***Official Political Discussion Thread***

rolaholic rolaholic don't push Rusty's buttons lol

I'm not even trying to :lol:,today's supposed to be a joyous day where the rejection of Trumpism and it's band of deplorables is celebrated :smokin
Just a warning :lol:
Don't want the chopper full of slander to hit you bruh



When approached by TMZ Monday and asked for some clarification on the headlines, Chappelle was visibly (and understandably) annoyed by the very notion of having to explain. "Jesus Christ," Chappelle said. "I'm not a Trump supporter. Unequivocally no. I'm not going to elaborate on it. Hell no. Just everybody vote, for whoever you wanna vote for."

I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

I feel like this. What exactly is so wrong with Hillary that people hate her? I want to know what her positions are on things that affect the average American's life. How does she feel about education, job creation, health issues etc

You'll two could just go to her website and read her platform. It has been up for months

And Hillary hasn't been proven corrupt, people just suspect she is, and the media feeds it because the run with the 'Hillary might be corrupt" story lines constantly.

Ehh I'm with you in spirit against Trump but here's where I'd have to differ. She's got ties to as many special interests as anyone and recently we've found out that her and Bills foundation has had some questionable ties/history to say the least with the state department and foreign governments during her time in charge. If a lot of us on the left were able to go after Obama for some of his Wall Street/corporate ties early on during the last full cycle,Hillary's should be fair game as well imo.

She's not the devil as she's made out to be on the right but I wouldn't say she's not corrupt...

To be fair to her though,the overwhelming majority of politicians are so it's definitely not exclusive to her :lol:

:rolleyes :lol:

I'm not even in the mood for this today.


Just my opinion man,I feel the same way about a decent amount of Dems and the DNC. We criticize the GOP for some of the same things some of them willingly do


Not taking the hardest line against Wall Street doesn't make you corrupt. We went over this in the primaries famb.

Don't ruin today for me.
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Just my opinion man,I feel the same way about a decent amount of Dems and the DNC. We criticize the GOP for some of the same things some of them willingly do

I feel the same with both parties but when the time comes to step up and choose sides... you can either be against or for the White Supremacy agenda (Republicans).
To make it plain, I thank Donald Trump for clarifying what a racist is, and then what one actually looks like for those who did not, and those who refused to know. Let this be a lesson for those of you who throw around the term "reverse racist".
thank you, chapelle.

I knew he hadn't completely lost his mind and supported Trump. stupid trigger happy headlines.
Those voting for Hillary not to spite Trump. Why are you voting for her?

Healthcare, higher minimum wage, not rolling back civil rights, more affordable education, maintaining social programs, supreme court justices just off the top of my head.
I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

I feel like this. What exactly is so wrong with Hillary that people hate her? I want to know what her positions are on things that affect the average American's life. How does she feel about education, job creation, health issues etc

You'll two could just go to her website and read her platform. It has been up for months

And Hillary hasn't been proven corrupt, people just suspect she is, and the media feeds it because the run with the 'Hillary might be corrupt" story lines constantly.

Ehh I'm with you in spirit against Trump but here's where I'd have to differ. She's got ties to as many special interests as anyone and recently we've found out that her and Bills foundation has had some questionable ties/history to say the least with the state department and foreign governments during her time in charge. If a lot of us on the left were able to go after Obama for some of his Wall Street/corporate ties early on during the last full cycle,Hillary's should be fair game as well imo.

She's not the devil as she's made out to be on the right but I wouldn't say she's not corrupt...

To be fair to her though,the overwhelming majority of politicians are so it's definitely not exclusive to her :lol:

:rolleyes :lol:

I'm not even in the mood for this today.


Just my opinion man,I feel the same way about a decent amount of Dems and the DNC. We criticize the GOP for some of the same things some of them willingly do


Not taking the hardest line against Wall Street doesn't make you corrupt. We went over this in the primaries famb.

Don't ruin today for me.

I'm not a Hillary fan but I'm voting for her. I'll see it as a vote against Trump.

what don't you get?

a lot of people are voting for Hillary as a vote against trump

I think he is reacting to Tebow ranting for months how much he hates Hillary, and is going to vote for anyone but her.

And at the last minute, he votes for her. :lol:

We understand why, it is just that he been wildin in here for a minute
I think he is reacting to Tebow ranting for months how much he hates Hillary, and is going to vote for anyone but her.

And at the last minute, he votes for her.

We understand why, it is just that he been wildin in here for a minute
yea.. didn't realize it was him who posted it
To make it plain, I thank Donald Trump for clarifying what a racist is, and then what one actually looks like for those who did not, and those who refused to know. Let this be a lesson for those of you who throw around the term "reverse racist".

i'll take it that you mean we know what trump looks like
...not that "racists" can always be identified simply through "looks" or appearance
Question for you guys...could you break bread with anyone who is a Trump supporter? Or has the line been drawn?

If they are apart of the "racial" group of the Trump supporters then in the words of Rob Parker...."No Way....No How". If they are fiscally conservative then most likely yes.
I have learned nothing about either candidates policy's the entire election. Only thing that has stuck with me is Trump is a racist and Hillary is corrupt :lol:

I feel like this. What exactly is so wrong with Hillary that people hate her? I want to know what her positions are on things that affect the average American's life. How does she feel about education, job creation, health issues etc

You'll two could just go to her website and read her platform. It has been up for months

And Hillary hasn't been proven corrupt, people just suspect she is, and the media feeds it because the run with the 'Hillary might be corrupt" story lines constantly.

Ehh I'm with you in spirit against Trump but here's where I'd have to differ. She's got ties to as many special interests as anyone and recently we've found out that her and Bills foundation has had some questionable ties/history to say the least with the state department and foreign governments during her time in charge. If a lot of us on the left were able to go after Obama for some of his Wall Street/corporate ties early on during the last full cycle,Hillary's should be fair game as well imo.

She's not the devil as she's made out to be on the right but I wouldn't say she's not corrupt...

To be fair to her though,the overwhelming majority of politicians are so it's definitely not exclusive to her :lol:

:rolleyes :lol:

I'm not even in the mood for this today.


Just my opinion man,I feel the same way about a decent amount of Dems and the DNC. We criticize the GOP for some of the same things some of them willingly do


Not taking the hardest line against Wall Street doesn't make you corrupt. We went over this in the primaries famb.

Don't ruin today for me.


or when obama was telling him to hurry up and get on the plane and he was taking his time talking with someone :lol:

I'm really surprised Hillary is against marajuana legalization considering her husband clearly is high 85% of the time.

Just my opinion man,I feel the same way about a decent amount of Dems and the DNC. We criticize the GOP for some of the same things some of them willingly do

I feel the same with both parties but when the time comes to step up and choose sides... you can either be against or for the White Supremacy agenda (Republicans).

Basically what it's been down to lately,the two-party system is way outdated in a country of 300m+. We'd get much better candidates if other movements gained traction and had institutional support to back them,both parties would actually be forced to make fundamental changes to their platforms/modus operandi to stay relevant
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I thought.. but I assume it had to be something else, given the point you were trying to make

ummmm.. you do realize that the premise of the first two terminator movies is that what is going to happen is going to happen..

you cant really change the past, because certain things have to happen to trigger the terminator needing to go back in time in the first place

here is a good video on it:

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