***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I got beef with the Democratic Party too but you can’t sit here and act like this is what they wanted.

Trump won, politicized the court now that court has a 25% approval rate locking in minority rule.

I’d like if they put forth some more relatable electable people but it is what it is. I’m not gonna go vote barstool conservative.
Rusty actin like Nancy Pelosi in here...cancelling anyone who doesn't directly fall in line with Dem family agenda. :lol:

Dem party is diverse...that's all ima say bout dat.
Spelling out “Demokkkrat” to a thread full of mostly Black and Brown men isn’t hitting like you think it is, either.
I'm not sure how people know the skin color of each other, but I don't assume to know who is which skin color. Also, 'Democrat' doesn't mean 'black man' or 'brown man' to me.

keep at it though, you're good at self-aggrandizing
Rusty actin like Nancy Pelosi in here...cancelling anyone who doesn't directly fall in line with Dem agenda. :lol:

Dem party is diverse...that's all ima say bout dat.
Y'all two care to share a detailed plan of how this could have been avoided. And how it is Pelosi and Leadership's

Because all I see is the usual vague relevant points be made.
mods and centrists can get the axe man for real i can't stand any of you people
I'm one of those things. Centrists want a middle ground on issues that definitely don't need a middle ground and should decidedly be 1 way.

I'm not sure how people know the skin color of each other, but I don't assume to know who is which skin color. Also, 'Democrat' doesn't mean 'black man' or 'brown man' to me.

Well we’ve had extensive conversations in here for years including anecdotes from regular posters in here. Don’t even know what the last sentence is supposed to mean. My point is this country was founded on racism, so virtue signaling to this thread probably isn’t hitting like you expected.
like i said, the gatekeeping stuff is trash
dont tell me what i am or ain't doing
i'm pretty aware of whats goin on
you're a narcissistic cornball at best
Famb you are not making any relevant points. Throw out insults I don't care.

Your are getting mad because someone is simply challenging your argument

So instead of countering people's points you just repeat yourself but with more anger

I simply don't respect that as a cogent argument

My point is this country was founded on racism, so virtue signaling to this thread probably isn’t hitting like you expected.
What virtue did I signal?

I keep asking these questions and they keep not getting answered. Almost like that's not what happened. If itbdid: what virtue did I signal?

So we're just making stuff up now. Because that never happened. All you've done is mock what you think my beliefs are. That's not the same as objective discourse.

You are a liar.

I point out what would happened if Dem voters all voted for another party. The best and worst outcome. I point out the issue with Libertarian party which would prevent a coalition forming with them. I pointed out the difference in behavior when GOP appointed judges and Dem appointed judges.

You handwaved all this, and focused on my tone.
Cool. Alternatively, "you're kind of using a whole lot of libertarian talking points" can also be "my understanding of what you're saying only fits in this one box that I'm aware of." And that's not my problem. I can't force people to expand their understanding.


Come on man :lol:

How can you honestly say that when you called people party loyalist group thinkers because they laughed at you for name dropping the libertarian party
mods and centrists can get the axe man for real i can't stand any of you people
People are mods and centrist for pointing out Nancy Pelosi being House leader had nothing to do with what happened today.

Famb you have lost the plot in regards to this topic.

Most people in here are progressives., and left of the Democratic party.
Come on man :lol:

How can you honestly say that when you called people party loyalist group thinkers because they laughed at you for name dropping the libertarian party
That's not why I called people party loyalists, though.

Are you all doing these false assumptions intentionally? Like is there a box of false assumptions you guys are picking from and taking turns running with?

I got beef with the Democratic Party too but you can’t sit here and act like this is what they wanted.

Trump won, politicized the court now that court has a 25% approval rate locking in minority rule.

I’d like if they put forth some more relatable electable people but it is what it is. I’m not gonna go vote barstool conservative.

bigger than trump

could argue this has been the GOP since the 80s and that was definitely the start

but things became painfully clear with what they did to beat gore
Seems like you are making.....check notes .... an assumption about me.

Thought doing that was a bad thing.

Funny how that works.
Watch closely what happens next:

You're right. That was an assumption on my part, no argument at all from me. My bad.

(Still keeping notes or nah?)

What virtue did I signal?

I keep asking these questions and they keep not getting answered. Almost like that's not what happened. If itbdid: what virtue did I signal?

That both parties are racist by the use of the KKK and that you’re against the racist 2 parties.

Why are we playing this silly game? You’re derailing this thread and offering not even a scintilla or worthwhile conversation. On a day where Roe v Wade was overturned and stare decisis was ignored by a hyper partisan Right wing court, there’s much better topics of discussion for this thread then these silly semantic games you’re offering.
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