***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

I feel like this. What exactly is so wrong with Hillary that people hate her? I want to know what her positions are on things that affect the average American's life. How does she feel about education, job creation, health issues etc

Well for me, from the limited debate footage I saw, it was just how she carries herself and how she talks that makes me dislike her. She seems extremely fake to me, but I guess that is part of politics. I wouldn't not vote for her for that reason though. That's stupid. I don't like the way a lot of people carry themselves/talk.

I dislike Trump for the obvious reasons.

I'm not voting because of a residency issue, and have caught a lot of flack for that. If I were to vote, I'd vote for Hillary but it'd be more of a vote against Trump. TBH, I can't say I know enough of either's policies to make an informed decision for either. I know enough about Donal Trump to vote against him though. I dropped the ball this year. But, if Donald Trump being in this election has taught me one thing it's to get registered and have my residency set for next election.

The only thing that's 100% getting me out to the polls is my local cannabis laws. That's the only political issue I care about, for now. I'm still young living wild and free and lack a lot of political awareness.

Not pretending to be something I'm not and super passionate about this election. Most people I know so gung ho on voting they just want to be on a side. They never cared about any of these political issues and they won't care after either. Just a celebrity deathmatch. People love confrontation. I'm cool.
lol you came to the wrong thread if you want to avoid confrontation

I don't have the passion or enthusiasm to engage in a confrontation. I mean did you read what I just wrote?
relax, it was just a joke Henn
Trump running for president is like a sneaker store manager taking over nike talk. " I am going to make nike talk great again, bigly. Believe me, they are taking our nike website, and talking about other shoes from other companies. Sneaker companies are coming on nike talk and taking our jobs as nike pitchmen, believe me, I am telling you, what a shame. Why come to nike talk is you like other shoes? When I own nike talk, no more talk about anything other than nike shoes. If you want general talk, go to facebook. First day, banning anyone who talks about anyone talking about anything other than nike release dates, make nike talk great again."
Florida been taking so many L's....

would be nice for us to get the W for Abuela ....try to make up for some of our foolery over the past few years
while gaming, she's also been helping people.... she's done a lot

Trump games the system for the benefit of Trump and the Trump name only.... he doesn't give a **** about America

he cares about legacy and being "that dude"... he'd use the office to position himself for 4 years down the line ...

Looking at things through the perspective given by this premise, or taking the premise as fact - full support of Hillary would be the only rational conclusion.
I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

I feel like this. What exactly is so wrong with Hillary that people hate her? I want to know what her positions are on things that affect the average American's life. How does she feel about education, job creation, health issues etc

You'll two could just go to her website and read her platform. It has been up for months

And Hillary hasn't been proven corrupt, people just suspect she is, and the media feeds it because the run with the 'Hillary might be corrupt" story lines constantly.

Ehh I'm with you in spirit against Trump but here's where I'd have to differ. She's got ties to as many special interests as anyone and recently we've found out that her and Bills foundation has had some questionable ties/history to say the least with the state department and foreign governments during her time in charge. If a lot of us on the left were able to go after Obama for some of his Wall Street/corporate ties early on during the last full cycle,Hillary's should be fair game as well imo.

She's not the devil as she's made out to be on the right but I wouldn't say she's not corrupt...

To be fair to her though,the overwhelming majority of politicians are so it's definitely not exclusive to her :lol:

:rolleyes :lol:

I'm not even in the mood for this today.
I dunno man,I'm trying to be as open-minded as I can :lol:. I don't know any Trump supporters personally but I've been cool with folks that would identify as conservative/right-leaning and have voted that way in the past and nothing in my interactions with most of them have shown me that they share a lot of the hateful sentiment that has been gaining momentum lately. I just feel like everyone has their own reasons for supporting whoever,if I had a friend that voted Trump, I'd have to hear them out before doing anything drastic. That's just me though, I know a lot of people wouldn't give folks the benefit of the doubt :lol:

I think most of us have friends who are dumb or somewhat ignorant to different things, but I don't knowingly associate with anyone who's a racist or bigot.

Same,it's just one of those things that if you find out they happen to lean on one side after becoming friends, it won't change that much for me. Same with religion although I don't know how I'd react to a Scientologist :lol:
Man my best friend voted Republican all the way down the ticket. He voted for Trump/Pence.

I didn't even know he registered!

He's been my best friend since hs. I was the best man at his wedding!


He black?

If so, were there any warning signs? Was he serving butter biscuits at his wedding? Does he own any brown leather jackets?

HOLLERING @ brown leather jackets


bu bu bu but Godwins Law :lol:
I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

I feel like this. What exactly is so wrong with Hillary that people hate her? I want to know what her positions are on things that affect the average American's life. How does she feel about education, job creation, health issues etc

You'll two could just go to her website and read her platform. It has been up for months

And Hillary hasn't been proven corrupt, people just suspect she is, and the media feeds it because the run with the 'Hillary might be corrupt" story lines constantly.

Ehh I'm with you in spirit against Trump but here's where I'd have to differ. She's got ties to as many special interests as anyone and recently we've found out that her and Bills foundation has had some questionable ties/history to say the least with the state department and foreign governments during her time in charge. If a lot of us on the left were able to go after Obama for some of his Wall Street/corporate ties early on during the last full cycle,Hillary's should be fair game as well imo.

She's not the devil as she's made out to be on the right but I wouldn't say she's not corrupt...

To be fair to her though,the overwhelming majority of politicians are so it's definitely not exclusive to her :lol:

:rolleyes :lol:

I'm not even in the mood for this today.


Just my opinion man,I feel the same way and have a lot of the same critiques about a decent amount of Dems and the DNC. We criticize the GOP for some of the same things some of them willingly do. Unfortunately,that's how things are set up right now so it's a reality on both sides
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This is rather optimistic, but I hope one day we can have a presidential race where voters don't feel like they have to choose between the lesser of two evils in Dems and Repubs  because 3rd party candidates don't get as much exposure. I would love to see 3rd parties included in future debates and get more shine to put the heat on the big boys so to speak.
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