
"Well actually, Orcas are dolphins so a killer dolphin ate her!"

"I can't believe my dog died the day before my birthday"
"Well actually, it died at 12:01 so it died on your birthday!"

"That last hurricane caused so much damage to my home, I don't know how I'll afford the repairs"
"Well actually it was downgraded from a hurricane, so that last tropical storm caused so much damage to your home!"

See what I'm getting at here? See how unhelpful that is?
All these insults of other people
Whoa, let's start there:

Where are these insults?

Quote them.

"C'mon, when you say this, you know you mean that."

That's... MORE... interpretation. Where are the insults on other people I clearly typed? You know, insults like 'sensitive white guy', where are they?

Let's start there.

Reminds me of this one anecdote I have where someone was being insulting and then acting sensitive towards others who disagreed with them, taking those disagreements as insults.

You are making no sense

And I have a feeling you are acting this way to avoid any serious discussion.
You haven't even begun to engage the actual topics I've touched on. Those who have, I've responded, because I'm dead serious. You said yourself that you've been bickering with someone else for days. That's your lane: bickering internet troll is a thing. I get it.

If your criticism of people is that they believe their own argument and they make assumptions given the evidence in front of them, then I find it hard to believe someone has any genuine interest in discussing a topic.

Then deflect, deflect, deflect whenever someone counters your point.

Functionally it is not that different from trolling.
You haven't even begun to engage the actual topics I've touched on. Those who have, I've responded, because I'm dead serious. You said yourself that you've been bickering with someone else for days. That's your lane: bickering internet troll is a thing. I get it.

I responded as to why your points were bad.

You just focused on what you saw as a slight to do your usual pearl clutching
To put this in NBA thread terms:

You acting real Kyrie right now. With all due respect

I'm fully vaxxed so you're going to have to try another label.

I mean, you don't actually HAVE to, but I know how party loyalty works. Everyone has to fit in a predetermined box; HAS to. "Must be MAGA. No? Ok, must be Libertarian. No? Gotta be Kyrie/Aaron Rodgers then. No? Scientologist?"

democrat leadership is old and out of touch. their values don't represent the values of people who want to continue to vote for them. they're tired of getting the runaround from the walking dead, the old guard, centrists, wolves in sheep clothing like manchin and others owned by bigger interests who have stunted progress and made any act of cohesion nearly impossible. can't get voting rights secured. can't even get police reform. instead they get more money. and then more compromises with the republicans. the democratic party is fragmented and it's not because of those who expect and demand more from them.

establishment democrats use the suffering & hard work of black americans, hispanics and other marginalized groups as some sort of mascot making half-hearted attempts to make things better, but "leaders" continue to dangle important issues as bartering chips often succumbing to the demands of the opposition and hurting their constituents even more in the long run. they've shown themselves to be opportunists for photo opps, harmonious singing and slogans that never translate with the rest of the public

some of you need to quit the silly little nonsense gatekeeping games you're playing up here.
**** is lame
If your criticism of people is that they believe their own argument and they make assumptions given the evidence in front of them, then I find it hard to believe someone has any genuine interest in discussing a topic.
That's not my belief, though. That's the stubborn interpretation of my belief that you're clinging to and refusing to move from. Again, that action is not my problem. All I can do is tell you what you're wrong about my thinking. What you do with that is up to you. If you want to keep coming up with new incorrect assumptions, that's on you.

democrat leadership is old and out of touch. their values don't represent the values of people who want to continue to vote for them. they're tired of getting the runaround from the walking dead, the old guard, centrists, wolves in sheep clothing like manchin and others owned by bigger interests who have stunted progress and made any act of cohesion nearly impossible. can't get voting rights secured. can't even get police reform. instead they get more money. and then more compromises with the republicans. the democratic party is fragmented and it's not because of those who expect and demand more from them.

establishment democrats use the suffering & hard work of black americans, hispanics and other marginalized groups as some sort of mascot making half-hearted attempts to make things better, but "leaders" continue to dangle important issues as bartering chips often succumbing to the demands of the opposition and hurting their constituents even more in the long run. they've shown themselves to be opportunists for photo opps, harmonious singing and slogans that never translate with the rest of the public

some of you need to quit the silly little nonsense gatekeeping games you're playing up here.
**** is lame
Another horrible post

You are just using this bad day as an excuse to vent about people in the party you don't like

Ignoring the fact that if the people you did like were in their position, we still probably get this outcome. This is about political power, not leadership.

I get you are mad, but your are not saying anything of substance here. Given the context

I'm fully vaxxed so you're going to have to try another label.

I mean, you don't actually HAVE to, but I know how party loyalty works. Everyone has to fit in a predetermined box; HAS to. "Must be MAGA. No? Ok, must be Libertarian. No? Gotta be Kyrie/Aaron Rodgers then. No? Scientologist?"

I'm saying you're doing that annoying thing where YOU'RE the freethinker who sees clearly and we don't
YOUR 3rd eye is open and we're just sheep or puppets or whatever the **** he's calling people nowadays
But nothing you're saying is actually adding to the conversation or any conversation really
It's just a distraction to prove that you know something
That's not my belief, though. That's the stubborn interpretation of my belief that you're clinging to and refusing to move from. Again, that action is not my problem. All I can do is tell you what you're wrong about my thinking. What you do with that is up to you. If you want to keep coming up with new incorrect assumptions, that's on you.

I simply find your arguments, comments, and points to be wrong. Given the information available, including observable reality.
I'm saying I think you're doing that annoying thing where YOU'RE the freethinker who sees clearly and we don't
I think you think YOUR 3rd eye is open and i think you think we're just sheep or puppets or whatever the **** he's calling people nowadays
But nothing you're saying is actually adding to the conversation or any conversation really
It's just a distraction to prove that you know something

And me responding to Rusty's mockeries adds as much to the conversation as... his mockeries. I'm betting those aren't a problem, though.

I simply find your arguments, comments, and points to be wrong. Given the information available, including observable reality.
I haven't made any arguments, though. I simply answered 2 questions a long time ago, then responded to a litenary of mockeries from you, and here we are. Now hours later you want to present it as taking credit for presenting facts to my arguments... when I didn't have any. Smooth move, but I even asked you earlier: What was my hot take again?


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