***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There was a livestream of trumps lawyer in nevada grasping at straws lol

I think its over it got dismissed
Man my best friend voted Republican all the way down the ticket. He voted for Trump/Pence.

I didn't even know he registered!

He's been my best friend since hs. I was the best man at his wedding!


He black?

If so, were there any warning signs? Was he serving butter biscuits at his wedding? Does he own any brown leather jackets?

He's Asian. Grew up upper middle class like me. Idk. The only warning signs was that he hated Obamacare and he wanted tax cuts [emoji]128514[/emoji]

If only I even knew he registered! I don't discuss politics with him
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You guys are better people than I am. I refuse to even be associated with anyone who supports Trump. I have Republican friends but even they're not low enough to vote for someone like him.
Man my best friend voted Republican all the way down the ticket. He voted for Trump/Pence.

I didn't even know he registered!

He's been my best friend since hs. I was the best man at his wedding!


He black?

If so, were there any warning signs? Was he serving butter biscuits at his wedding? Does he own any brown leather jackets?

He's Asian. Grew up upper middle class like me. Idk. The only warning signs was that he hated Obamacare and he wanted tax cuts [emoji]128514[/emoji]

He sounds like an Asian Reacho
Question for you guys...could you break bread with anyone who is a Trump supporter? Or has the line been drawn?

I could. Most of the people I know that are voting for Trump are Republicans that want to stand with the party. They would rather have someone else be the Republican nominee but their fellow party members voted Donald as their representative.
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You guys are better people than I am. I refuse to even be associated with anyone who supports Trump. I have Republican friends but even they're not low enough to vote for someone like him.

You definitely look at them in different light but that doesn't change whatever relationship you had with the person :lol:,imo
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From the outside looking in, folks think this is changing the dynamic of their friendship...
there are a lot of things that do that though..

you just have to see why the person is supporting him and find out the real things you should be concerned about.. and maybe you should reevaluate the friendship or put that person in a different category when it comes to things.. cause maybe you haven't been faced with a situation where you would have seen certain aspects of their character
You definitely look at them in different light but that doesn't change whatever relationship you had with the person :lol:,imo

It would end a relationship for me. I have ZERO tolerance for racism and people who promote it. Everything else Donald has said/done is stupid but can be overlooked, but racism? Not to me
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From the outside looking in, folks think this is changing the dynamic of their friendship...

I could see that for some people, depending on how they've expressed their support. If they've also been parroting bigoted and racist views not just the fact they hate Hillary, then I'd not want to be associated with them either.
Question for you guys...could you break bread with anyone who is a Trump supporter? Or has the line been drawn?

sure, why not?

Man my best friend voted Republican all the way down the ticket. He voted for Trump/Pence.

I didn't even know he registered!

He's been my best friend since hs. I was the best man at his wedding!

Guess u know what kinda guy he really is now :smh: ...proceed with caution

From the outside looking in, folks think this is changing the dynamic of their friendship...
Me personally I can't and never will associate with a trump supporter ...it tells a lot about somebody's beliefs in who they are supporting politically
Was taught the same. Kind of dumb when people have a falling out due to their political views.

There are certain things you can't just agree to disagree on. You show your true colors when you support someone that's anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-poor, anti-abortion, anti-muslim, etc. This isn't like a Laker fan hating a Celtic fan.
From the outside looking in, folks think this is changing the dynamic of their friendship...

I could see that for some people, depending on how they've expressed their support. If they've also been parroting bigoted and racist views not just the fact they hate Hillary, then I'd not want to be associated with them either.

This is the key, and how I feel. Depending on how they express their support and their reason(s) why.
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There are certain things you can't just agree to disagree on. You show your true colors when you support someone that's anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-poor, anti-abortion, anti-muslim, etc. This isn't like a Laker fan hating a Celtic fan.

EXACTLY. Anyone who supports Trump is dead to me. I don't care if it was my own mother or father, I'd disown them for being a racist.
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You guys are better people than I am. I refuse to even be associated with anyone who supports Trump. I have Republican friends but even they're not low enough to vote for someone like him.
Lol my family is mostly Republican and they didn't even vote for Trump :rofl:
They don't want an Arnold Schwarzenegger 2.0 happening in the White House
Question for you guys...could you break bread with anyone who is a Trump supporter? Or has the line been drawn?
Already doing it. I work in a "up scale" area with pretty wealthy people, and most of them are republicans/trump supporters.
There are certain things you can't just agree to disagree on. You show your true colors when you support someone that's anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-poor, anti-abortion, anti-muslim, etc. This isn't like a Laker fan hating a Celtic fan.

This. I was fine with people who voted for Romney, McCain, or even Bush supporters even though I couldn't vote at that time. Drumpf is an entirely different animal, those disagreements based on policy largely, this is something entirely different at its core.
Question for you guys...could you break bread with anyone who is a Trump supporter? Or has the line been drawn?

Depends what you do for a living. I work as a public accountant so I could care less what political or religious stances my clients have as I usually just nod regardless of my personal views. Some I am close with so I would comment and educate but for most.... in one ear.. out the other.
You definitely look at them in different light but that doesn't change whatever relationship you had with the person :lol:,imo

It would end a relationship for me. I have ZERO tolerance for racism and people who promote it. Everything else Donald has said/done is stupid but can be overlooked, but racism? Not to me

Like others have mentioned above,there's folks voting for him out of party loyalty. As misguided as that may be,if they don't co-sign some of his more overt discriminatory sensibilities, that wouldn't change things too much for me.

From the outside looking in, folks think this is changing the dynamic of their friendship...

I could see that for some people, depending on how they've expressed their support. If they've also been parroting bigoted and racist views not just the fact they hate Hillary, then I'd not want to be associated with them either.

This is the key, and how I feel. Depending on how they express their support and their reason(s) why.

Basically this
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my secondary point to addressing this issue (over the last page) is this:

since when have a lot of yall been so idealistic, so polarized with your beliefs? do you ever question the influence the election has on you
and whether the effects are temporary? If these questions make no sense to you at all - just ignore them.

brought it up again as it was glossed over
Like others have mentioned above,there's folks voting for him out of party loyalty. As misguided as that may be,if they don't co-sign some of his more overt discriminatory sensibilities, that wouldn't change things too much for me.
but that would make them idiots and ignorant, no?
I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:
I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

Generally speaking you are correct in that this is what should be expected from the way it is all set up.
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