***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wonder if China actually tries to do anything with that Pelosi trip to Taiwan.

US moved a battle cruiser there and I’m sure there are a few more in the region along with an aircraft carrier and a fighter escort is a given.
I doubt it. Putting those ships in Taiwan is pretty much a preemptive measure and indirectly telling China not to pull a russian stunt within the region. And I don't believe that China is that smart to want itself isolated as it would help the other economies in the region.
Watching Manchin defend taxing corporations on Fox News is like watching the Joker try to save Gotham City...

Never thought this day would come

I spent considerably more years of my life supporting other candidates, including Former President Obama.

I already stated that I made a mistake supporting Former President Trump. The 2020 election was nearly two years ago and I’d venture to say you’ve tagged me in a post about Former President Trump literally every day between then and now. You aren’t tired?

Give it a rest.
Made a mistake of supporting this buffoon only because I couldn't support and trust Hillary and because I still believe that the Dems did Bernie dirty. Only reason that fatweight won is because of the Bernie swing votes. I know Bernie vouche for Hillary afterwards only to secure Hillary win but the supporters were just that hurt by what the Dem party did.
Bless Manchin's heart. Willing to eliminate that carried interest loophole

I guess there are no hedge funds in WV

Probably the part Sinema will cut
I'm not gonna praise Manchin. I mean Sinema could still kill all this

But Manchin cut this deal down to 20% of the original plan and got massive giveaways to his donors too

He has been abusing the liberal left for months now. And when he ground us down to nothing, he comes back around with some bandages called the Inflation Reduction Act (which won't reduce inflation little if any), and a smile

It is really some grade-a pimp tactics he is deploying on the left right now. If this **** passes, mans gonna leave Capitol Hill after the final vote like...

"Our discussions with Taiwan leadership will focus on reaffirming our support for our partner and on promoting our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region," the statement said.

trying to counter China's stranglehold on the region and call their bluff
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