***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Can someone realistically explain what Trump will do that's so scary?

Like what is it that got yall so shook of dude?

I feel the same. Sucks that he won but I'm not understanding why people are so spooked.

Do you dudes live in a bubble? Trump is a problem but as I explained earlier his election EMPOWERS racists across this country. This man was endorsed by the KKK. Portions of his rally state to state had the look and feel of a KKK rally and march from back of the day. It's about Trump and his SUPPORTERS.
I really don't want to hear **** from those that didn't vote. A lot of those Bern's and 3rd partiers were the first ones freaking out.

Man, I'm right there with you. :smh:

Didn't YOU vote for Jill Stein champ?

No, champ.

It's not so much voting for her, but voting against him.

That's where I stand.

Thanks for clarifying. I think I did hear you say that both candidates were equally just as bad a few weeks ago and even a half-joking comment that you were going to write-in "Gucci-Mane" on your ballot slip, SMH. Either way since you didn't vote for a 3rd party candidate thank you for doing so.

Going back to your previous statement...I feel you on family members and friends that you know that are immigrants and worrying about things that might happen to them. That's why I'm so passionate about this current topic. I truly hope all works out for them and your family in particular champ.

We can't play games with these white supremacists out here because clearly they are not playing games with us.

To be honest, I am not a Hillary fan. I just DESPISE Trump. My vote for a 3rd party candidate would only hurt Hillary's chances and she needed every vote possible to beat this monster. That was my rationale for voting Democrat.

*I was obviously joking about Gucci Mane :lol:

With something as important as voting, I'm not about to sit there and waste my ballot.
this logic... i can not **** with 

That's cool. Sometimes were dealt an extremely bad hand before we are forced to fight and overcome. Both candidates were absolutely deplorable and neither would have done anything to stop the **** I see when I step outside my condo everyday. If this doesn't unite us nothing will
Are you forgetting the boat load of Republicans who denounced this man publically throughout the campaign?

He's not bout to do whatever he wants, and anyone who thinks so is an idiot.

He just used the republican platform to get elected. The Republican Congress will give him a hard time for sure.
The boatload of Republicans that denounced Trump but still proudly voted for him like Rubio, Cruz and Paul Ryan?
Thanks for the in-depth response as well as no personal attack as well. Just good honest back and forth discussion. As a black man just like YOU....at the end of the day this election re-kindles the flames of racism and empowers racists from the Trump camp/Republican Party that wish to do OUR people harm.

That's what it's all about for me at the end of the day. Racism has and most likely will always exist, but today and for the next 4 years racism has the wind at it sails it appears. That is what I'm thinking about, thinking of people I know that look like me and even people I don't know that look like me. How will our people be looked at and more importantly TREATED by some of these Trump supporters for the next few years.

That's an extremely valid concern and point. My thought process is while I'm still living the same struggle everyday as you are I'm not opposed to **** hitting the fan so we all can become one. Our country is already in the toilet with a capable commander in chief all we have to do is go outside, watch the news, view social media, etc. to see how they really view us. I'm really at a point where I feel this **** has to burn before we finally force change and equality in our country and these ignorant racist middle America types have to feel it as well (they will) .. Millions of people in our country are jumping for joy as is if Donald is some racist Superman who's gonna make poor racist whites rich when that's not gonna happen. Maybe 4 years of them seeing **** for what it is and them getting "their country back" we can move forward as a nation TOGETHER. We have the tools and the infrastructure to ignite a civil rights movement larger than before we just have to do it.

well put. Trump is the wrecking ball DC deserves. He already dismantled the Republicans lol
It isn't Trump I'm worried about. It's the millions who are willing to look past all of Trump's discrepancies.

This says more about the people I share this country with than anything else.

There will be more to come of this than policy. The climate of the country socially is changing drastically, and not in the direction I'd like to see.

It won't until we really all get TOGETHER and FORCE change. Neither one of these gumps were about that
It isn't Trump I'm worried about. It's the millions who are willing to look past all of Trump's discrepancies.

This says more about the people I share this country with than anything else.

There will be more to come of this than policy. The climate of the country socially is changing drastically, and not in the direction I'd like to see.


Just reading through comments on FB and other places, folks are like "I'm so glad a criminal isn't in office!" That's completely turning a blind eye to the president-elect and all of his prior transgressions. It's a sad mentality folks have.

I just don't know what type of shape this country will be in this time next year, two years, or at the end of Trump's run. We're walking a VERY thin line between barely holding things together and complete disarray.
I really don't want to hear **** from those that didn't vote. A lot of those Bern's and 3rd partiers were the first ones freaking out.

Man, I'm right there with you. :smh:

Didn't YOU vote for Jill Stein champ?

No, champ.

It's not so much voting for her, but voting against him.

That's where I stand.

Thanks for clarifying. I think I did hear you say that both candidates were equally just as bad a few weeks ago and even a half-joking comment that you were going to write-in "Gucci-Mane" on your ballot slip, SMH. Either way since you didn't vote for a 3rd party candidate thank you for doing so.

Going back to your previous statement...I feel you on family members and friends that you know that are immigrants and worrying about things that might happen to them. That's why I'm so passionate about this current topic. I truly hope all works out for them and your family in particular champ.

We can't play games with these white supremacists out here because clearly they are not playing games with us.

To be honest, I am not a Hillary fan. I just DESPISE Trump. My vote for a 3rd party candidate would only hurt Hillary's chances and she needed every vote possible to beat this monster. That was my rationale for voting Democrat.

*I was obviously joking about Gucci Mane :lol:

With something as important as voting, I'm not about to sit there and waste my ballot.

I understand completely, thanks champ.
Can someone realistically explain what Trump will do that's so scary?

Like what is it that got yall so shook of dude?
I feel the same. Sucks that he won but I'm not understanding why people are so spooked.
Do you dudes live in a bubble? Trump is a problem but as I explained earlier his election EMPOWERS racists across this country. This man was endorsed by the KKK. Portions of his rally state to state had the look and feel of a KKK rally and march from back of the day. It's about Trump and his SUPPORTERS.
I see you talkin but I'm not hearing anything.


What are they gonna do that they haven't been doing for years?

Use the N word more often on youtube comments?

How about finding more murderous cops innocent?

I want a real answer, what is going to happen?
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To be honest, I am not a Hillary fan. I just DESPISE Trump. My vote for a 3rd party candidate would only hurt Hillary's chances and she needed every vote possible to beat this monster. That was my rationale for voting Democrat.

*I was obviously joking about Gucci Mane :lol:

With something as important as voting, I'm not about to sit there and waste my ballot.

She did get every vote tho. Popular votes by far she won.
It isn't Trump I'm worried about. It's the millions who are willing to look past all of Trump's discrepancies.

This says more about the people I share this country with than anything else.

There will be more to come of this than policy. The climate of the country socially is changing drastically, and not in the direction I'd like to see.
It won't until we really all get TOGETHER and FORCE change. Neither one of these gumps were about that
I didn't expect either one to. But I definitely didn't want to take 10 steps in the opposite direction.
Transparent bigotry and ignorance is the angle that got him in office akin to the Democrats acting like they give two damns about the people in the inner cities. What do you think he's gonna do when he gets in office ? Kill all latinos and blacks ? Make it "harder" for us ? I suppose Hilary was supposed to make it "better" right ? Give me a break


You can't be serious right now. I understand the cynicism.....but I can't even begin to tell you the very real tangible effects that this trump presidency can have on our future and even those after us.

This man is now armed with a republican senate and congress. Has stated he will pick the most conservative Supreme Court judges, openly campaigning on repealing civil rights for Minorites, Women, LGBT. Has called for a return to stop and frisk.

No shots at you woe.....but this false equivalency narrative has really gotten to impressionable young voting minds.

We just voted a president that ran on the theme of REGRESSION. Not progression.

Think about that for a minute.
Let's see if Hilary still out here whipping, hitting quans and carrying hot sauce in her bag.

wow just wow...democrats n Hillary some straight losers for this debacle :smh: ...hope they can regroup and come back strong cuz this send a message to the republicans that trump like candidates and even worse is what's gonna work in future elections

Now trump and and the republicans can do whatever they want , their supporters are really about to see if this is all the change they really wanted or if he can even deliver on ANY of his outlandish promises ...welcome to hell, good luck to us all
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To be honest, I am not a Hillary fan. I just DESPISE Trump. My vote for a 3rd party candidate would only hurt Hillary's chances and she needed every vote possible to beat this monster. That was my rationale for voting Democrat.

*I was obviously joking about Gucci Mane :lol:

With something as important as voting, I'm not about to sit there and waste my ballot.

She did get every vote tho. Popular votes by far she won.

But not in the states that she needed. This is why the black/latino vote was SO important to her campaign.
The only "shocker" is that the pollsters openly admitted to oversampling democrats and adjusting the lines of questioning to prop Hillary up and PEOPLE STILL CHOSE TO BUY INTO THEM. #HOWSWAY?

President Trump handle his campaign masterfully. I've never seen anything like it. He actually punched through the media. He looked at the office of the presidency as the damaged piece of property it was and he just flipped it. Both sides of the political system have been leveled. Now it's time to rebuild.

And now all eyes will be on the presidency, as if that's a bad thing. Stay involved, like we're supposed to collectively do.

Special shoutout Ninjahood. I applaud your Trump-like persistence on this long road. I'm just another trucker hoping theses factory jobs come back to the US.
Ok...I need a glass half-full POV on Trump since this is who we have to deal with over the next 4 years. Someone....anyone?
I really don't want to hear **** from those that didn't vote. A lot of those Bern's and 3rd partiers were the first ones freaking out.

This, a couple of friends and family members called me this morning talking about the election and they didn't vote. I don't want to hear ****, and I hope they have a rough 4 years. Sounds ****** up, but it's true.
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